The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #5   
June 2014
In This Issue
Announcing new ACHPER National Board
Announcing 2014 ACHPER National Award Recipients
Announcing 29th ACHPER International Conference website
2014 National Health & Physical Education Day
Positive Pedagogy for PE
The New PD: Igniting your Passion with the Power of Social Media
10 Links we Like

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Upcoming events
21 July 2014

25 July 2014

25 July 2014

14-15 August 2014

State Conference - TAS
12 September 2014

Primary Conference - SA
22 September 2014

[Take a look at the ACHPER PD Calendar]

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Join ACHPER and become part of an active and vibrant professional community committed to promoting active and healthy living for all Australians.

Discounted PL and resources are just one of the many benefits!

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Rethinking Drinking special
Rethinking-Drinking is a program of alcohol education classroom ideas for lower-middle secondary school students.

Valid until the end of July 2014, purchase the Rethinking Drinking Kit for only $44 plus postage, that is a 50% saving! 

2014/15 ACHPER Bookshop Catalogue
View the ACHPER Bookshop's 2014/15 Health & PE Resource Catalogue which highlights the latest titles available in the areas of primary, secondary, self-development, teacher education, sport and recreation, and dance. 

Invitation to participate in research
Flinders and La Trobe University are undertaking a research project exploring secondary physical education teachers' conceptualisation of PE.

Secondary PE teachers are invited to participate in this research via an online survey here.  
A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
Welcome to all educators, kindred associations and stakeholders with an interest in the Health and Physical Education (HPE) learning area, sport, physical activity and health and wellbeing outcomes. 
ACHPER National hosted the 2014 ACHPER National Representative Forum on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of June in Adelaide. The National Board and State/Territory Branch Presidents and Executive Officers gathered to discuss issues relevant to the strategic health of the whole organisation, now and into the future. 
Announcing new ACHPER National Board
Farewell to retiring Board Members & welcome to new Board
At the weekend's National Representative Forum, ACHPER farewelled three retiring members of the ACHPER National Board, Mr Douglas Hearne, Dr L Michaud Tomson and Dr Jenni Judd. ACHPER would like to thank them for their valued and inspirational service over many years.   

ACHPER would also like to welcome two new members to the National Board, Mrs Natalie McMaster and Mr Guy Cassarchis.



Announcing 2014 ACHPER National Award Recipients
ACHPER Life Membership & Fellow recipients
ACHPER National Awards recognise those who have given outstanding service to their Branches and to National ACHPER, and have made a significant contribution to ACHPER's standing and activities over time. 

ACHPER is pleased to announce three National award recipients in 2014, Lynne Sheehan from Victoria as an ACHPER Life Member, and Dr Trent Brown, Victoria, and David Keating, Queensland, as Fellows of ACHPER



Values into Action - A Brighter Future
29th ACHPER International Conference
The 29th ACHPER International Conference: Values into Action - A Brighter Future occurs in an exciting time for Health and Physical Education (HPE) in Australia. With the Australian Curriculum: HPE implementation processes for Foundation to Year 10 planned for 2015, the timing of this conference synchronises and supports how schools will deliver this curriculum. 

ACHPER is delighted to announce that the website for the 29th ACHPER International Conference in Adelaide, South Australia from 13-15 April 2015 is now live.



National Health & Physical Education Day
Good for Children, Good for Schools, Good for Communities
This year's National Health and Physical Education Day will be held on Wednesday September 10.

In 2014, National Health and Physical Education Day will focus on how the Health and Physical Education learning area is 'good for children', and develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying relationships. 


Positive Pedagogy for Physical Education
Popular post
This article on the ACHPER Blog by Professor Richard Light from Federation University Australia discusses how positive physical education contributes to lifelong physical activity and well being. 

In particular, the article frames how we can make learning positive, by ensuring learning is comprehensible, manageable and meaningful


The New PD: Igniting your Passion with the Power of Social Media
ACHPER Blog highlight
Professional development is key throughout your career in staying innovative, motivated and effective, and helps maintain that passion for teaching HPE.

But how do you add some 'fuel to your fire' in between the professional development opportunities? According to Joey Feith from, the answer is Twitter


10 Links we Like
Includes Oxfam World Cup resources
Oxfam has created a range of free, fun and creative PE resources for teachers, using the 2014 World Cup as a topical entry-point to explore issues of inequality.

The activities use the global game to help students examine inequality between and within countries, consider how making new rules in soccer could make the game fairer, explore soccer players and other people who have taken action to make the world fairer, examine news around the World Cup, and understand the causes, effects and solutions to inequality in Brazil.

Click on the link below to access the resources, as well as other 'links we like' this month. 


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