ACHPER's International Conferences have a rich history of over 50 years engaging with national and international health and physical education teachers, sport educators and coaches, outdoor educators and associated health practitioners. It is known for the sharing of the importance of active and healthy living through ACHPER National's primary focus areas - health and physical education and recreation.

Launch of Conference Website
The 30th ACHPER International Conference website is now live! The website contains all the information you will need to know regarding the conference and Canberra including confirmed keynote speakers, Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer, program schedule, abstract submissions and more.

Abstract Submission Now Open

The 2017 International Conference Program Committee now invites abstracts for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, lightning talks and/or colloquia (symposia) addressing one of the following themes:

 - Focus on educative purposes;
 - Take a strengths-based approach;
 - Value movement;
 - Develop health literacy;
 - Include a critical inquiry approach; and
 - Sport and recreation pedagogies.

Abstract submission closes Friday July 29, 2016

Conference Awards

Awards for Early Career Researcher, Young Scholar and Academic Poster will be awarded at the Conference.
  • Early Career Researcher Award: The ACHPER Early Career Researcher Award is intended to commend and encourage outstanding research work by those who have recently completed a doctoral thesis. 
  • Young Scholar Award: The ACHPER Young Scholar Award is intended to commend and encourage outstanding scholarship by those who have not completed a doctoral thesis, inspiring them to undertake a doctorate if they are not yet doing so. 
  • Academic Poster Award: Academic posters will be reviewed by the Conference Academic Committee on the basis of quality, clarity and impact. 

Partner and Supporter and Trade Exhibition Prospectus Now Available

Partnering with ACHPER National for our 2017 30th International Conference is an opportunity to share your brand with local, national and international audiences, and as a trusted partner there are a variety of benefits and opportunities that can be tailored to your needs.

Exhibiting at ACHPER's 2017 30th International Conference is an excellent way to reach delegates and potential customers. All morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea catering breaks will be served in the trade exhibition area, maximising exposure for the trade exhibitors. We are excited by the excellent venue that features a suitable location for conference networking and trade exhibitors.

Confirmed Keynote Presenters and Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer

To support the connection between the conference theme and sub-themes, the Program Committee has invited both National and International experts in our associated fields. The following individuals are confirmed Keynote Speakers for the 30th ACHPER International Conference:

 - Sean Slade, ASCD (USA)
 - Donna Cross, University of Western Australia and the Telethon Kids Institute (AUS)
 - Damian Farrow, Victoria University (AUS)
 - Peter Hastie, Auburn University (USA)

The 24th Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer will be Professor Richard (Dick) Telford AM. Professor Telford has fond memories of being taught by Dr Duras from his early days at Melbourne University, making him the perfect choice for this prestigious event in the conference program.