In This Issue
Only 1 week to go until National HPE Day
Bronze e-Lifesaving
Announcing 2015 ACHPER National Award recipients
2016 ACHPER Professional Learning: Singapore program
Putting the propositions into practice - An inquiry based approach?
Actions outweigh leadership
Obesity epidemics - no short term fix, we need long term cures
Get social!
2015 Professional Learning
2015 ACHPER Membership
Save 20% on this daily HPE resource for primary schools
Celebrating 60 years
Partners & Supporters
Reflection is vital to the process of evolving any organisational strategic planning and for manifesting change. Review processes are also essential for the education profession and the delivery of current pedagogy. To offer the opportunity to reflect on and then act upon, ACHPER National hosted the National Representative Forum (NRF) in Adelaide over the weekend of August 22/23. 

The opportunity for the ACHPER National Board and the State and Territory branches to discuss, collaborate and forge the future for ACHPER is vital to the health of the organisation. Organisational health will enable ACHPER to offer value and support to members and all professionals engaged with the vision of promoting active and healthy lifestyles for all Australians.

Only 1 week to go until National HPE Day!
With only one week to go, have you planned how you will be celebrating National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day at your school or at home next Wednesday September 9 2015?

Visit the HPE Day website for resources and ideas on how you can get involved, and 'Register your school' or 'Commit to the Parent Pledge' today! Don't forget to check out the gallery featuring a number of short videos, including one from HPE Day ambassador and running legend Steve Moneghetti. 


Bronze e-Lifesaving
Bronze e-Lifesaving is a FREE interactive e-learning program that can be easily implemented in the classroom and has strong links to learning outcomes in the new Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education. Utilising aquatic themes, the program challenges students to explore risk-taking behaviour, personal attitudes, beliefs and personal relationships, and to develop skills in making informed decisions, refusal tactics and leadership. Bronze e-Lifesaving teaches students survival skills, rescue techniques and basic emergency and first aid care for managing situations where their own or others' wellbeing and safety may be a risk.

Bronze e-Lifesaving provides interactive and meaningful content to engage the learner. It challenges and prompts students to explore, analyse and discuss issues and concepts to reach informed decisions.
There's no need for teachers to be experts in lifesaving!
Best of all Bronze e-Lifesaving is FREE for all Australian Secondary Schools.
For more information and to enrol go to  

Announcing 2015 ACHPER National Award recipients
ACHPER National Awards recognise those who have given outstanding service to their Branches and National ACHPER, and have made a significant contribution to the HPE profession and ACHPER's standing and activities over time.

ACHPER is pleased to announce two National Award recipients in 2015, Dr L. Michaud (Mich) Tomson from Queensland as an ACHPER Life Member, and Professor Doune Macdonald, Queensland, as a recipient of the National Honour Award.

2016 ACHPER Professional Learning: Singapore program
This professional learning opportunity in Singapore from January 10 - 20, 2016 is the collaboration between the Asia Education Foundation and ACHPER. 

It has been designed specifically for teachers and school leaders engaged in planning and delivery of the Health and Physical Education curriculum from P-12 and the cross-curriculum priority - Asia and Australia's engagement. This immersive professional learning program integrates a unique blend of learning opportunities including sessions orientating participants to the education.

Putting the propositions into practice - An inquiry based approach?
The new Australian Curriculum for HPE has arrived and the most important parts are at the front. The propositions underpinning the new curriculum should provide the lens through which we introduce some pretty powerful teaching and learning.

Dr Justen O'Connor from Monash University outlines how teachers can tune into the propositions and do some innovative, strengths-based, critical inquiry to achieve educative outcomes.

Actions outweigh leadership
The word "leadership" is often used, regularly debated and rarely means exactly the same to the person next to us. 

In this ACHPER Blog post, renowned basketball coach and sporting personality Jan Stirling talks about the importance of coaches and teachers demonstrating actions on a daily basis that validate the values and standards of behaviour expected of their players or students.

Obesity epidemics - no short term fix, we need long term cures
Childhood obesity and the 'obesity crisis' continues to be an alarming issue in many countries including Australia. To achieve sustainable change we need to work on developing knowledge about staying healthy, but we also need supportive school policies that support healthy behaviours.

Felicity-ann Lewis, former Mayor of Marion Council and Senior Lecturer in Health Curriculum Studies at Flinders University, talks about how the OPAL program in South Australia has demonstrated that schools and communities are critical contributors to successful approaches to addressing this challenge.