The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #8  
September 2014
In This Issue
Media release: Study proves HPE is more than just good for children
Blog: Why HPE is good for children
New appointee to the ACHPER National Board
Request for tender: Review & alignment of ASC resources
Keynote speaker annoucement
Active kids active minds: a physical activity intervention to promote learning?
Teaching Dance using a jigsaw Cooperative Learning strategy

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Jean Blaydes Moize and the Action Based Learning (ABL) resources are based on brain research that supports the link of movement and physical activity to increase academic performance.


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Walk4Life 2 Function Pedometer
The Pedometer is an easy to use tool that allows you to set personal goals for improvement by monitoring your activity levels. 

Reduced to $15 each!
That is a 50% Saving! 

A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
Strong and effective advocacy to support the educative value of Health and Physical Education (HPE) has been recognised as a priority for ACHPER National in the 2014-16 Strategic Plan. Over the past month this has been a significant focus for ACHPER, with some key outcomes being achieved. 

On Wednesday September 10, 2014, ACHPER celebrated the importance of the HPE learning area as 'Good for Children' with the launch of National HPE Day occurring at Galstaun College in Ingleside NSW. Former World Champion athlete Jana Pittman was on hand to highlight the benefits of quality HPE experiences for children to the wider community.
Study proves Health & Physical Education is more than just good for children
ACHPER's Media Release on National HPE Day
Research out of the United States confirms that more physically active children have a greater learning capacity.

Researchers from Illinois University have proven that children who are more physically active have more 'white matter' in their brains - a marker for better memory, learning and attention. 

National Spokesperson for National Health and Physical Education Day, and former World Champion athlete, Jana Pittman, endorsed the results of the study.


Why Health & Physical Education is good for children
New to the ACHPER Blog
Norm Hart, President of the Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA), believes that Health and Physical Education must be seen as critical in the primary school curriculum.

In this ACHPER Blog post to celebrate National Health & Physical Education Day, Norm explains why he is on solid ground when he asserts that Health and Physical Education is good for children. 


New appointee to the National Board
Introducing Pamela Kent 
ACHPER National is pleased to welcome Ms Pamela Kent as an appointee to the ACHPER National Board.

As a current National Executive Council Member of the Australian Primary Principals Association, Pamela's knowledge of agendas impacting on Principals will bring an enormous amount of understanding and skills to the ACHPER National Board.  

Request for Tender
Review & alignment of Australian Sports Commission resources
ASC Logo
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) wishes to engage a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to gather, analyse and interpret data regarding the alignment of the suite of ASC participation resources with the new national Foundation - Year 10 (F-10) Health and Physical Education curriculum and other national curriculum areas.

Closing date is Friday 19th September, 2014 (by 2.00pm AEST). 


Keynote Speaker announcement 
29th ACHPER International Conference
ACHPER is delighted to announce the confirmed keynote speakers for the 29th ACHPER International Conference: Values into Action - A Brighter Future in Adelaide from April 13-15 2015 are:
The call for papers submission deadline has also been extended to Friday 28 November, 2014. We are delighted that over 60 presentations have been received already, and we encourage your involvement. 



Active kids active minds: a physical activity intervention to promote learning?
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education
lisahunter and colleagues report on a year-long intervention, called Smartmoves, that explored the physical, social and academic implications of increased physical activity time for primary school aged children.

Whilst the results were inconclusive of the benefits of increased physical activity time, the study once more highlights the merits of regular physical activity in the school curriculum.


Teaching Dance using a jigsaw Cooperative Learning strategy
Active & Healthy Magazine 
Shane Pill and Russell Brown explore the use of Cooperative Learning as an instructional strategy through which to achieve the personal and social outcome ambitions of the physical education curriculum.

Specifically it illustrates how the model can be used to introduce students to Dance through a problem-solving approach that places peer reciprocal teaching at the heart of instruction. 

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