Notice from the Council on Rehabilitation Educational (CORE) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) regarding the fact that CACREP will carry on the mission of both organizations beginning July 1, 2017 has certainly created quite a bit of dialogue. While details of their agreement continue to emerge, we wish to respond to some questions and misperceptions.
Will CRCC discontinue the CRC certification program?
CRCC has no intention of discontinuing the CRC certification program nor does a license as a professional counselor take the place of the CRC certification. The CRC is the highest level of credentialing for the rehabilitation counseling profession.
Will CRCC continue to recognize graduates of rehabilitation counseling programs that are accredited by CACREP beginning July 1, 2017?
CRC certification criteria is based on educational requirements that align with the empirical research to support the knowledge and skill requirements for rehabilitation counselors. CRCC cannot predict how CACREP may amend the accreditation standards in the future. However, as long as curriculum in any counseling program continues to align with the knowledge and skill requirements for rehabilitation counselors, graduates of rehabilitation counseling and counseling programs are encouraged to pursue CRC certification - whether their programs are/were accredited by CORE or CACREP.
Does a uniform licensure title and scope of practice for counselor licensure mean there will no longer be a need for CRC certification?
We understand that information from the American Counseling Association (ACA) concerning the work of the 20/20: A Vision for the Future of Counseling to recommend a uniform licensure title and scope of practice for counselor licensure has created the misperception that there will no longer be a need for CRC certification.
Licensure and certification are two different credentialing systems. In brief, a license is a government-regulated, mandatory credential for those governed by the license's scope of practice and/or title requirements. A certification is a peer-regulated, voluntary credential that is established by a profession. The two are not interchangeable and cannot be converted (e.g., the CRC cannot become a license or vice versa.) CRCC did participate in the 20/20 process and did vote to accept the recommended title and scope of practice that specifically apply to the licensure credentialing system. This mere fact does not mean the CRC certification can no longer exist as the highest level of credentialing for the rehabilitation counseling profession.
What can CRCs do to support the value of CRC certification?
Practically speaking, CRCC alone cannot control whether the CRC is recognized as the highest level of credentialing; nor can it control the long-term viability of the CRC certification. While we will continue expanding our marketing efforts to increase recognition of and demand for the CRC certification and the profession of rehabilitation counseling, the fate rests partly with the 17,000 CRCs who have chosen to value the CRC as part of their professional identity.
If current CRCs no longer choose to support the CRC as the highest level of credentialing for rehabilitation counseling professionals, then that action alone will significantly undermine the long-term viability of the credential. So we ask our CRCs...
- IF YOU ARE AN EDUCATOR - will you continue to demonstrate your support through action such as using the CRC exam as the program's comprehensive exam and reinforcing with students the need to be certified and held accountable in their chosen profession?
- IF YOU ARE A PRACTITIONER - will you continue to demonstrate your support through action such as making the CRC a hiring requirement and/or advocating for this with your employer?
- IF YOU ARE A CRC - will you continue to demonstrate your support of the CRC as the highest level of credentialing and as a requirement for rehabilitation counselors by continuing to hold CRC certification and promoting it to your colleagues?
Rehabilitation counselors are the only professional counselors educated and trained at the graduate level specifically to serve individuals with disabilities. The services provided by rehabilitation counselors for individuals with disabilities cannot be matched. With details of this transition continuing to emerge, we expect the need for ongoing communication and professional dialogue focused on understanding fact and looking at opportunities to enhance this great profession. We encourage you to stand tall, stand proud, and be counted!