3100 Military Road NW Washington DC 20015 (202) 363�6394   templesinaidc.org
Friday, August 28
6:00 PM Prozdor (appetizers)

6:30 PM Shabbat Service with Rabbi Rosenwasser
Sermon--Remember Amalek and Embrace the Stragglers 

7:30 PM Community Dinner 
Saturday, August 29
9:15 AM Torah Study with Rabbi Goldstein

10:30 AM Shabbat Healing Service with Rabbi Roos

10:30 AM Shabbat Service - B'nai Mitzvah of Leah Winchell and Andrew Burris
Community Dinner with Guest Speaker Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser
Friday, August 28 following the Shabbat Service at 6:30 PM
Celebrate a leisurely Shabbat with an early service followed by relaxing catered dinner, with a chance to get to know Rabbi Adam Rosenwasser better. RSVP for dinner.
Adult B'nai Mitzvah Informational Brunch
Sunday, August 30 at 10:30 AM
Do you enjoy learning? Are you thinking about celebrating your Bar or Bat Mitzvah as an adult? Then come to an informational brunch about Limmudei Sinai, our fantastic 2-year course which culminates for many in a b'nai mitzvah celebration. The course is open to all adult learners, both those who observed their b'nai mitzvah at 12 or 13 and those who have not yet celebrated a b'nai mitzvah. 

RSVP now. Questions? Email Rabbi Rosenwasser at arosenwasser@templesinaidc.org
Tot Shabbat Service & Participatory Dinner
Friday, September 4 at 6 PM
Join us for our monthly Tot Shabbat service and plan to stay after for a participatory dinner.RSVP for dinner.

Labor on the Bimah Shabbat Service
Friday, September 4 at 8 PM
Temple Sinai is proud to host Judy Lichtman, former president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, as this year's speaker. We will focus on the campaigns of Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) for paid sick and family leave. Learn more.
Selichot at the Avalon Theatre - Ticket Deadline is 8/28!
Saturday, September 5 at 8 PM
 Join us at the Avalon Theatre for a screening of the documentary Rosenwald followed by a Q&A with director Aviva Kempner and then our Selichot service. Free tickets for TS members are limited and going fast! After Friday, August 28, you may purchase tickets at the theater directly. Reserve free tickets now.
Ushers Needed
Thanks to our members who have already volunteered to usher over the holidays. We still have needs for ushers at the following Services:
  • Late Kol Nidre Service at 9:15 PM (Tues. 9/22)
  • Early Tot services at the Temple on Rosh Hashanah (Mon. 9/14) and Yom Kippur (Weds. 9/23) at 8:45 AM. We especially need volunteers to greet and collect tickets for our youngest worshipers, their parents and grandparents for these joyous services.
Ushers play a key role in having our services run smoothly by collecting tickets, assisting with seating and being a go-to-resource to assist with answering basic questions for congregants and guests. Please contact Executive Director Ellen Agler at eagler@templesinaidc.org if you can help. 
Ticket Information
Keep an eye out for your requested tickets in the mail in the next couple of weeks. If you have not yet requested tickets, please do so as soon as possible. Learn more about this year's services on the 

Please note: The Rosh Hashanah Bet Am morning service has reached capacity. Please request tickets for either the Sanctuary or Bethesda service.

Questions about the holidays? Call the temple office (202-363-6394) or email highholydays@templesinaidc.org.
Please keep in mind that we ask for payment of 1/4 of your member financial commitment for this year prior to the High Holy Days. 
TS @ the Dupont Farmer's Market
Sunday, September 6, 8:30 AM-1:30 PM
Temple Sinai will be at the Dupont Circle Farmer's Market! Get ready for Rosh Hashanah with a taste of local apples and honey, a craft project for kids and a treat to take with you. Stop by our table and say hello!
Journey for Justice: March with Temple Sinai for Racial & Economic Justice!
Sunday, September 6 & Monday, September 7
The NAACP in partnership with multiple organizations including the CCAR (The Central Conference of American Rabbis) is undertaking a 40 day march this summer from Selma, AL to Washington, DC. Every night of the 860-mile journey, travelers will come together in prayer, and study together in teach-in sessions on the compelling civil rights issues of our day. 
Rabbi Adam will be driving to Raleigh, North Carolina on Sunday, September 6 to join the march on Labor Day, Monday, September 7. He will be one of many who will have the honor of carrying a Torah on the way. The journey will be hard and hot...but so worth it!  If you are interested in marching with Rabbi Adam and other Temple Sinai members, please email him at  arosenwasser@templesinaidc.org.
Mazel Tov to...
...Ted & Linda Rosen on the birth of their grandson Logan William Martin, son of Joel and Julia (Rosen) Martin.

We Extend Well Wishes to...
...Rabbi Harold White.
Contact Us!