Charger News
June 1, 2016
In This Issue
Blog Post

Service Day:
Campbell Hill Elementary Work Shops
Post by Diane Van Ornum, SCS Art Teacher
I met Tanita Horton at church several months ago. She had prayed for the Lord to send people to enrich the lives of "her kids", as she is the office administrator at Campbell Hill Elementary School in Skyway. I approached her and told her that perhaps I could bring 8 students in my advisor group to do some art workshops with several of her classes, much like we had done for Service Days several years ago at Lockwood Elementary in Kenmore, which also had no art program.

When she received approval from her staff, she sent us a schedule. Her schedule had us providing workshops for twelve classes from 2nd to 5th grades in four sessions from 9:20-11:35 and serving 288 kids. On receiving her email, I gasped at her incredible request. But I remembered that Jesus had fed 5000 and He could do it again with art, for 288 elementary students.

I invited Kaelyn Bullock with her advisor group, Emily Huston and three JH students and borrowed four art students from Fred Van Hal's advisor group. All 29 of us were moving! But God was moving even more in the doors that opened (and roads that cleared - as we got there 45 minutes early), support by staff, and enthusiasm from the elementary "scholars" at Campbell Hill Elementary School.

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SCS Chargers Golf
Classic Sponsors
Thank you to our golf tournament and hole sponsors!

Tournament Sponsors:
Oak Harbor Freight
Peninsula Truck Lines

Hole Sponsors:

It's not too late to be a sponsor!  Our sponsors are an important part of making this event a success.  If you or your company are interested in sponsoring the tournament or even just a single hole, contact Tassie DeMoney.
Volunteer Opportunities

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New Student Recruitment: Referral Credit
by Tassie DeMoney
Did you know we offer a referral credit? We really appreciate the word of mouth referrals we continue to receive! When you refer a friend or a neighbor you can get $650 toward tuition. You can apply it to your tuition bill, you can split it with the family you referred, or you can give it all to the new family. Remember the new family has to attend school for four months before you can cash in on the credit. Talk to Heidi Alberda or Kerry Matthews for more information.
Honors Night - June 2
Join us tomorrow night, June 2nd at 7:00 pm for our annual Honors Night where several of our high school students will be acknowledged for various honors, awards, and scholarships.  The evening will take place in the sanctuary of the First Christian Reformed Church of Seattle (it shares our parking lot) - 14555 25th Ave. NE, Shoreline.
High School Exams
Senior Exam Schedule:
Seniors will be taking their semester finals next week in preparation for graduation on Monday, June 13.  Juniors in these classes will be taking their finals at the same time.

All other exams for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be given June 15th - 17th.

Click here for the exam schedule.

Students may sell back books that were purchased from the school when they are finished with all of their exams.  Novels may not be sold back.
Auction Committee Meeting
We are looking to assemble a team of energetic party planners and procurement gurus to make next year's auction a huge success! If you love to throw a party or seek donations, please join us tonight, June 1 at 7:00 PM in the High School South Wing for an informational meeting or contact Tassie DeMoney.
Early Dismissal - Tuesday, June 7
Junior High and High School - 1:45
Elementary - 1:50
Childcare & School Office Closing Early
on June 7
The childcare will be closing at 2 pm on Tuesday, June 7 along with the early dismissal for the rest of the school. Preschool students will need to be picked up by 2 pm in the childcare, and elementary students can be picked up on the steps in front of the church with the rest of the students at early dismissal. 

The school office will also be closing at 2 pm on June 7.
Elementary Student Guides Bake Sale
The elementary Student Guides will be hosting a Bake Sale on Friday, June 3.  The Guides would like to raise money to purchase some new books for the Elementary Library.  Boys and Girls, bring you money next week Friday to buy a delicious recess snack!  Student Guides, remember to bring in your contribution of 1-2 dozen baked goods. Thank you.  Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Faber
Connection Corner
From the multitude of activities happening on any given week in the preschool through sixth grade, here is one topic, event, or activity occurring at each grade level:

PS - Zoo Animals
3rd - Plant Unit
K - Under the Sea
4th - The Pledge of Allegiance
1st - Clocks and Time
5th - WWII
2nd - The Water Cycle6th - Debate Topic - Should
        Student Phones Be 
        Banned from School?
Be a Host Family
Interested in hosting an international student? We have a number of international students interested in attending our school next year, however these students need host families to stay with while they are here. We are looking for several host families for the coming school year (2016-17). Host families do receive compensation.

If you are interested in being a host family, contact the office by email  or phone at 206-364-7777.
H.S. State Track Championship Results
Congratulations to our athletes who placed at the State Championship in Cheney this past weekend.

Tyrell Bonner:  First Place - 800M, 1600M (and new state 1B record), 3200M

Seth Eisses:  Third Place - 800M, Sixth Place - 1600M

Kestrel Gehr:  Fourth Place - 800M


Minavet Gehr:  Fifth Place - 100M Hurdles


Olivia Eisses:  Sixth Place - 100M Hurdles
Coaching Opportunities
Do you love athletics? Do you love new challenges with lots of fun? If so, we have some opportunities to be a involved with some amazing kids at our school! We are currently looking for people who are interested in coaching or helping out with coaching. 
Here are the positions we may have a need for:
- Varsity Girls Volleyball (Assistant)
- 6th-8th grade Girls Volleyball (Head Coach-for 2nd half of season)
- 6th-8th grade Boys Basketball (Head Coach)
- 6th-8th grade Girls Basketball (Head Coach)
- 6th-8th grade Boys/Girls Soccer (Head Coach)

If you are interested in being a part of any of these or know someone who is, please contact Mr. Hopkins. Feel free to call if you have any questions!

Thank you,
Paul Hopkins, Athletic Director
Volunteer Needed For Elementary Yearbook Next Year
The elementary is looking for a parent volunteer to work on our preschool - elementary yearbook next year.  Daniele Ott can meet with you to give directions but she would like to step down from this position for next year.  Please contact Char DeKoekkoek if you are interested.
Summer Volunteer Opportunities
Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Gordon are looking for volunteers to help over the summer on various projects and prep cleaning for the coming school year.  If you would like to help please email Mr. Hopkins.
Youth Co-ed Volleyball Camp
Shoreline Christian School is hosting a volleyball camp
for girls and boys in grades 3-8. This is a fun, non-competitive opportunity to learn basic volleyball skills and play some games. This is a great way to be exposed to volleyball and its connection within the SCS community. Camp will be on June 3 from 3-6 PM and June 4 from 8:30 AM - 1 PM. The cost is $45 for the first student and $35 for each additional family member. Camp includes instruction from the high school and middle school coaching staff, support from the high school volleyball players, snacks, and a water bottle. Click here to registerQuestions can be directed to Coach Tammie Haulter at
Please note: Classifieds are published at the discretion of SCS and space availability. Informing you of these opportunities does not constitute endorsement by SCS.
   Housekeeping Needed          Elementary Library Needs 
Cascade Volleyball Club Camp       Cascades Camp & Conference Center 
On The HorizonJune 8:  Last Day of Preschool
June 10:  Spring Pops Concert & Art Show
June 13:  High School Graduation
June 13:  Summer Childcare Program Begins
June 15:  Last Day of School - Jr. H. & Elementary
June 15-17:  H.S. Exams
Aug. 29:  First day of School - 2016/2017
See what else is on the calendar at