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November 2012 

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Upcoming Events

Pisgah National Forest 100th Anniversary Celebration Hike

December 6 
Plates for the Parkway at Local Roots in Roanoke, VA


We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we wish 
you a safe and happy holiday season! 

In This Issue
The 469 Challenge Continues
Give the Gift of Art
Go Local
Blue Ridge Parkway Calendars
No Pain No Gain....No Rain No Gain
Newest TRACK Trails
Meet the Foundation
Parkway Place Challenge

credit Norris Barnes
photo by Norris Barnes
"Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle...
a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl. And the anticipation nurtures our dream."

- Barbara Winkler 

Save the Journey


Donate Now  

Donate today
and your tax deductible contribution will help preserve this magnificent National Park area for future generations. 

Rime Ice - credit Ben Keys
photo by Ben Keys


"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour. "

- John Boswell

Calling all photographers!    


We are always looking for beautiful photos of the Blue Ridge Parkway to use in our e-news and other publications.


If you have photos that you would be willing to let us use, please get in touch with our communications staff at


"One kind word can warm three winter months."

- Japanese proverb   


Protect the Parkway  




For each new or renewed specialty plate, $20 is given to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. 

The entire specialty plate fee of $30 is tax deductible.


If you are a North Carolina resident,
Click Here
 to find out how you can help protect the Blue Ridge Parkway's historic, cultural and scenic resources today and into the future.


Already own a
NC Blue Ridge Parkway  Specialty Plate?      
Enter to Win a 2 Night Stay at Mast Farm Inn, a Porsche rental, and a $100 gift certificate to Mast General Store!


Carolina Wren


"I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.


We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December."


 - Oliver Herford 


YouTube Videos FaceBook Group  


"To see a hillside white with dogwood bloom is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty, but to walk the gray winter woods and find the buds which will resurrect that beauty in another May is to partake of continuity."


- Hal Borland



Join the 469 Challenge on Giving Tuesday! 


Milepost 469

First there was Black Friday. Then there was Cyber Monday. Starting this year, there is now Giving Tuesday!


Giving Tuesday, November 27th, is the perfect day to take a break from holiday shopping - and take advantage of some of the extra money you saved on holiday deals - and give back to the causes that make a difference in your life, like the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation.


Did you know that the Parkway has a budget of only $1 per visitor? That, combined with no entrance fee and a shrinking federal budget, means that the Parkway needs all of us to continue to thrive. With your gift of any size, you can join the Community of Stewards who care about the Parkway and want to protect it for the future.


Donate before the end of the year to participate in the 469 Challenge. To date, we have 146 donations. We have just over a month to go to bring in 1 donation for each and every mile of the Parkway. Join the Challenge at    


Let's show the Parkway what it means to us!



Give the Gift of Art! 


Rena Johnson PrintDo  you need an original holiday gift for someone who loves the mountains...or a little something for yourself?  Photographer Rena Johnson loves nature and especially the Parkway. She has created a gallery of beautiful photos of the Parkway and surrounding mountains. Now through December, 40% of all proceeds from her Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation Gallery will benefit the Foundation and YOUR Parkway. Shop her website today- you can buy a print, coffee mug, photo puzzle and more.

75th Anniversray Serigraph The Blue Ridge Parkway 75th Anniversary Serigraph makes another great gift, and it's on sale for only $40 until the end of the year. These limited edition serigraphs are done in the WPA style and are signed and numbered. Call our offices at (866) 308-2773 ext. 100 to order yours today or visit our website for more information about the serigraph and the history of the WPA style posters.

Happy shopping! 



Go Local

Local Roots Do you live near the Roanoke area? On December 6, Local Roots Restaurant will donate 15% of proceeds from its meals to the Foundation. As a farm-to-table restaurant, Local Roots promotes eating locally and sustainably, all while supporting the community's well-being. Enjoy dinner at one of Roanoke's favorite restaurants while supporting the Parkway! Reservations are suggested. Call 540-206-2610 to reserve your table today.



The 2013 Blue Ridge Parkway Calendar is here!
2013 Ray's Weather Calendar cover  

It's a sure sign that the holidays are fast approaching. The 2013 Blue Ridge Parkway Calendar from Ray's Weather is now available and full of great photos of the Parkway!  


Buy one today for yourself and all of your friends and family. It makes a great gift, and a portion of the proceeds are donated to the Foundation to support our projects and programs on the Parkway! 

Your Stories  

No Pain, No Gain...

No Rain, No Gain 


Chad and Craig bicycled the Blue Ridge Parkway over 7 days in September and had quite an adventure!
Chad & Craig's E To E journey
Chad & Craig at the NC/VA border

Chad:  I Bicycled the Blue Ridge Parkway. I flew into Knoxville and rode my bike into downtown to catch a shuttle to Cherokee, crashing on the way to downtown Knoxville. Upon completion of the Parkway ride, x-ray's revealed a fracture on the distal head of my radius bone in my left arm. This in combination with remnants of rain from Hurricane Issac made this a very memorable adventure. Being slightly immobile, this journey would not have been possible without my riding buddy Craig.

Craig: I bicycled the Parkway from south to north over 7 days in Sept 2012 with my friend Chad. The trip coincided with the remnants of Hurricane Isaac, resulting in 6/7 days with moderate to heavy rain. The views into thick fog were not always exciting, but the only way home was by bike so we kept pedaling. Surely a memorable and once-in-a-lifetime trip!


Read Chad & Craig's stories and other great stories on our website or share your own special Parkway story or memory.  


HEndtoEnder.orgave you traveled the entire length of the Parkway? Our end-to-ender program is designed to celebrate those people who have traveled all 469 miles of the Parkway, whether done in one trip or many. To submit your story and receive your rewards package, please go to   


Programs and Partners 


Kids in Parks Opens the Latest TRACK Trails

in Statesville and Lake James  


Statesville TRACK Trail grand opening
The grand opening for the Statesville Greenway TRACK trail was held last week. T
he trail follows the Fourth Creek Greenway for 2 miles and offers an easy and scenic walk for kids and their families to enjoy. The greenway features views of Fourth Creek, bridge crossings, and access to amenities such as restrooms, picnic areas, and sports fields Thirty-eight local grade-school children attended the Grand Opening as part of the after school program offered at the Statesville Fitness and Activity Center. Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh joined the celebration and addressed the children before the ribbon cutting, telling them "Getting outdoors is good for you, and this new trail is a great way to explore the outdoors. This trail is for you."

Lake James TRACK TrailWhile the official grand opening for the Lake James State Park TRACK Trail won't be held until sometime in the spring, the trail is open and ready for use! Tucked into the rolling hill country at the base of mighty Linville Gorge is Lake James, a sprawling 6,812-acre reservoir with more than 150 miles of shoreline. This impressive waterway is the centerpiece of Lake James State Park, where nature offers scenic vistas of the Appalachian Mountain range and beckons those with an appetite for outdoor recreation.


The Lake James State Park TRACK Trail adventures were designed for use on the Holly Discovery Trail, but they can be used anywhere at Lake James State Park. Be sure to check out the Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail, which can be accessed 150 yards south of the Holly Discovery Trail parking area.

For more information about these new TRACK Trails (including directions), please visit our website at:  


Meet the Foundation 

Greg Brown
Greg Brown, the current Vice-Chair of our Board of Trustees, received a bachelor of science degree in forestry from Iowa State University. He then received a masters degree in forestry and plant physiology from Yale University, and a PhD in forestry and plant physiology from Duke University. His career has been in research and teaching, having been on the faculty of several universities.

He most recently retired from Virginia Tech where he served for twelve years as dean of the College of Natural Resources. He currently resides near Asheville, NC and is active in the Rotary Club of Asheville, serving as chair of the youth exchange committee. He also remains active with the national Society of American Foresters where he serves as chair of the Educational Policy Review Committee (which establishes standards for accreditation of academic programs across the country). He serves on the steering committee of the Asheville chapter of FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and previously served as president of FRIENDS' Board of Directors


Parkway Place Challenge

PPC December 2012
photo courtesy of the Blue Ridge Parkway archives

Do you know the location of this photo taken on the Parkway?
Although this is a photo from 1952, it still looks very much like this today! Submit your answer on our website by midnight, December 24th. Three winners will be drawn at random from those who submit the correct answer, and each winner will receive their choice of an array of prizes.


PPC November 2012 Last month's correct answer was Looking Glass Rock (Milepost 417). If you submitted a correct answer, the randomly selected winners will be drawn this week, and you will be notified if you are one of the winners. 


Do you have a photo that you think would be a great puzzler?  Submit it here!     

Thank You
The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation would like to thank you for your support. As the primary fundraiser and trusted steward of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Foundation is forever committed to preserving the past, enhancing the present, and safeguarding the future of America's Favorite Journey™. Learn more at
Contact Info
Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation
717 S. Marshall Street Suite 105B
Winston-Salem, NC