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Be the first to know what is happening within ACHPER nationally and the wider HPE community.
2016 Professional Learning |
Upcoming professional learning events being held by your ACHPER State/Territory Branch:
10 February 2016
17 February 2016
29 Feb - 4 March 2016
18 - 19 April 2016
13 May 2016
14 September 2016
Office Closure |
The ACHPER National Office will be closed from 12 noon Friday December 18, 2015 and will re-open at 9am on Monday January 4, 2016.
The staff and Board of ACHPER National wish you a safe and happy festive season.
2015 ACHPER Membership |
Join ACHPER today in preparation for the 2016 year and become part of a vibrant professional community committed to promoting active and healthy living for all Australians.
Discounted PL and resources are just one of the many benefits!
Celebrating 60 years |
ACHPER (originally the Australian Physical Education Association) came into being when state physical education branches, national fitness council branches, and university and teachers' college staff were looking for a sense of professional cohesion and common ground to further their cause.
2015 holds a particular significance for ACHPER, celebrating 60 years of being a national organisation.
#APPEC15 |
The Asia Pacific Physical Education Conference (APPEC) was held in Hong Kong from November 13-15, 2015 and is the premier annual event for PE and Sport teachers in Asia Pacific.
Read a review ACHPER's presence at this event including Dr Graham Dodd's Opening Keynote presentation.
Partners & Supporters |
ACHPER National acknowledges and appreciates the support of the following organisations:
Another academic year draws to a close and on behalf of ACHPER National, I would like to extend a thank you to all our members, schools, teachers, partners, kindred organisations and other stakeholders with an investment in children and youth being active and healthy. In 2015, ACHPER has collaborated with many individuals and organisations to enhance outcomes in education. I am pleased to be able acknowledge partner and member contributions to ACHPER.
ACHPER members indicated through recent survey results an overwhelming appreciation of the work progressed in association. Feedback indicated ACHPER offering to support the advocacy of informing of current developments in the profession and professional development programs in the areas HPE and Sport, are appreciated. Partnerships fostered with National Sporting Associations (NSO's) inclusive of Tennis Australia and the Australian Sports Commission will value add to the educative conversations that ACHPER may influence on your behalf. Other partnerships fostered include the enhancement of awareness in the importance of fostering a healthy school environment. Again I would like to welcome our Australian Health Promoting Schools audience. ACHPER National would also like to thank on your behalf, the valuable contributions that all state branches drive in offering professional learning opportunities throughout the year and of particular note, the contribution of ACHPER SA in the collaboration and management of a highly successful International Conference held in Adelaide in April. ACHPER National also has exciting developments in the Conference scheduled for Canberra in January 2017 to share with you in this eNewsletter!
Banana Boat Sun Safe Schools Program
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The Banana Boat Sun Safe Schools Program provides teachers with free, curriculum-aligned resources to help teach children about sun safety. In the past year, over 400 schools have downloaded the resources, which are aimed at helping students develop a knowledge-based understanding of sun safety in Australia, while maintaining a positive view of outdoor physical activity. The content is mapped to the Australian Curriculum and addresses the five key sun safe behaviours - Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide.
As an added incentive, if you download the resources before 17 December 2015, your school could be one of 10 to win a visit to your school swimming carnival from the Banana Boat Fun in the Sun Crew*, who will bring free sunscreen and games to the big day.
Another 100 schools could also win a fantastic school sunscreen kit valued at over $200!* To learn more about the program and go into the draw to win, simply visit and download the resources today.
UPDATE: Announcement of 2017 ACHPER International Conference Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer | |
ACHPER National is pleased to announce that the 24th Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer for the 30th ACHPER International Conference, being held in Canberra in 2017, will be Professor Richard (Dick) Telford AM.
Professor Telford has fond memories of being taught by Dr Duras from his early days at Melbourne University, making him the perfect choice for this prestigious event in the conference program.
ACHPER Member Study Results | |
In August and September 2015, ACHPER participated in a landmark research project into association membership across Australasia. The 2015 Associations Matter Study investigated the reasons members belong to associations, and the importance of the activities performed by associations to provide practical information. This study was conducted by Survey Matters and research was conducted to the highest standard.
Thank you to all ACHPER members who participated in the survey which provided us with our highest response rate to date. A snapshot of results have been collated into an infographic and is now available for viewing on our website.
Sporting Schools Partnership
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Sport and Education sectors to benefit from partnership
ACHPER National is pleased to announce its partnership with the Australian Government's $100 million Sporting Schools initiative.
This partnership will enable ACHPER to work with the Australian Sports Commission, which administers the programme, to strengthen the sport and education sectors and provide a national perspective on the Health and Physical Education curriculum.
In addition, the partnership will work towards enhancing the development of National Sporting Organisations' sports programmes for primary school students.
Over 4,700 schools have registered to be a part of the before, during and after school programme, designed to get more children playing more sport.
Active and Healthy Magazine: Articles now available for non-members | |
ACHPER's Active and Healthy Magazine is aimed at physical educators, health educators, fitness leaders and the generalist teacher. The emphasis is on informative articles of interest for teachers of Health and Physical Education encompassing curriculum in schools, junior sport, nutrition, fitness and physical activity, and insights into future ways of motivating children and young people to be active and healthy.
Full issues of this publication are available for free for active members by logging into our Members Only Area. Over the coming months, we will be releasing articles onto our Online Store for members and non-members to purchase. Members will continue to receive these articles for free (by logging into your account) and non-members will be able to purchase individual articles for $5, with selected articles remaining free to all individuals.
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Thinking outside the square in physical education can lead to student driven resources being utilised by school communities beyond our own domain.
Anne Goodman from Wanguri Primary School in the Northern Territory, provides a tiny speck of what is possible as it highlights what Physical Education teachers can achieve by empowering our students.
Active and Healthy Magazine: Volume 22 Issue 4 | |
The November issue of the Active & Healthy Magazine is now available for members to read online. This edition has some inspiring content from a diverse range of authors which will challenge and strengthen your teaching and learning programs in preparation for next year.
Highlights of this edition include an article on involving students in game creation and management (by John Quay and Jacqui Peters) and Felicity-ann Lewis has questioned why childhood obesity and the 'obesity crisis' continues to be an alarming issue in many countries including Australia.
BLOG: Resilience and Emotional Regulation in Children | |
Emerging literature in the resilience research has a particular focus on encouraging children to adopt strategies that facilitate emotional regulation.
In this blog post, Sarah Tillot, PhD Candidate and Lecturer in Health at the University of Wollongong, outlines some self-regulation strategies that can be adopted for children to firstly manage their emotions, then apply techniques to solve the problem.