In This Issue
ACHPER Welcomes Aust Health Promoting Schools Collaboration
IceRays UV Sleeves
10 Links We Like
Research proves activity boosts young brains
The Next Evolution in the Coordination of Health and Education
Life Learning Through Positive Education
What's changed in version 8.0
Get social!
2015 Professional Learning

Upcoming professional learning events being held by your ACHPER State/Territory Branch: 

16 November 2015

23-24 November 2015

26-27 November 2015

30 November - 1 December 2015

2015 ACHPER Membership
Save 20% on this Early Childhood resource
Celebrating 60 years
Partners & Supporters
ACHPER National is pleased to be able to support kindred associations and aims to work in liaison with organisations that have synergy with ACHPER's 
vision of advocating for quality health and physical education, supporting professional learning of teachers and the promotion of active and health living for all.  

It is therefore with pleasure that I highlight two events in November that partner ACHPER National with kindred associations; APPEC 2015 - an international event to be held in Hong Kong on November 14 - 15 with ACHPER National Keynotes Dr Graham Dodd and Dr Shane Pill; and one national - the supporting process for merging with the Australian Health Promoting Schools Associations (AHPSA) and ACHPER National becoming a representative group for the AHPSA registered member list.

ACHPER Welcomes Australian Health Promoting School Collaboration
ACHPER National welcomes the collaboration with and merging of members of the AHPSA. 

ACHPER'commitment to improve thhealth, skillsparticipatioansocial and emotional well-beinof children makes it the ideaorganisatiofor the AHPSA to collaborate withOur national credibilitin schools and with the Australian, State and Territory Governments provide a firm basis on whicto build a partnership aiming to develop support for the HPE learning area and positive promotion of healthy school environments.  ACHPER will be aiming to build interest in our national association to the AHPSA audience through a series of blogs and dissemination of appropriate communications.

IceRays UV Sleeves
Do you find yourself heading out into the playground or onto the field and getting burnt? But find it annoying to be applying and then re-applying sunscreen as you move in and out of doors?

IceRays are slip on 50+ UV Protection sleeves without the stickiness of sunscreen and much cooler than long sleeves. Just slip them on as you need them and off when you come in. Fully washable and available in lots of different colours.

IceRays are made from a new 'Aqua-X' fabric that works with the moisture in your skin and the movement of the air to cool the wearer down while providing 50+ UV protection, fully tested and certified.
Wear them with all your short sleeve T shirts and polo shirts. So next time you are about to head out, slip on your IceRays.

Visit for further information or contact us on to ask about our special deal for teachers and don't forget to mention ACHPER!

10 Links We Like
The Asia Pacific Physical Education Conference (APPEC 2015) is the premier annual event for PE and Sports Science teachers in the Asia Pacific region to learn from leading global authorities in Physical Education, network with peers from and disseminate good practices. Held on 14-15 November in Hong Kong, ACHPER National is pleased to be a partner in this conference and will be represented by Dr Graham Dodd and Dr Shane Pill as two of the keynotes.

Read more of the 10 links we like below, including celebrating World Teacher's Day and the latest survey which identified that electronic devices are taking over our children instead of engaging in physical activity.

Research proves activity boosts young brains
Research and emerging evidence has brought increasing attention to the benefits of physical activity and discussions around cognitive development. ACHPER believes quality HPE and physical activity ensures that every student in every school is given the opportunity to be engaged with education and confident and capable learners.

This feature article relates to a recent publication and update from the Department of Sport and Recreation in Western Australia, Brain Boost: how sport and physical activity enhance children's learning. 

The Next Evolution in the Coordination of Health and Education
Launched in 2014, the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model was established in order to bring the education and health sectors back together. The aim of this model is to highlight the core beliefs of a successful education which is supported by the necessary components around school health.

Sean Slade, Director of Outreach, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and Core Group member in the development of the new Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model discuss the development of this newly established model.

Life Learning Through Positive Education
Positive Education is a new educational paradigm which aims to assist young people to thrive despite life challenges they face. It is not surprising that a vast majority of schools from public and private sectors within Australia and around the world, are seeking more information about this program.

Dianne A Vella-Brodrick from the University of Melbourne identifies the key opportunities in using the Positive Education program in schools.

What's changed in version 8.0
Revisions have been made to the previously available Australian Curriculum to make the curriculum easier to manage, particularly for primary schools, to simplify the curriculum's presentation and to strengthen the focus on literacy.

Changes to information on the version 8.0 Australian Curriculum website support the move to a more streamlined presentation of the curriculum.

For further advice about implementing the Australian Curriculum in your state/territory, please contact the relevant local authority.