Start your 2017 year off with a high quality professional learning event that has a rich history in engaging with national and international researchers, academics, educators, teaching professionals and associated health practitioners.
Take the opportunity to attend #ACHPER2017 to:



Registrations now open: Early bird registration closes on August 26, 2016

Options cover single or multiple day attendance and reduced rates for tertiary students.

Early bird registration for 3-day registrations only, close on Friday August 26, 2016.

Interested in presenting at the conference? Get your abstracts in before COB Friday July 29, 2016

Abstract submission is still open and we are seeking abstracts for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, lightning talks and/or colloquia (symposia) addressing any of the following themes:

 - Focus on educative purposes
 - Take a strengths-based approach
 - Value movement
 - Develop health literacy
 - Include a critical inquiry approach
 - Sport and recreation pedagogies

Abstract submission closes Friday July 29, 2016

If you are a PhD or EdD student or an academic teaching these courses, we encourage you to submit an abstract and apply for one of our conference awards:
  • Early Career Researcher Award: The Early Career Researcher Award is intended to commend and encourage outstanding research work by those who have recently completed a doctoral thesis. 
  • Young Scholar Award: The Young Scholar Award is intended to commend and encourage outstanding scholarship by those who have not completed a doctoral thesis, inspiring them to undertake a doctorate if they are not yet doing so. 
  • Academic Poster Award: Academic posters will be reviewed by the Conference Academic Committee on the basis of quality, clarity and impact. 

Enjoy the social side of the conference with friends and colleagues

Welcome Happy Hour  |  The Well Bar, University of Canberra
Monday January 16, 2016

5.00pm - 7.30pm
Cost: Included in registration for those attending on Monday

The Well Bar is UC's newest campus bar which was built by students and alumni and was designed to provide a cinematic cool and edgy vibe. This venue is a great place to network and share practises learnt on day one of the conference.

ACHPER Gala   |  National Gallery of Australia
Tuesday January 17, 2016

7.30pm - 11.00pm
Cost: ACHPER Member: $85 | Non-Member: $100

The National Gallery of Australia is home to the largest art museum in Australia and holds more than 166,000 works of art ranging from Australia (including Indigenous art), Asia and Europe. Located in the heart of Canberra, it will provide a perfect backdrop to this Gala event.

Partner and Supporter and Trade Exhibition Opportunities available.

Click here for the Partner and Supporter Invitation

Click here for the Trade Exhibition Package