Vol. 2, Issue 4
Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome to this fall's edition of LaAmistad's quarterly newsletter! We hope that this finds you well. We have lots of exciting news for you and lots to look forward to over these coming months. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we hope you enjoy this issue!  


What's Inside...

College Connections

LaAmistad After School Update

ESL Update

Student Spotlight

G.E.D. Success

Field Trip: Cartoon Network's Anti-Bullying Film at the High Museum

Double the Donation

Upcoming Events

collegeCollege Connections

Over the past few years, many Atlanta colleges and universities have helped LaAmistad fulfill its mission of empowering Latino students and families through educational programming. Let's take a look at some of the ways these schools have contributed.

Georgia Tech sent three interns to LaAmistad this fall-- Alice Lee, 
Stephanie Greear, and Annie McGrew. This project was led by Professor Kelly Comfort of Georgia Tech's School of Modern Languages, and each intern gave 60 hours of service. Furthermore, five or six other volunteers, shown above, show up from Georgia Tech on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons to tutor. Finally, Georgia Tech hosts an annual STEM (Science
Technology Engineering and Math) fair for LaAmistad After School students
every year.
Kennesaw State University sent us two interns this fall, Heath Kaminer and Ashley Tracy, who are both fluent in Spanish. Heath comes on Mondays and Wednesdays to help with our new after-school students who speak little English, while Ashley will have given 150 hours of service to LaAmistad by the end of this semester. We also partner with VKSU, Kennesaw State's volunteer outreach program, to build our teams of volunteers.
Georgia State University has sent LaAmistad After School countless dedicated volunteers like Nikki Patel and Cindy Cabral. LaAmistad is also connected with Georgia State's Culture Connect program, a conference at which LaAmistad's Program Director, Angharad Chester-Jones, speaks each semester.
Georgia Perimeter College also has partnered with LaAmistad this past year. Dr. Ursula Thomas has gathered a team of volunteers from the school's education department that has provided LaAmistad with countless hours of educating LaAmistad students.
Emory University teams up with LaAmistad each fall when they host the Latino Youth Leadership Conference. Please see the photo below of this year's group that attended from LaAmistad After School on Saturday, November 9.

ASLaAmistad After School Update
Last quarter we were proud to tell you about our Peachtree Presbyterian Church location. To volunteer at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, please email Wesley Dennard at [email protected]Today, we're glad to announce that our other two locations, Church of the Redeemer and Westminster Presbyterian Church, are thriving as well!

LaAmistad After School at Church of the Redeemer has expanded to 40 kids and 20 volunteers, coming on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.  Many of the kids are now in their second year of the program and are enjoying the relationships they have developed with the volunteers over that length of time. The enjoyment. from the feedback we get from the volunteers, is definitely reciprocal. Kids and volunteers both look forward to seeing each other every week!


To volunteer at Church of the Redeemer, please contact Jimmy Brock at [email protected].


LaAmistad After School at Westminster Presbyterian Church opened its doors this fall and is off to a strong start!  Each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, 20 first through fifth grade students from Garden Hills Elementary step off the bus excited have recreation time with friends and to conquer their homework with one of our volunteers. Reverend Aaron Messner, Senior Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian, visits our students each day to lead them through a 15 minute devotional. The students look forward to this time each day, and are always so appreciative of all the help they receive from the volunteers. These students are truly on their way to achieving greatness!


To volunteer at Westminster Presbyterian Church, please contact Jennifer O'Pry at [email protected].


ESLLaAmistad English for Successful Living (ESL) Update

LaAmistad English for Successful Living began its fall class schedule on September 23 with a bang by welcoming back 5 teachers recruited for our summer program. Having dedicated, skilled, energetic, and caring volunteer teachers is necessary for the success of our program.


This fall we have approximately 50 registered students. Ongoing recruitment efforts are in the works to add to this number. To expand our offerings, Director Glynis Terrell has added a G.E.D. preparatory class to our current class lineup. This will be taught by one of our veteran teachers, Stefan Fatzinger, who accepted the challenge with enthusiasm. We look forward to the future of the ESL program and growing both our student base and class offerings!


If you would like to volunteer as an English teacher with LaAmistad English for Successful Living, please email [email protected].

caseyStudent Spotlight

Casey Hernandez is a friendly young man who takes his school work very seriously. He entered LaAmistad two years ago in fourth grade with lots of struggles in school and with very little support outside of the classroom. Because of LaAmistad, Casey is now earning much better grades and enjoys learning about his various school subjects. He is conscientious about completing his homework and is always willing to stay late when necessary. He works well with volunteers and is always thankful for the work they put in to ensure his success in school and in life. Thank you for leading by example, Casey, and keep up the hard work!

GabyG.E.D. Success
CNN brought you a story earlier this year of LaAmistad's impact on the Ortiz family, headed by Gaby Ortiz (right). Gaby has three very bright children, all who attend Pace Academy here in Atlanta. One of the feature's highlights was Gaby's pursuit of her G.E.D. Today, we are happy to announce that Gaby's goal of a G.E.D. has become a reality. She recently passed all necessary testing, and thanks to the tutelage of LaAmistad, is on her way to fulfilling her dreams. View the CNN feature on Gaby and her relationship with LaAmistad here. Your hard work and perseverance are inspirational to all who know you, Gaby.
Field Trip
Earlier this month, 19 of LaAmistad's middle school students visited the High Museum of Art here in Atlanta to view a workshop produced by Cartoon Network on the ills of bullying. Following the workshop was a museum-wide scavenger hunt to help educate the students on art history. Thank you Cartoon Network and the High Museum for such an informative and fun afternoon for our students!
DoubleDouble the Donation
Have you ever wondered if your company will match your donation to LaAmistad? Now is the time to find out! Click on the Double the Donation logo on the right or go to doublethedonation.com/laamistad to explore ways your organization may double, triple or even quadruple your giving. Some companies even pay an hourly rate to LaAmistad for any employee who volunteers for us.
UpcomingEventsUpcoming Events...
Our annual Christmas Celebration will take place on Thursday, December 19, from 4-6pm at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Fellowship Hall. LaAmistad students, volunteers and supporters are all welcome. Come enjoy a delicious feast prepared by none other than the parents of the LaAmistad students, festive Christmas music, and an appearance from Santa himself when he gives gifts to our students!

Register today for the 2014 LaAmistad Buckhead 5K. Lace up those running shoes and help us make miles of progress on closing the education gap for that severely impacts Latino youth! You run, we tutor, kids learn! The race will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2014, with start and finish lines at Peachtree Presbyterian Church. Click here for more information.

Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to a wonderful 2014.

Thanks for reading!
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3434 Roswell Rd, Atlanta, GA 30305 � 404-842-2183