Summer Adventures Open House
Sat (5/17)

Blue/White Day
Fri (5/23)
2:30 PM dismissal

School Closed Memorial Day
Mon (5/26)

Fri (6/13)
Gimbel Graduation Lawn

Normandy Performance for Peace
Mon (6/19)
Friends Academy

Last Day of School
Thurs (6/12)
LS noon dismissal

Summer Programs Begin
Mon (6/23)

Sports Awards BBQ
Mon (6/9)
Wellington Gym

Senior Project Presentations

Tues (6/10)

8 AM - 3 PM

Bahnik Hall


Upper School Awards Assembly

Wed (6/11)

9 AM - Noon


Senior Prom

Wed (6/11)


Fri (6/13)

"Shakespeare in the Spring" Town Meeting

Thurs (5/29)


8th Grade History Presentations

Mon (6/2), 

Wed (6/4) 


6th Grade History Presentations

Tues (6/3)


Sports Awards 

Wed (6/4)


6th Grade Language Plays

Thurs (6/5)

3:45 PM 

Bahnik Hall


Middle School BBQ/Dance

Fri (6/6)


Middle School Closed

Wed (6/11)


End of Year Assembly

Thurs (6/12)


Fifth Grade Trip to Philadelphia
Thurs (5/22)

Lower School Night of Reflection
Thurs (5/29)

Lower School Family Night
Thurs (6/5)
7 PM

Fifth Grade to Broadway
Tues (6/10)
1:45 - 3:30 PM

Lower School Picnic
Wed (6/11)

Moving Up Day
Thurs (6/12)
PORTLEDGE SCHOOL 2013-2014 Academic Calendar
Portledge School 
announcing our


Here's your chance
 to get 50% off 
all winter
spirit wear

Spring Hours:
Mon - Thu 
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
2:30-4 p.m

In this issue... our Portledge families
We salute those who sacrifice, support and cheerlead the Portledge experience from the sidelines (and sometimes even from the field.) 
The final Parents Association meeting of the year was held on May 3rd.  Here's what happened:

A New Slate of Officers for 2014-15
The final Parents Association Meeting of the year was held on May 3rd. when the following group of parents were unanimously elected to fill volunteer posts on the Portledge PA Executive Committee: 

Parents Association President: Mel Mooney 
Executive Vice President: Mona Sanveren 
Secretary: Kwan Jakobsen
Upper School Vice President: Antonella Pergola 
Middle School Vice President:Tatiana Johnson
Lower School Vice Presidents: Tiffany Palagonia, Stacy Daniels 
Welcome Committee Chairs: Valerie Yardeni, Kate Callan  

The PA is still seeking volunteers to fill vacancies in the following committees: 

1.The Inter-school Exchange - that is the consortium of independent schools in Nassau County which organizes joint dances, athletics and community service projects. Contact Stacy Daniels for more information on how you can help(516)584-6045.
2.The Annual Fund Committee is looking for a parent to chair, who would work hand-in-glove with Tara Askeland in the Advancement Office to promote financial support of school programs. Contact Tara Askeland (516) 750-3205.
A Thank You to Our Indefatigable Volunteers
Parent volunteers at the Book Fair
The Portledge Parents Association acknowledged the efforts of class parents and PA officers who work on behalf of the school. These parents tackle important jobs (from which we all benefit) that require commitment, insight and finesse. Less conspicuos are the efforts of our parents each and every day. Countess volunteer hours spent on refreshments, student performances, decorations for dances, book fairs, student trips, fundraisers, sporting events, car pools and simple acts of kindness and generosity amount to a wonderful school experience for all of our children. Portledge parents go above and beyond.
Donna Johnston organized the recent plant sale in Lower School.
Why do they do it? Although they may joke, "It seemed like a good idea at the time," it is clear when speaking to a representative group of parent volunteers recently that they desire to enrich the lives of not just their own children, but all students at Portledge. They say they want to show their appreciation for the school and "pay it forward" to the parents who come after. They also cite definite benefits in volunteering, among them building community, making friends, seeing their children and making them proud, getting to know their children's classmates and modeling community service for the students. 
Gratitude for the Generosity of Our Families

The 41st Annual Auction Gala raised $315,000 

The Annual Fund recently broke the 80% mark

The Portledge School Advancement Team
thanks each and every one of you for your financial support 
of our faculty and programs.
Portledge Educational Psychology Chair on Combatting "Summer Slide"
Dr. Sevan Angacian, originally from Cold Spring Harbor, received her BA from Georgetown University at the Walsh School of Foreign Service. She earned her masters, and then her doctorate, in educational psychology from the University of Connecticut.  She currently works with students and faculty to insure optimal learning and well-being of our Portledge students.

