Paschal High School
May 20, 2013

Congratulations to PTA Scholarship Recipients

We are happy to announce the recipients of this year's PTA Scholarships:



Misael Almaraz

Jovanna Avila

Gustavo Alonso Caceres

Citlalli Diaz

Viridiana Ortiz



Christina DeSantiago

Olivia Gensheimer

Amritha Gourisankar

Robert Rapp 


9th and 10th Grade Award Ceremony is May 30

If you are receiving an award, you will be notified via mailed invitation. The Academics Office will post the list outside Room 231 by May 23. If you are receiving an award please plan to attend on May 30 at 8:45 a.m. Please note this change of venue to Miriam Todd Theatre. Parents welcome!


Senior Parents: Your Help Needed -- One Last Time!

You have one last opportunity to volunteer to help your Senior! The night of graduation, June 6, there will be a party at Main Event (in Fort Worth). It is a great time, and the kids have a blast. To make the night a success, we need parent volunteers to be present. We will be helping with the extra games -- nothing too demanding -- and Main Event is even providing us with our own volunteer lounge that will be stocked with snacks, caffeinated beverages and water. 


We will need parents there from right after graduation (around 11 p.m.) until about 4 a.m.  Remember, this is the last volunteer opportunity you will have for your Senior. You are helping them stay safe and have a memorable graduation night. 


Please email Molly Hyry if you are interested in helping that night.  The spots fill quickly, so first come, first served.   


Kudos to these Panthers!

Senior Amritha Gourisankar is one of this year's National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners. Amrithais among those chosen from a talent pool of more than15,000 outstanding finalists in the 2013 NMS Program. Amritha has chosen Pediatric Neurosurgery as a possible career field. 


Students Dominic Yurk and Erik Nguyen recently took the National Chemistry Olympiad national exam, and both finished among the top 150 examinees in the U.S. They are included on the 2013 U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad Honors List.


Congratulations Amritha, Dominc and Erik!


 (for athletic and other events not listed, please visit


May 21: Dodge Ball Tournament, 5 pm; PHS Girls Gym; benefiting Play it Forward


Spring Orchestra Concert, 7 pm; Auditorium


May 22: PHS Power Hour, 4-6 pm


May 25: Internet Caf�, 8 am-noon; Room 175


May 27: NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)


May 30: 9th & 10th Grade Awards Ceremony, 8:45 am; Miriam Todd Theatre


May 31: 2nd Annual Evening with the Fine Arts, 6:30-8:30 pm; Auditorium


May 31-June 7: Final Exams; see full schedule here 


June 1: SAT, 7:45 am


June 6: Graduation


June 7: Last Day of School



James Grays received an appointment to West Point.


The JROTC program will begin offering a Military History Course next year for cadets who have completed at least one year of JROTC.