The ACHPER Advocate
 Issue #2   
March 2014
In This Issue
ACHPER's "Students First" statement
2014 ACHPER National Awards: Call for Nominations
ACHPER National Board Member Elections: Call for nominations
ACHPER Blog: Updated physical activity guidelines released
March issue of Active & Healthy Magazine released
February issue of Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education released
Play with Purpose package
29th ACHPER International Conference: Save the date!
2014/15 ACHPER Bookshop Catalogue

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Year 12 PE Teachers Seminars - SA 
7 & 9 April 2014

Metro Junior Sport Development Day - WA 

11 April 2014

Fantastic Fundamentals - VIC

2 & 9 May 2014

Central QLD HPE Conference - QLD
9 May 2014

Science of Sport Tour - TAS
15 May 2014

Child Studies Workshop - NSW
16 May 2014

ACHPER NT & HEIA HPE Conference - NT
19 & 20 June 2014

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The ACHPER Bookshop
- Featured Resources


   Complete Guide to Primary Dance
 RRP $58.10

VCE Health & Human Development Units 1 & 2
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Would you like to share your story in the Active & Healthy Magazine?

[view the guidelines for authors here

Or perhaps you are interested in submitting your manuscript in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education?

[view information on submitting manuscripts here]

A message from ACHPER's National Executive Director, Alison Turner
Welcome to the March issue of the "ACHPER Advocate". Whether you are a Primary or a Secondary teacher, Principal, Education sector or Association representative, or an agency with an interest in the Health and Physical Education learning area, you will be mindful of the current processes around the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education (AC: HPE).

As reported previously, ACARA has released on their website the AC: HPE as "available for use and awaiting final endorsement". AC: HPE has been made available for states and territories with decisions on use to be taken by the relevant local authorities and jurisdictions. Final endorsement may possibly be awaiting processes to be completed in the Students First review, with a final report of this review due at the end of July. The Students First review as announced by the Federal Minister for Education is currently collating information from various stakeholders, state and territory jurisdictions, and has been open to feedback from public consultation.   


ACHPER's statement to Students First review
Read ACHPER's response
On January 10 2014, the Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne, announced a review of the Australian Curriculum led by Professor Ken Wiltshire AO and Dr Kevin Donnelly. 

ACHPER has delivered a Students First review statement that strongly advocates for the HPE learning area as being concerned with the provision of learning experiences that are educationally worthwhile and seek to develop skills, knowledge and understandings that will enable young people to live healthy and active lives. 
2014 ACHPER National Awards
Call for nominations
Nominations are now open for ACHPER Life Members, Fellows and National Honour Awards for 2014.

These ACHPER National Awards recognise the outstanding service and significant contribution given by members and non-members to their Branches and to National ACHPER over many years. 


ACHPER National Board Member Elections
Call for nominations
Teacher ACHPER is now seeking nominations for the following National Board Member positions.

National Vice-President - 3 year term
National Board Member - 3 year term
National Board Member - 2 year term


Updated physical activity guidelines released
On February 6th 2014, the Minister for Health, Senator Dutton, endorsed the long-awaited updated Australian guidelines for physical activity for children, youth and adults. It has been 14 years since the first national recommendations were developed for adults and almost 10 years since the release of the original child and youth recommendations.

So what do the guidelines say and what is new? Jo Salmon and Trevor Shilton break the guidelines down for you in this ACHPER Blog post.

Collegiality, vision and our Year 7s
Challenges for HPE Department leaders and their staff
In the March issue of the Active & Healthy Magazine, Dr Ken Alexander from Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, wrote a challenging article about Junior Secondary School Health and Physical Education programs.

In his article Ken challenges us to consider breaking away from the traditional Multi Activity Program and consider starting afresh with a more welcoming curricula for students new to secondary school.


A crack where the light gets in
A study of Health and Physical Education teachers' perspectives on fitness testing as a context for learning about health
In the February issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, Alfrey and Guard open the collection with a report on their research into the place of fitness testing in the secondary school curriculum.

Their report provides rich insights into the array of perspectives that Health and Physical Education teachers hold around the place of fitness testing, highlighting the complex and often contradictory dimensions of this practice. 


Play with Purpose package
Buy today & save over 20%!

The Play with Purpose series by author Shane Pill contains a compilation of ideas and activities produced from over twenty years of working with a game-centred Game Sense and Sport Education approach to physical education games and sport teaching.

Purchase all three titles (Play with Purpose: Game Sense to Sport Literacy (3rd edition), Play with Purpose: Developing Game Sense in AFL Footballers & Play with Purpose: Developing Netball Game Sense) for the special price of $99 inc GST, plus postage. Additional member discount also applies. 


29th ACHPER International Conference
Save the date!
Planning is under way for the 29th ACHPER Biennial International Conference to be held in Adelaide, South Australia from Monday April 13 to Wednesday April 15 2015.

Please mark these dates in your diary and watch out for the abstract call for papers, posters and workshops. The peer reviewed conference proceedings for the past three ACHPER International Conferences are available online, and demonstrate the quality of the conference content and research presented at ACHPER International Conferences. 

2014/15 ACHPER Bookshop Catalogue
Now available!
Looking for new resources to reinvigorate your teaching in 2014?

The ACHPER Bookshop's 2014/15 Health & Physical Education Resource Catalogue highlights the latest titles available in the areas of primary, secondary, self-development, teacher education, sport and recreation, and dance.

Download the electronic version or request a print copy today.


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