The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #7  
August 2014
In This Issue
Former World Champion gets on track with National HPE Day
Are our kids sufficiently active?
Call for papers closing soon
Henley HS - A model of Sport Specialisation in SA
Curriculum reform in 3D
Cooperative Learning
Six Insights infographic

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Jean Blaydes Moize and the Action Based Learning (ABL) resources are based on brain research that supports the link of movement and physical activity to increase academic performance.


2014/15 ACHPER Bookshop Catalogue
View the ACHPER Bookshop's 2014/15 Health & PE Resource Catalogue which highlights the latest titles available in the areas of primary, secondary, self-development, teacher education, sport and recreation, and dance. 


Walk4Life 2 Function Pedometer
The Pedometer is an easy to use tool that allows you to set personal goals for improvement by monitoring your activity levels. 

Reduced to $15 each!
That is a 50% Saving! 

A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
I would like you to join ACHPER in celebrating National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day on Wednesday September 10, 2014. 

This day is about acknowledging the significant role quality HPE plays in the development of all children and young people in schools across the nation. This year, the day will draw attention to how learning in HPE is 'Good for Children' and promotes the knowledge, skills, and confidence all children need to be active and healthy for life. 

We want to celebrate and acknowledge your amazing contribution to the future proofing of our children as they develop skills, knowledge and understanding to equip them for 21st century living.
Former World Champion gets on track with National HPE Day
Announcement of National Spokesperson
Jana Pittman, two times World athletic champion, has been appointed as national spokesperson for National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day: Good for Children to be held next month on Wednesday September 10.

Pittman, the first Australian female to compete at both Summer and Winter Olympics, credits her success as an athlete to the role HPE played in developing her resilience, goal setting and engagement with movement and physical activity from an early age.


Are our young kids sufficiently active?
New to the ACHPER Blog
Are we making it too easy for children to be sedentary rather than active? How can we interpret the federal Department for Health physical activity and sedentary living guidelines and encourage parents, caregivers, and teachers to ensure that our young Australians have ample opportunity to be active, to develop their fundamental movement skills, to build their muscle and bone strength and learn what their body can do?

Professor Beth Hands outlines the Play 5 concept that the University of Notre Dame has developed and successfully evaluated with young children and families, which found that young children could take responsibility for their own activity level - and thereby be sufficiently active.   


Reminder - Call for presentations closing soon!
29th ACHPER International Conference
The 29th ACHPER International Conference Program Committee invites submissions for presentations for the conference program. The Conference theme is 'Values into Action - A Brighter Future' and sessions can be run for 20 minutes, 45 minutes or 90 minutes in length, and can be structured as a paper, presentation, workshop, forum, or poster.  

Submissions for presentations close 10 September 2014.  



Henley High School - A model of Sport Specialisation in SA
ACHPER Blog highlight
Assistant Principal of Henley High School, Tim Kloeden, writes about how his school's specialist sports program has evolved over the past 18 years to be not only a supportive environment for young people and their sporting ambitions, but how it also provides a strong framework for them to be highly successful students.

Tim outlines a variety of processes that Henley HS have implemented to prioritise their students as 'student athletes' rather than just footballers or netballers, which has supported the 'breaking down' of many negative stereotypes that can often result with sporting programs, and help produce positive student outcomes.


Curriculum reform in 3D: a panel of experts discuss the new HPE curriculum in Australia
Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education
The July issue presents an edited dialogue from a curriculum forum in which David Kirk, Doune Macdonald and Dawn Penney were brought together to provide international perspectives on the implementation of major curriculum reform. 

Among the messages to emerge from their discussion is the need for teachers to embrace the new learning goals and take an active role in their implementation, if any new curriculum is truly going to make a difference. 


Cooperative Learning: Social Skill Development in Physical Education
Active & Healthy Magazine 
Ben Dyson and Craig Dryden begin this special Magazine issue by drawing on numerous teachers' experiences of using Cooperative Learning in New Zealand schools. 
With a specific focus on social learning, these authors provide important practical examples of how to prepare learners to learn within Cooperative Learning and how to develop learner's social skills over time. 

Six insights
AITSL Infographic
Discover what educators think about the
Professional Standards for Teachers in the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership's (AITSL) new Six Insights infographic. 

One of the six insights highlights engagement with the Standards - view the full infographic to find out more about what educators think.  


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