NVSR logoThe Sheltie Spin


Northern Virginia Sheltie Rescue 
October 2015 


"Giving Shelties a
New Leash on Life"

In This Issue
2015 Picnic
Come See Us!
News and Notes
Dog Treat of the Month
Interested in Fostering?
Happy Sheltie Halloween!
 Trick or Treat!!
We had a great time at the 2015  Picnic!

We had a wonderful day together on September 19.  141 two-legged and 97 four-legged attendees enjoyed barbeque, games, contests, silent auction, raffle, demonstrations and presentations, photo sessions, new items in the Sheltie Shop, and much more.  We had a terrific time together celebrating NVSR's 16 years of rescuing Shelties in need. Here are few photos.  Check out all the photos on our website.


Come See Us!
Saturday, November 7, 11am to 4pm: Home 4 the Holidays, Reston Town Center.  One of our very favorite events, we never miss this one, even though the weather can be chilly.  Reston Town Center is a great venue with plenty of parking, shops, restaurants and places to warm up.  We'll be there along with many other rescue groups and lots of dog-related vendors.  We may have a few foster dogs there, too.  Look for our sign and the Shelties blocking the walkway - lots of folks stop by to visit.  We'll look for you, too.  More info ...  

News and Notes
Looking for one of our e-newsletter articles or links from past issues?  You can find them in the e-Spin archives.  
Here's the link.   

Is using food when training your dog ... bribery??
All animals "work" for reinforcement, and dogs are no different. Trainers often use food simply because most dogs love food and find it worth working for, but we also can use toys, play, work, petting, happy talk and a whole variety of other things to reward our dogs. A reward/reinforcement is something that is presented to an animal in order to show them they got something right. A bribe is something that you give to an animal to get them to do something they already know how to do. For more information on using food in training, read APDT's Why Do Trainers Use Food When Training?

ShelleyHope Do you have a senior Sheltie?  Dr. Nancy Kay's website "Speaking for Spot" includes 10 tips for managing your senior dog's medications.  If you're dog isn't a senior yet, make a note of this site anyway.  There's lots of excellent information there.  Check out Dr. Becker's site, too, with information about managing your dog's cognitive decline as she ages.

Here's something fun for your "spare online time."  Click here and watch the dog do what you tell it.  (Okay, it's not a Sheltie, but he's still cute.) Type in Sneeze, Sit, Roll Over, Dance - you'll be amazed at what this little guy can do. Don't forget "Kiss"!

Topper Gilda Radner said: "I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive."

And, from Roger Caras: "Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place with curators in museums; others we take for walks." 

Dog Treat of the Month
Sweet Potato and Coconut Oil Treats

2 sweet potatoes, cooked and cooled
1/2 c. coconut flour
1/4 c. gelatin powder
1/2 c. coconut oil (at room temp)
1 egg
1-2 tblsp. water if needed

350 degree oven. Mix ingredients together and add more flour if needed until the dough is slightly thinner than Play-Do. Form into 1" balls and flatten. You might want to make "paw prints" with your fingers. Bake 20 minutes until brown at the edges.  Store in refrigerator or better yet, freeze them. Your Sheltie will come running for these. 
Interested in Fostering?
Rudi ... after
We are always in need of more foster homes.  If you'd like to help out NVSR in this way, we'd love to talk with you.  We  expect that our foster providers will be active volunteers with us in order to follow our ne

Rudi ... before
ws and activities, be aware of dogs coming in and being placed, and know about our procedures.  If you're interested, here's a FAQ sheet with some of the basics.  Still interested?  Let us hear from you soon! 
New Arrivals!
These beautiful  newcomers are on our website.  Check there for updates about them and when they'll be available for adoption.  

Dino, M, 1yo
Holly, F, 1yo 

  Papi, M, 3yo

  Tara, F, 1yo 
Donate to NVSR through CFC
NVSR is listed with the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you work for the Federal government, consider signing up to donate to NVSR through payroll deduction. The NVSR designation number is on the logo above. 

Now, you can designate NVSR across regions, even if you don't work in Virginia. Many of our adopters use this easy pay deduction method to help NVSR throughout the year. Many thanks!
Keep in Touch!
We contact our adopters for updates on how their NVSR alumni are doing. You can send us news and photos any time ... please do! 


Our "shepherd" volunteers would love to hear from you!  
Quick Links
Wondering about Sheltie Colors?
Help NVSR with your online purchases through iGive, GoodSearch, and Helping Udders.
Check out The Whole Dog Journal  for great tips on training, quality dog food, canine health and dog activities. No advertising, only solid, reliable information that really makes sense! The February issue includes their annual survey of dry dog foods.  Don't miss it! WDJ has lots of excellent e-books, too.
NVSR is on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterist!


Our volunteers, Gregg Bender, Theresa Jackson, Kathy Hook, and John Winslow, update these sites. Thank you! 
Donate to Help NVSR
NVSR is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation is fully deductible.  Donate through PayPal or send a check (address below). We appreciate every dollar we receive - and every dollar goes to help our Shelties!

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