The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #10  
November 2014
In This Issue
ACHPER National responds to Australian Curriculum Final Report
EOI: Positive use of ASC resources in schools
Challenge & Airborne Adventure at BOUNCE
Registration now open & call for papers closing
Bronze e-Lifesaving
10 links we like
Basic biomechanical principles
Critical health literacy

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24-25 November 2014

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No increase to 2015 ACHPER Membership Fees
ACHPER truly values your membership and we are pleased to announce that membership fees will be remaining the same in 2015.

Did you know that a Full Membership equates to just $1.78 a week? That is less than a cup of coffee! 

Traditional Sports and Games - ICSSPE Bulletin No 67
The International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) have released their Bulletin No 67 which contains a special feature on Traditional Sports and Games.

 ACHPER Members, by virtue of ACHPER National's membership to ICSSPE, can obtain access to the members' area of the ICSSPE website and the PDF Bulletin. 

 Click here to login.

Job alert: Senior Project Officer: HPE
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) are  recruiting a Senior Project Officer: Health and Physical Education.

The primary purpose of this position is to scope, plan and implement Australian Curriculum development projects.

Closing date: 30 November

[Click here for further details]


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Join ACHPER and become part of an active and vibrant professional community committed to promoting active and healthy living for all Australians.

Discounted PL and resources are just one of the many benefits!

[Read more about membership]

A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
ACHPER National aims to advocate effectively to policy and curriculum decision makers, highlighting the educative value of Health and Physical Education (HPE) to support members, branches and stakeholders in promoting active and healthy lifestyles. 

The Australian Curriculum development process has proven to be an exciting opportunity for HPE as the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) in collaboration with advisory groups have brought together collective expertise nationally. The consultation process has been inclusive and extensive, and has aimed to advise and reflect on the HPE learning area and what this will mean for delivery in schools, by teachers, to 21st century students.  
Review of the Australian Curriculum
ACHPER National responds to Final Report
In January 2014 the Hon Christopher Pyne, Minister for Education, confirmed a review of the Australian Curriculum to evaluate its robustness, independence and balance. Dr Kevin Donnelly and Professor Kenneth Wiltshire were appointed to evaluate. The Review of the Australian Curriculum Final Report was released in mid-October.

ACHPER National has responded to the Review of the Australian Curriculum Final Report (2014), and strongly advocates for the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education learning area content to be included in all years of schooling from Foundation to Year 10.

Expressions of interest
Positive use of ASC resources in schools
As part of the Sporting Schools initiative announced by the Australian Government in May 2014, ACHPER National, as part of a consortium led by Janice Atkin, was awarded the contract to review and align the suite of Australian Sports Commission (ASC) resources with the new national Foundation - Year 10 curricula.

As part of this work, ACHPER National is looking to identify examples of positive use of ASC resources by schools, families and community organisations, as well as case studies of positive use of Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) resources within education.

Challenge & Airborne Adventure at BOUNCE
BOUNCE is a massive indoor trampoline universe that is all about jumping high and landing soft and safe. We've hosted over 700 school groups as part of our Schools Program.

The Schools Program is a healthy, fun and challenging adventure activity for kids, suitable for any skill level. The program is stimulating and staff focus on maximum group and individual participation.

To make a booking or to find out more about the BOUNCE Schools Program pricing and activities, please visit

But why let the kids have all of the fun? Take your end of year events to new heights at BOUNCE!

Christmas is just six weeks away and we'd love to be part of your celebrations. You can bring in a small team for one hour of power, or hire the whole venue. 

To make a booking or to find out more about events at BOUNCE, visit
Registration now open & call for papers/presentations closing
29th ACHPER International Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, April 13-15, 2015
Registration is now open for the 29th ACHPER International Conference. To find out more information about the registration costs and to register online, click here.

The call for papers/presentations submission deadline closes on Friday 28 November, 2014. We are delighted that over 100 presentations have been received already from all over the world, and we encourage your involvement. Click here for more information.

The Conference theme is 'Values into Action - A Brighter Future', with the following sub-themes:
  • The educative purpose of HPE
  • Strengths based HPE
  • Learning in, through and about movement
  • Health literacy
  • Critical inquiry and problem solving in HPE
  • Sport pedagogies
Papers/posters can be considered for the Early Career Researcher Award, Young Scholar Award and the Academic Poster Award



BRONZE e-LIFESAVING: a FREE interactive e-learning program for secondary schools
Bronze e-Lifesaving is a FREE interactive e-learning program that can be easily implemented in the classroom and has strong links to learning outcomes in the new Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education. Utilising aquatic themes, the program challenges students to explore risk-taking behaviour, personal attitudes, beliefs and personal relationships, and to develop skills in making informed decisions, refusal tactics and leadership. Bronze e-Lifesaving teaches students survival skills, rescue techniques and basic emergency and first aid care for managing situations where their own or others' wellbeing and safety may be a risk.

Bronze e-Lifesaving provides interactive and meaningful content to engage the learner. It challenges and prompts students to explore, analyse and discuss issues and concepts to reach informed decisions.

There's no need for teachers to be experts in lifesaving!

Best of all Bronze e-Lifesaving is FREE for all Australian secondary schools. 

For more information and to enrol go to
10 Links we Like
Popular Blog post
Just two hours of extra physical activity each week can improve school performance. This has been shown by a study of approximately 2,000 twelve-year-olds carried out by scientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

Read more about this study, as well as the other 'links we like', below.

Basic Biomechanical Principles
A perspective from the ground up
Biomechanics is the study of how the body's systems work together in order to produce movement - or simply the study of how we move.

Darren Barclay from Townsville Podiatry Centre provides an outline of simple biomechanical terminology to help generalist primary and secondary teachers grasp key concepts. 

Critical health literacy
Shifting textual-social practices in the health classroom
In this special Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education issue, Renwick's paper calls into view what she calls health education praxis and the possibilities this kind of work harbours for developing critical health literacies. 

Mobilised by teachers and students through reflection and action, personal and collective critical health literacies have the potential to transform lives and empower communities.