The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #4   
May 2014
In This Issue
ACARA release new videos for HPE
Announcing 23rd Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer
Cross-curricular associations
2014 National Health & Physical Education Day
Stepping out of the margins - the future for primary PE specialists
SEPEP Revisited
Leading by example: an effective motivational strategy
First-hand participation: illuminating teachers' self perceptions of physical activity delivery

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Move, Learn, Discover
Olympic Day brings together people from all over the world to celebrate the Olympic Games and the Olympic Values. The event encourages young people to participate in sport and lead active and healthy lives.

This June, you are invited to organise an Olympic Day at your school. The Australian Olympic Committee shall do its best to organise an Olympian to attend.
Find out more here.

Review the Teacher Guide and Lesson Plans, available on the website, to start planning your Olympic Day now. 

Upcoming events
28 May 2014

30 May 2014

5 June 2014

13 June 2014

ACHPER NT & HEIA HPE Conference - NT
19 & 20 June 2014

18 July 2014

State Conference - TAS
12 September 2014

[Take a look at the ACHPER PD Calendar]

Not a member? Join today!
Join ACHPER and become part of an active and vibrant professional community committed to promoting active and healthy living for all Australians.

Discounted PL and resources are just one of the many benefits!

[Read more about membership]

Game Sense package
The Play with Purpose series by author Shane Pill contains a compilation of ideas and activities produced from over 20 years of working with a game-centred Game Sense and Sport Education approach to physical education games and sport teaching. 

Buy all three titles and save over 20%!
Offer ends 01/06/14. 

2014/15 ACHPER Bookshop Catalogue
View the ACHPER Bookshop's 2014/15 Health & PE Resource Catalogue which highlights the latest titles available in the areas of primary, secondary, self-development, teacher education, sport and recreation, and dance. 
A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
Welcome to all educators, kindred associations and stakeholders with an interest in the Health and Physical Education (HPE) learning area, sport, physical activity, and health and wellbeing outcomes.  
On Monday 19 May, I had the opportunity to represent ACHPER at an event with the Honourable Christopher Pyne, Federal Minister for Education. With the Federal Budget announced on Tuesday 3 May, it was a chance to reflect on and advocate for what ACHPER may do to assist teacher quality and the Health and Physical Education learning area in a time of considerable pressure on schools, jurisdictions, Principals and budgets.
ACARA release new videos for Health & Physical Education
For teachers, and for parents and the community
ACARA has released new videos to support the Australian Curriculum.

The two videos for Health and Physical Education provide an introduction to the curriculum for teachers, and for parents and the community, and feature a variety of speakers including Doune MacDonald (Lead Writer of the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education) and Doug Hearne (ACHPER National Vice-President).



Announcing 23rd Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer
29th ACHPER International Conference
ACHPER is pleased to announce that the 23rd Fritz Duras Memorial Lecturer is Dr Graham Dodd.

His lecture titled 'The Unrealised Value of Human Motion: the opportunity of a lifetime' will be presented at the 29th ACHPER International Conference in Adelaide, South Australia from April 13 to April 15, 2015. 



Cross-curricular associations
ACHPER NT & ACHPER National collaborations
In 2014, ACHPER has continued to foster direct relationships with cross-curricular and other education professional associations. 

ACHPER NT has partnered with the Home Economics Institute of Australia - NT Branch to present the Home Economics, Health and Physical Education Conference in Darwin on June 19 & 20 2014. ACHPER is also providing representation and access to collaboration as one of the 24 member associations of the Australian Alliance of Associations in Education (AAAE). 



National Health & Physical Education Day
Good for Children, Good for Schools, Good for Communities
This year's National Health and Physical Education Day will be held on Wednesday September 10. Make sure you mark this date in your diary! 

In 2014, National Health and Physical Education Day will focus on how the Health and Physical Education learning area is 'good for children', and develops students' knowledge, understanding and skills to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying relationships. 


Stepping out of the margins - the future for Primary PE specialists
Popular post
This article on the ACHPER Blog by Caroline Brooks generated plenty of discussion earlier this month. Caroline talks about the research she has been involved in over the last five years on the lived experience of primary PE specialist teachers in Queensland and their perception and enactment of teacher professionalism.

ACHPER looks forward to supporting, leading and being part of the ongoing conversation around how the HPE profession may implement and deliver HPE in the primary school to best enhance the health and well-being of all young Australians.


SEPEP Revisited
ACHPER Blog highlight
SEPEP, or Sport Education, can be an important part of a well-balanced and comprehensive Physical Education program that caters for all ability levels and extends learning beyond that of a traditional Physical Education program.

Craig Johncock from St John's Grammar School takes a student-centred focus in this ACHPER Blog post looking at how to apply SEPEP in practice.  


Leading by Example: An Effective Motivational Strategy!
Active & Healthy Magazine feature
In the latest issue of the Active & Healthy Magazine, Brent Bradford from the University of Alberta in Canada encourages us to take time to physically educate our schools' administrators and teachers to support staff by leading through example.

Brent discusses the positive effects that he has observed when a PE teacher leads the staff encouraging them to pursue active and healthy lives. 


First-hand participation: illuminating teachers' self perceptions of physical activity delivery
Article in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport & PE
Till and Ferkins report on an intervention, named 'Active Tools', which sought to assist primary school teachers to become more effective promoters of physical activity.

While the results of this initiative are impressive in helping teachers to make physical education classes active and enjoyable for children, the authors acknowledge the contextual and particularistic limits of this sort of intervention methodology. 


Self-confidence | Empowerment | Respect | Self-awareness | Integrity | Safety

Rock and Water will compliment any existing resilience program, can be implemented as a stand alone program and fits well in the PDHPE curriculum. Through physical-social teaching and experiential learning, students are engaged in a fun and safe environment. Rock and Water supports the National Curriculum Guidelines on social and emotional learning and Positive Behaviour Learnings framework.

Training locations for 2014 include: NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA, NT 
- Visit our website for dates and venues. 

To register and for more information, visit
For enquiries p: 02 4921 6403 |