Remember.....Memorial Day 
May, 2015
News from Memphis Area Legal Services

MALS Conference Room Named in Honor of Lloyd C. Kirkland, Jr.

Family Members pictured are:

Front Row (Left to Right): Lloyd C. Kirkland, Jr. and his wife, Ann Kirkland
Back Row: (Left to Right):  Steve Shelton (Lloyd's son-in-law); Dabney Kirkland Shelton (Lloyd's daughter); Nicholas (Nic) Lloyd Vescovo (Lloyd's grandson); Diane Kirkland Vescovo (Lloyd's daughter); and Mike McLaren (Lloyd's son-in-law)


Family, staff, and board members gathered at the offices of Memphis Area Legal Services on the occasion of Lloyd C. Kirkland, Jr. 87th birthday.  The family purchased naming rights to one of the conference rooms within MALS' new office to honor his birthday and the more than 60 years of service to the legal profession.  This generous contribution continues a longstanding familiar tradition of supporting MALS.  Board members and staff joined the family with a toast to the honoree.


 The Honoree and his plaque.


CW, a young single mom with 3 children, decided she needed some help with her tax return and went to FF, a Memphis tax preparation company, hoping to quickly get her tax refund to buy much needed clothes and other necessities for her brood.   Unfortunately, things didn't work out quite that way for Ms. W. Having turned in all of her paperwork and sent in the return, CW waited patiently for the funds she so desperately needed. Initially, IRS told her, after she called to find out where her return was, that there had been an error on the return and they were holding the funds. When she filed the next year, she discovered that in fact the IRS had sent a check but she had not received it.   After some investigation into the matter, MALS attorney Craig Barnes discovered that when the IRS released the tax refund, it was in fact sent, not to Ms. W, but to FF.   One of the employees had taken the check, forged CW's name to it and deposited the money into her own bank account. With MALS attorney's help, CW was able to recover her refund from the bank.




MALS Honored by Carnival Memphis


Pictured above: Anu Tanya, Katherine Beasley, Linda Seely, in the back- Pat Demure (Carnival Board Member), John Bobango (Carnival King), Isabel Santoyo, Harrison McIver, III, Mary Wolff, Frank Cantrell and Charlotte Jackson.
On March 31, 2015, Memphis Area Legal Services, Inc. was selected as an Honoree for 2015 by Carnival Memphis Business & Industry.  The law firm was chosen from numerous nominees because of its reputation, achievements and impact in this region and its citizens.  We were recognized on Tuesday, May 5th at the Hilton Memphis during their Business & Industry Salute Luncheon.  We were spotlighted in a video presentation and in the Business & Industry Salute Magazine.
Board Member Charlie F. Morris, Jr. Retires from Board


Sitting: Mr. Charlie F. Morris, Jr.
Standing: Harrison D. McIver, Carolyn Mills, Mary Wolff
On May 14, 2015, Board President Mary L. Wolff thanked the staff and board members for all that they do to support MALS Mission -To Provide Excellence in Advocacy for those in Need. The cocktail reception, hosted by Ms. Woff, was held at the Flight Restaurant, 390 South Main Street, Memphis, TN. During the reception, Charlie F. Morris, Jr. was recognized for 3 decades of service on MALS Board and overall service to the community.
For more information about Memphis Area Legal Services, to donate or volunteer, go to our web site at and click on the donate or volunteer button.   Contact Linda Warren Seely at or 901.255.3417.
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