Allen County Public Library - October 2014

This month is full of training opportunities throughout Indiana and nationally. In fact, Lettie and the Get on Board Committee will be attending Board Leadership Forum in D.C. on the same days I'll be attending the Foundation Center's Network Days in Sacramento... virtually (insert sad face here).

Another exciting happening this month will be the first steps of the PCNRC's Re- Visioning!  We are so excited to be working with national expert in outcome management, Debra Natenshon. She'll look at how we've impacted the community and how we might move forward by interviewing stakeholders and facilitating two Visioning Workshops (insert super happy faces here)!

Happy Fall to All!!
Marilynn Fauth
Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center
Nonprofit Speed Dating

Connect with Emerging Leaders Who want to Serve
October 16, 2014  
5:30-8:00 pm

What is Get Connected?  It's a place for community nonprofit organizations and emerging leaders to make initial connections and learn about each other with the potential for developing beneficial relationships. More

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Planned Giving Council  
of Northeast Indiana
Local Legends in Philanthropy
man heart money

You are invited to join members of the PGCNI at this lastluncheon program of 2014 on October 28th.

The panel of "Local Legends" includes...  

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A Fundraiser's Journey
Kelly Updike, PCNRC Guest Blogger

We are thrilled to have Kelly writing for the PCNRC website, and know you'll look forward to her posts as much as we do! Missed them? Here's a link...


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Above Board   10 Basic Board Responsibilities  
Basic Responsibility #1

Determine the Organization's Mission & Purpose

The IRS encourages all nonprofits to create mission statements and regularly review them, so whether your organization is brand-new or well-established the board of directors still needs to determine the mission and purpose.  


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Professional Training  
October 16, 2014 - How-to Marketing.  Fee. More information. Contact:
October 7, 2014 - Conflict Management with Staff & Volunteers - in Indianapolis
October 15, 2014 - Strategic Planning as a Tool for Board & Staff- in Indianapolis
October 22, 2014 - Let's Practice Outcomes  - in Muncie
October 23, 2014 - The Future of Fundraising  - in Columbia City
October 29, 2014 - Everything You Wanted to Know about Nonprofit Financials but Were Afraid to Ask - in Indianapolis
Indiana Youth Institute. Free Webinar
October 29, 2014 - Youth Violence: Prevention & Intervention
October 28, 2014 - Local Legends in Philanthropy. Luncheon Program Details. 
Fee.  Contact:  Nancy Bean

Indiana Nonprofit Summit October 1-2, 2014  
Building Capacity to Meet Human Needs in Indianapolis @ IUPUI 


Conference on Youth: October 2, 2014  Registration closed: at capacity

Board Leadership Forum: October 9-10, 2014
in Washington D.C. Fee.

Because Kids Count:December 1-2, 2014-Indianapolis Registration 
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Save the Date
November 13, 2014
Celebration Breakfast
at Ceruti's
In This Issue
Get Connected
Local Legends in Philanthropy
Fundraiser's Journey
Above Board
Professional Training
Resource Page
Save the Date
Upcoming in PCNRC
Grant Deadlines
Contact Staff
Coming up in  October & November
Get Connected - Oct. 16

Grant Basics 1, Nov. 4  
Grant Basics 2, Nov. 18
 Events Calendar
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Autumn Leaves
Area Grants*
 October 13, 2014 for Fall cycle
December 8, 2014 for Winter cycle

2nd Quarter 2015 Concept letter due January 5, 2015  
English Bonter Mitchell:

 April 15, 2015
Youth Development Grant Workshops Oct. 8 / 
Application due 1st Monday in November 2014 
by 5 p.m. 
Indiana Community Foundations 
 Indiana Youth Institute
Apply by the 10th of the month to receive notice of the award by the 1st of the following month 
Arts - December 3, 2014 
Education - March 11, 2015 
Lutheran Education December 1, 2014
 PNC Charitable Trusts 
Next application deadline, April 1, 2015
Spring cycle: applications due between January 1-31, 2015 
  St. Joseph
December 1, 2014 for mini-grants 
March 2, 2015  
*This list is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to check the funders' website guidelines, dates/deadlines, and your organization's eligibility before applying.
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 The Paul Clarke Nonprofit Resource Center is supported by  
a grant from the Foellinger Foundation and 
funds from the Paul Clarke endowment held at the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne