April 7, 2014

PHS UIL Academics

UIL Academics competitions are like an 

"intellectual track meet." 

Many different kinds of competitions are going on at one event.

The UIL District meet began on Tuesday, March 18 and finished on Friday, March 21.

District winners advance to Regionals in Lubbock (Texas Tech) in April.


The Number Sense team placed first in the District.

Team members included: 

  • Edward Nguyen 
  • Paul Ryu
  • Kuan Wei Huang 
  • Junsung Lee

The team is coached by Ms. Heather Denton, Math Department.


Current Issues & Events were also District champs.

This team included: 

  • Cole Harper
  • Daniel Orr
  • Matthew Stone
  • Wesley Garner

The team is coached by Mr. Michael Kelley, Social

Studies Department.


Calculator Applications placed third.

Team members included: 

  • Paul Ryu
  • Wyatt Reaves
  • Edward Nguyen
  • Junsung Lee

The team is coached by Ms. Heather Denton, Math Department. 


We are still waiting on results from our first (in a really long time if not ever) Ready Writing contestants, Demetrius Blakely and Brianna Moulton.

Coach: Benjamin Goss


District competitions continued on Friday, March 21 and included PHS competitors in:

Accounting, Computer Programming, Journalism, Math, Science, Social Studies,


More results soon.

Wish our kids luck!


Congratulations to Isela Velazquez for finishing 14th at the JROTC Rifle Team National Championship.  She finished as the #1 overall Army JROTC shooter in the nation, but unfortunately was out-shot by individual shooters from the Marines and the Navy for the overall National Championship.  


The marksmanship competition began in October with over 8000 JROTC cadets entering the contest.  After several elimination rounds, the number was reduced to the top 119 shooters who were invited to compete this past week for the national championship in Ohio. 


Isela is a Junior at Paschal and hopes to repeat her outstanding performance next year.

Chipotle Fundraiser Night

Nominate a Paschal High School Teacher for the top teacher award.  You can access information through the FW Texas Magazine Website under contests (  
Andrew Brinker was recognized last school year and I know we have others who deserve this as well.  Nominations close on April 15, 2014.


Do You Know a Top Teacher?


If so, we'd like for you to share that information with 

us. Fort Worth, Texas magazine wishes to recognize top teachers in public and private schools in a feature article planned for publication in August. Nominate teachers from area private schools and from among 21 independent school districts.

Anyone may nominate a teacher - students, parents, other teachers or anyone who wishes to participate. Let your school spirit show.


Nominations close April 15th and are limited to one nomination  per person per day.                   

High School Basics 101


State law says you cannot get credit for a class if you have too many absences, even if you made a 100%!


How many absences is "too many?" 

more than 10% of instructional days in the semester (i.e. current year = 10+ unexcused absences) = 0.0 credit - NO exceptions!



You have to pass your classes in order to receive credit.  Students receive 0.5 credits per semester they pass so long as they maintain acceptable attendance.



If you fail the first semester (A) of a year-long class, you can recover the credit by earning a high enough grade in the second semester (B) of the course to equal a year-long average of a 70%.


Ex:       Algebra 1A = 65%

     Algebra 1B = 75%

70% average for the year, so 1.0 credit for Algebra 1


If you fail the first semester (A) of a year-long class, but do not earn a high enough grade in the second semester (B) of the course to equal a year-long average of a 70%, then you will have to retake the failing semester(s) to earn credit.


Ex:       Algebra 1A = 65%

                 Algebra 1B = 70%

67.5% average for the year, so 0.5 credit for Algebra 1B only and have to retake Algebra 1A


If you pass the first semester (A) of a year-long class, but fail it the second semester (B), then you have to retake the second semester to earn credit even if the year-long average is a 70%.


Ex:       Algebra 1A = 75%

                 Algebra 1B = 65%

only 0.5 credit for Algebra 1A, have to retake Algebra 1B


Final exams are worth 10% of your semester grade, 25% for honor-level courses.


Teachers do not need to give a minimum grade.  If you earn a 40% in the class, you will receive a 40% on your report card/transcript.


There is no "automatic promotion."  If you do not earn enough credits to get promoted to the next grade level, you will not be promoted (6.0 = 10th, 12.0 = 11th, 19.0 = 12th, 26.0 = graduate).



You are required to pass 5 STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) exams.  These include:


English 1

English 2


Algebra 1

US History


If you do not pass all 5 EOCs, you cannot graduate, even if you have all of your credits.


 (for athletic and other events not listed, please visit

April 8:

4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Chipotle Night

3050 S. Hulen Street


6:45 p.m.  

Band Boosters Meeting


7:00 p.m.

New Cheer Parent Mandatory Meeting

PHS Cafeteria


April 11:

9:30 a.m.

PTA General Meeting

PHS Cafeteria


April 12:


check website for times


11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Paschal Panthers for Pets

Pet Adoption 

GO Center

This is the last month for our GO Center to be open. The GO Center will close for the year on April 25. 

Any students still needing help with FAFSA, College & Career Research, Scholarships and Grade Level timelines please sign up ASAP in room 251. 

There are limited appointment slots. 

Orchestra UIL Solo/Ensemble Competition Success!


Congratulations to 27 of our Panther Orchestra members out of 32 entries who made a 1st division superior rating on their UIL Solo and Ensemble performance this past Saturday!  Please help me in congratulating these talented students.  I might also add that Paschal is (unofficially) the ONLY school that had 100% of the entries in attendance!  That speaks to the exceptional character and class of the students at Paschal High School!   



  • Reid Yanney
  • Jessica Harper
  • Junsok Ko
  • Elise Lahoud
  • Peter Vo
  • Olivia Pfrang
  • Alexandra Farrar
  • John Heo
  • Peter Nam
  • Taeho Kim
  • Christian Ortega
  • Joseph Lee
  • Jackeline Perez
  • Elena Henry
  • Andrea Aguayo
  • Mirabela Woods
  • Jeff Tullis
  • Mary Taylor
  • Jacy Dong
  • Jorge Natera
  • Audrey Taylor
  • Octavio Aguayo
  • Diana Lee
  • Jaqueline Lopez
  • Kristen Posey
  • Daniel Gonzalez
  • David Toledo


General PTA Meeting 

Friday, April 11 

9:30 a.m. in the cafeteria 


We will vote on next year's board and budget among other business.

The Class of 2014 Needs Your Help!

Please help support the drug and alcohol free senior graduation party. Each year, dedicated parents and faculty hold an all night party for our graduating  seniors immediately after graduation. We need your help! Part of the fun is the all night give away of fabulous prizes to help kick start the kids into the next phase of their lives. We need prizes: 

  • Bicycle
  • iPad
  • Laptop Computer
  • Printer
  • Kindle

and the list goes on....

We ask that donations are new items. Don't have any of that laying around? Get together with your friends, pool your money and purchase a prize for the senior class! All donations will be recognized in the Graduation Publication. We appreciate the generous support of our Paschal community!

Prom Information for Seniors
 Saturday, May 17, 2014
Ridglea Country Club
7p.m. until Midnight
Tickets are $50 per person

Prom tickets will be on sale Monday, April 14 through Friday, April 18 
during lunch in the main
You may pay with cash or with a check made out to Paschal High School. 
Click here for more information