Training e-Newsletter
June 2013 - August 2013


Check out the 

Out & Equal blog!    

Join us for these great upcoming learning opportunities:


Town Calls

(Calls start at 12pm Pacific for one hour)

Jun 27 - LGBT Executives Speak Out!

July 25 - Newest Best Practices for Workplace Inclusion

August 29 - Where's the Data? - Research and Resources!

Want to sponsor the 2013 Town Call series? Contact us for details!

Classroom Trainings/Events


June 27 - Train the Trainer (Seatttle, WA)
June 28 - Northwest Regional Summit (Seattle, WA)

Out & Equal University Online Training

*All courses will be recorded and available on demand after the class date check the Training Calendar for details


June 25, July 2 - Train the Trainer Refresher Course (for previously certified trainers)  


OEU Core Course Bundle is still available through live and recorded webinars! Take Building Bridges, Dialogues on Gender Identity, Developing Allies and Building Employee/Business Resource Group Value for one price in 2013!   

Want to sponsor the 2013 Out & Equal University online courses? Contact us for details!



Featured Out & Equal University Archive Course

Current Research
 [Out & Equal webinars and classroom courses are usually submitted to the Society for Human Resources Management's Human Resource Certification Institute. Check to see if you can receive continuing education credits for your participation.]

Trainers' Forum

Monday, June 24, 10:00am Pacific for 60 mins         


Monthly Trainers' Forum Webinar    

Moderated by Pat Baillie 

Upcoming dates for Trainers Forums:

Wednesday, July 10 at 1:00pm Pacific

Monday, August 12 at 1:00pm

Become an Out & Equal Certified Trainer and join the Trainer's Network 

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Monthly Insights
Thoughts from
Pat Baillie, Director of Training & Professional Development
Happy Pride Month! I hope everyone takes some time this month to reflect on our progress and to thank all of those who have stood up and fought for our rights in so many ways.  
This month we are looking forward to the Supreme Court decision and the next round of new work, decisions and changes that will come from whatever the Court decides. At the same time, we started off June with the issue of an new report by the Movement Advancement Project (MAP). The new report, titled "A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Employees", provides new insights we can use to shift the discussion in the workplace.
The data is updated and consolidated so you can see who makes up the LGBT employee population and it offers an approach that talks more clearly about the barriers that they face. The report also lists more clearly the impact of these barriers on the employee and the company when policies, benefits, and climate are not addressed. It also provides more specific insights into what that means around taxes, immigration, and job satisfaction. This is a tool we can all use to update our current discussions and perspectives. 
The report doesn't stop there but clearly spells out the changes that are needed in the workplace and on the legal front. Although a US based report, "A Broken Bargain" opens up discussion that can be extended to the global workplace for LGBT employees. 
Here is the link to the report. We will be doing a training in partnership with MAP at the Northwest Regional Summit at the end of June, during upcoming Town Calls, and of course, at the Out & Equal Workplace Summit  in Minneapolis, October 29-31. An executive summary as well as the detailed report are available, but be sure to share this with your ERG/BRG, management and HR Professionals to continue the discussion not only through Pride but for the rest of the year.
Pat Baillie 
Trainers' Corner

News for Out & Equal Certified Trainers


This being Pride month, it is a great time to open up or expand discussions in the workplace around LGBT equity. If you have the ability to set up a lunch & learn or add LGBT awareness into your D&I activities this month, you can get the word out that LGBT employees have a presence and issues to discuss. This is a great time to share stories and point out the barriers faced, based on the current local, national and global practices regarding LGBT employees.  Review the new MAP report (see my column above) for some of the latest data and insights.  Use your social networks and websites to get out facts that everyone should know about policy, benefits and climate. Finally, It is also a good time to build allies. If you can provide a sticker, bookmark or quick reference checklist  that employees can take away from an event, you increase their ability to have these discussions with others, even when LGBT employees are not present. Ask others to share about who they know in their lives are LGBT and to provide a chance for allies to speak out and add their voices during Pride month.  A good idea is also to be sure to include the stories and experiences of those who we don't always hear from.  Bisexuals, transgender and people of color  bring another perspective that can truly represent the LGBT community and our wider diversity reach. If you can tackle one of these steps every day in June, that's great, but even if you pick one day to broaden the discussion at work it makes a difference!  Enjoy Pride!


Don't forget to share your results on the Trainer's Forum to help us expand the courses we are working on at the national level!

To learn more and to share your questions/insights, please join us for our next monthly Trainers' Forum Webinar on Monday, June 24  

at 2:00 pm (Pacific). Contact Pat Baillie for more information.  

ResearchCurrent Research

Study of the Month:   

Mentoring for LGBT Employees  


The "Study of the Month" column features LGBTA-related research studies conducted by members of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP). SIOP is the premier membership organization for those practicing and teaching Industrial-Organizational Psychology, the scientific study of the workplace. For more information about SIOP, please visit  


Mentors in the workplace can significantly contribute to job-related outcomes of their prot�g�s, and some research suggests that having a similarly diverse mentor may provide certain benefits that having a dissimilar does not provide. Yet, little research has examined the influence of employment mentors for gay and lesbian employees. As such, the current study examined the job-related outcomes of gay and lesbian employees who either had a gay or lesbian mentor, a heterosexual mentor, or no mentor. Results showed that employees who had a mentor received more benefits than employees without a mentor. Gay and lesbian employees who had a gay or lesbian mentor reported greater psychosocial job-related outcomes such as increased job satisfaction, but did not experience greater tangible benefits such as increased salary. Additionally, gay and lesbian employees who had a gay or lesbian mentor reported receiving more mentoring advice about managing one's gay or lesbian identity in the workplace and perceived their mentors as better role models than gay and lesbian employees with a heterosexual mentor. Taken together this study illustrates the benefits of mentors (regardless of sexual orientation) for gay and lesbian employees, and it highlights the specific benefits that gay and lesbian employees gain from having similar sexual orientation mentors. Employees who can serve as mentors to others should do so as this helps to build up prot�g�s, and can be particularly effective for prot�g�s who are managing their sexual orientation identity in the workplace.

This study was published in 2012 in Human Performance, V. 25 by Michelle R. Hebl, Scott Tonidandel, and Enrica N. Ruggs. For more information, please contact Enrica Ruggs
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates™ is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Out & Equal is committed to ending employment discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees. We believe that people should be judged by the work they do, not by their sexual orientation or gender identity. Every day, we work to protect and empower employees to be productive and successful-so they can support themselves, their families, and contribute to achieving a world free of discrimination for everyone.