Women and Families Center
Growing Footprints 

August 2014
     As all summers seem to be, Summer 2014 was far too short. At the WFC it was the usual combination of endings, beginnings, and patchwork quilting.
     Yes, thanks for asking.

     It is my term for how we put together funding to have the resources to run much needed programs. A piece here, a piece there...a bit of mending over in the corner. It all flows together in a beautiful, functional design.

     We now turn our attention, time, and talents and darning needles to Fall, as programs, new and not-so-new, get underway.

     May Fall bring abundant harvests, and warm, cozy apple pie to you and yours.




School Readiness Celebrations 


Nearly 100 people attended the WFC Dooley Child Development Center's End of the Year Celebration and Preschool Graduation on June 20, 2014.

The graduating children were dressed up in caps and gowns and presented  with a Preschool Diploma.  Families and friends enjoyed the musical selections they performed, including songs they learned through our Music Together program.Our Celebration concluded with a magic show and ice cream sundaes for all of our enrolled families.

Congratulations to the Class of 2027!


  Project REACH VOICES Garden

This spring, several young girls participated in the VOICES program. The young girls in the group have been engaged in conversations and activities about positive self-expression and confident self-image through making t-shirts and creating collages while also working towards forming healthy relationships with family, friends, and partners. As a group, we weeded, planted and maintained a VOICES Garden. A special thanks to Lyman Hall High School's Vo-Ag program that was nice enough to donate the delicious and beautiful plants! We were able to plant three different types of tomatoes, peppers, basil, corn, strawberries, flowers and more!   To read more about Project REACH continue here




 S.T.A.R. End of the Year Event

The Family Wellness Night and Showcase Event was a big hit for the S.T.A.R. After School Program. Families came together at Casimir Pulaski School to show off  

their basketball skills,eat healthy snacks, and learn some dizzying hula-hoop tricks from the 'Bring the Hoopla' team! The UCONN Health Department also came to educate families about making healthy and nutritious choices! While families took a break from the activities in the gym, students designed and took home their own fitness journals to assist in staying fit over the summer. We also had our end of the year showcase, where everyone had a chance to see and participate in Science, Literacy and Wellness activities our students enjoyed in our enrichment program. It was a fun and successful way to wrap up a great program year!




Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking 

The Federal Trafficking Victim Protection Act defines domestic minor sex trafficking as:

The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a U.S. citizen(s) or legal permanent resident(s) under the age of 18 for the purpose of prostitution, pornography or erotic dancing/stripping.


According to the U.S. Department of Justice,human trafficking is the second fastest growing criminal industry - just behind drug trafficking. Approximately half of all victims are children.

Recently, SACS and REACH staff attended a training presented by the Department of Children and Families.During this day long training, staff were educated about Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking and trends in Connecticut.


SACS and REACH staff are gearing up to start an outreach initiative promoting the services available to individuals affected by trafficking.The goal is to educate the community about who victims are, ways to identify them and how to assist them.


If you are interested in learning more about Sex Trafficking please contact Carissa

Open DOHR Success

The Open D.O.H.R Employment Training Program finishes off the program year with 32 youth and adults who successfully earned certifications in the fields of Certified Nurse Aide, Administrative Support Assistant, and Human Services Assistant. Several have already obtained gainful employment related to their credentials, while others are pursuing advanced post-secondary education opportunities. Youth and adults who have not yet obtained employment continue to diligently job search and interview for employment in their training fields.  Continue here


Congratulations to all the ladies and gentlemen for a job well done!



 About Us
Thank your for reading our newsletter. If you would like more information about our agency or our programs, please visit our website or come see us in person at 169 Colony St., Meriden, CT.

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