In This Issue
#ACHPER2017 Update
Bring the Olympics to Your Classroom
What is National #HPE Day all about?
Active & Healthy Magazine: TPSR Special Edition
Term 3 Funding Now Open!
BLOG: Can we improve gender relations through sport in schools?
Get Social!
2016 Professional Learning

Upcoming professional learning events being held by your ACHPER State/Territory Branch: 

22 July 2016

26 July 2016

11 & 12 August 2016

26 August 2016

9 September 2016

14 November 2016

EOFY Sale on Primary HPE Resource Pack
ACHPER's 30th International Conference
NEW ACHPER Resource Coming Soon!
Partners and Supporters
As schools and universities have well deserved leave or non-teaching time, Australia has been gripped in the midst of post-election uncertainty.  Whilst the result is still to be confirmed, it has been interesting to watch the two major political parties present policies that impact on Health and Physical Education (HPE), sport, movement and health and well-being in schools. 
Both major parties presented policies through health portfolios in federal government that impact on the education broadly and practice in schools. The Coalition policy continues the work of the "Sporting Schools Programme" and the Labor Party pledged to develop a National Physical Activity Strategy and National Nutrition Framework.  An election result will be clarified in the imminent future and whilst we know educative outcomes are more complex than physical activity, it may be timely to visit campaign promises. 

#ACHPER2017 Update
Registration to attend the 30th ACHPER International Conference is now open. Early bird registration applies to 3-day registrations only,
which will close on Friday August 26, 2016. After this date, the full rate for 3-day registrations will apply.

There is still time to submit your abstract to present at #ACHPER2017. Abstract submissions close on Friday July 29, 2016.  You can also opt to apply for one of the awards to be presented at the conference: Early Career Researcher, Young Scholar and Academic Poster.
Bring the Olympics to Your Classroom
Bring the Olympics to your classroom with the Australian Olympic Committee's Education program!

Primary school teachers can now download 60 cross-curriculum lesson plans themed on the Rio Games and the 2016 Australian Olympic Team!

The resources are linked to the national curriculum and are offered across three stages of learning - lower primary, middle primary and upper primary.

Primary students can learn about the sports, venues, marketing and sustainability of the first South American Games as well as discover more about their Olympian heroes in athlete profiles and the making of the Australian team uniform.

You can also help decorate the Olympic Village with our Village Art program which has had great success in the past with over 2,000 students submitting artworks for the London 2012 Games.

Schools can also run their own Olympic Day event in 2016 to celebrate the birthday of the modern Olympic Games!

More information about the Olympic Education program can found online at

*Advertising does not indicate ACHPER's endorsement of the product or service.

What is National #HPE Day all about?
National HPE Day will be celebrated on Wednesday September 14, 2016 with a focus on HPE: Good for Communities

Active & Healthy Magazine: TPSR Special Edition
Volume 23, Issue 2/3 2016 of the Active and Healthy Magazine is a special edition on teaching personal and social responsibility. An exceptional team under the guest
editorial leadership of David Walsh of San Francisco State University was assembled, with many of the authors having taught, written and presented extensively over a number of years about this topic.

Members can log-in via our website to view this special edition.

Not a member? You can purchase this edition as a PDF via ACHPER's online store

Term 3 Funding Now Open!
The Australian Government's $100 million Sporting Schools program is growing rapidly with more than 5,000 schools now registered.
Run by the Australian Sports Commission, Sporting Schools offers primary schools a wide variety of sports programs from 32 partnered national sporting organisations. Funding is available for registered schools keen to access programs three terms per school year. 

Download the funding quick reference guide for more information. If your school hasn't yet registered for Sporting Schools, now is the time.
The program also assists teachers to deliver health and physical education outcomes that complement your school's curriculum as well as offering teacher-friendly sports-based resources and professional development opportunities. Sporting Schools benefits children beyond the school gate by supporting the development of regular physical activity and health behaviours, positive social and emotional wellbeing, and cognitive functions, and fundamental movement skills.
Visit Sporting Schools to join the program and stay up to date with latest developments on Facebook and Twitter.

BLOG: Can we improve gender relations through sport in schools?
In HPE and sport, there is a common theory that boys will dominate the physical activity component of a lesson with little regard for the strengths and abilities of girls.  Luckily in the 21st century, girls' ability in this area is starting to become more prevalent. 

In this Blog post, Roy Kirkby from Korfball Australia discusses how gender relations can be improved through HPE and sport activities in schools, ensuring they include equality and equity.

ACHPER Membership