2015 NCWBA Member Organizations
2015-2016 NCWBA Officers and Board
Amanda Green Alexander
Jackson, MS
Vice President-Fundraising and Strategic Partnering
Robin Bresky
Boca Raton, FL
Vice President-Membership
Barbara L. Harris Chiang
San Francisco, CA
Vice President-Finance
Monica Parham
Washington, DC
Celia J.Collins
Mobile, AL
Nicolette Zachary
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Immediate Past President
ABA Delegate
Marjorie O'Connell
Washington, DC
Teresa M. Beck
San Diego, CA
Misty Blair
Houston, TX
Robin Bresky
Boca Raton, FL
Elizabeth Bryson
New York, NY
Jeanne Marie Clavere Seattle, WA Leigh-Ann Patterson Durant
Rockland, MA
Patricia M. Jarzobski Denver CO
Christina A. Jump
Dallas, TX Maria L. Kreiter Milwaukee, WI Kathleen M. McDowell Los Angeles, CA Sharon R. Nowakowski Chicago, IL
Suzanne Prysak
Chicago, IL
Eliza M. Rodrigues
San Francisco, CA
Patricia M. Scaglia
Independence, MO
Breia L. Schleuss
Minneapolis, MN
Adwoa Ghartey-Tagoe Seymour
Atlanta, GA
Laura Caldera Taylor
Portland, OR
Shiloh Theberge
Portland, ME
Diana Theos
Glendale, AZ
Melissa K. Walker
Raleigh, NC
Angel Zimmerman
Topeka, KS
Executive Director
S. Diane Rynerson
Portland, OR
Disruptive Innovation: New Models of Legal Practice
There is no doubt but that the practice of law is changing, driven by technological advances as well as by clients and lawyers who think there must be more productive, cost-effective and satisfying ways to practice law than the old high-overhead, billable-hour-driven model. Click here to download a copy of the Center for WorkLife Law of UC Hastings College of Law's latest report on these trends.
Women First Chairs at Trial
Be sure to share with your women's bar groups the recent report sponsored by the ABA Commission on Women and the American Bar Foundation entitled First Chairs at Trial: More Women Need Seats at the Table. Authored by Stephanie Scharf and Roberta Liebenberg, the study is the first to take an analytic look at the role of women litigators in both civil and criminal trials. This report should serve as an impetus for individuals, law firms and bar organizations to do more to ensure that there are more opportunities for training and first-hand experience in significant roles for all women litigators.
Need a Speaker for Your Next Women's Bar Event?
Those of you who attended the screening of The Mask You Live In, which kicked off this year's Women's Bar Leadership Summit, will recall how effectively Professor Felice Batlan led us in a discussion afterwards. She has now written a significant book entitled Women and Justice for the Poor: A History of Legal Aid, 1863-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 1945). In the words of Norma Basch, professor emeritus, Rutgers University: "By tracking legal aid through the winding corridors of urban social institutions, Batlan gives us evocative insights into gender, reform, capitalism, and lawyering in a cogent and fascinating historical account. Her erosion of lay and professional boundaries, demonstrated by women's contribution to legal aid and the pragmatic relief they provided to underprivileged clients, illuminates the value of using gender to frame the story." To contact Professor Batlan regarding her availability as a speaker, click here.
Loss of A Treasured Colleague
Friends and colleagues of Carole Aciman were saddened to hear of her death following 15 months in a coma. Carole had traveled to Amman, Jordan as a board member of Global Nomads in April 2014. Shortly thereafter, she was in a motorcycle accident in France. She sustained serious injuries and remained in a coma until her death on August 18 in Rouen, France.
Carole was the 2005-2006 president of the NCWBA. Her colleagues on the board remember her enthusiasm, energy and hard work on our strategic plan. A highlight for several of the board members came in March 2006, when Carole moved for the admission of a group from the board and Oregon Women Lawyers to the US Supreme Court.
Carole was truly an international lawyer. A native of France, with law degrees earned both in France and the US, she was the speaker at the first French American Bar Association event in December 2007. She could explain French law to the Americans and American law to the French and could advocate effectively for her clients in either language.
Carole is survived by her husband Allan and daughter Abigail. Contributions in Carole's name may be made to her daughter's school, Bard High School Early College. Checks maybe directed to Bard High School Early College, Attn: Dr. Michael A. Lerner, Principal, 525 East Houston Street, New York, NY 10002.
| Carole Aciman (left) checks out the new Amman, Jordan office of Global Nomads in April 2014 |
Women's Bar Leadership Summit
Thanks to all who made our 2015 Women's Bar Leadership Summit such a rewarding experience. To see what the attendees shared as best practices from their own associations, click here. The idea behind sharing a best practice is to make it easy for other women's bar groups to adapt or replicate the event or service if it is of interest to them. Here is an example of a best practice summary from Washington Women Lawyers. For photos from the Summit, click here.
At the Awards Luncheon, the Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys and Polk County Women Attorneys received the 2015 Public Service Award for their Visiting Mom Project. The Outstanding Member Program Award went to Oregon Women Lawyers for the Women's Trial Academy. To view photos from the luncheon, click here.
If you attended the 2015 Summit and haven't yet given feedback about the event, please take a moment to do so now. Planning for the 2016 Summit, to take place in San Francisco on August 5, is already underway.
Our special thanks to the following sponsors for their generous financial support:
Platinum Sponsor:
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
NCWBA Listserves
The NCWBA maintains three separate listserves. Presidents and Presidents-Elect of our member associations are eligible for our Presidents Circle listserve. Executive Directors and those who take on primary administrative tasks for member organizations which do not have paid staff are eligible for our Executive Directors listserve. Anyone involved with women's bar associations as a leader or member may opt to join our NCWBA listserve on Yahoo Groups. This is an interactive list which is a great resource for referral requests, job announcements and other matters of interest to women's bar associations. To join this list, send us an e-mail with your name and the e-mail which you wish to use, describing your involvement in a women's bar association. Let us know if you know of people who wish to be added to any of our lists.
Does Your Organization Have an Event to Share?