Research shows that on average teachers spend a month reviewing what is lost over the summer months. Dr. Angacian provided tips to parents on how to stave off summer slide, the annual brain drain that occurs over the summer. She first advised parents to start with reading:

Choose books that are "just right," not too hard and not too easy.  Use your local library and librarian to help guide you.
Read throughout the day: morning, day, and evening - newspapers, books, even recipes and discuss them together. Read aloud with your children. It can help with listening comprehension. Set a goal for reading and help your child stick to it!

Other ideas:
Play skill-building board games.
Takemini-day trips to museums, the zoo, local parks.
Learn a new word each day/week! 
Take advantage of your child's classroom teacher's knowledge and repertoire of resources before leaving campus for summer vacation. 
Consider Portledge Summer Adventures!

Consult Sevan Angacian's teacher page at for other ideas on ways to engage in the summer months!

Let's give the students 
who will represent Portledge on the world stage 
- Caroline, Koorosh, Megan and Patrice - 
a proper send off!




Every year, the American Association of Teachers of French and The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese sponsor their respective "National Exam."


The following students of French will be honored by a certificate of merit or by a prize bestowed at a county-wide "Distribution de Prix" to be held at Friends Academy on the evening of Tuesday, May 20th.  Dr. Elizabeth Atkins, a member of the AATF-Nassau's executive board, will be taking part in the ceremonies.  Teachers Barbara Cope and Marie-Therese Mathieu join Dr. Atkins in congratulating their students.


The French 8 students who took the Level 1A exam all earned scores that were among the 10 best both regionally and nationally.  Andrew Herzig and Kayla Guo had a score in the 90th percentile of the 23,993 French students across the United States.  This score was the 8th best in Nassau County, and the 10th best nationally. Sabriya Khalfan's rank was 6th in Nassau and 8th nationally.  Alisa Sholomon earned the rank of 5th in Nassau and 7th nationally.  And Lauren Espinal earned the rank of 4th in Nassau and 6th nationally.

In the Upper School, at Level 2, 23,581 students sat for the exam and Cindy Liu's ('16) score was ranked 10th in Nassau County.  Matti Gibson ('17) and Megan Page ('17) will receive certificates of merit for earning a score that ranks within the top 20 nationwide. The Level 3 students made a very good showing, with scores that compared favorably to those of the 19,255 students participating. All 8 Portledge students had scores that were among the 20 highest earned in Nassau County, including Peter Jordan ('16), Jonathan Reisman ('16), and Leah Zafra ('16).  Those who had scores in the top 10 of Nassau County are sophomores Patrice Narasimhan (10th),  Andrew Palacios (9th), Electra Roll (6th), and Kristina Wirkowski (2nd), and 9th grader Serra Sozen (4th place).  Serra's score was also ranked 8th best in the nation and Kristina's was 6th best nationwide. In Level 4, Adele Sukhov ('16) earned 7th place in Nassau County and 14th place among the scores of the 11,874 students nationwide. Ashley Herzig ('15) earned 5th place in Nassau County and 12th in the nation.  In Level 5, our sole participant, Alexander Meshel ('14), ranked 10th place in Nassau County.


In Spanish, all students scoring at or above the 95th percentile on the exam are awarded a Gold Prize "Premio de Oro", those scoring from the 85th to the 94th percentiles receive Silver ("Premio de Plata"), scores from the 75th to the 84th percentiles receive Bronze ("Premio de Bronce").  Any student scoring at or above the 50th percentile (national average) through the 74th percentile receives Honorary Mention.  Teachers Raquel Benguigui-Cohen and Olga Florentino wish to congratulate their students. On the Level 2 Spanish National Exam, Ben Levitan ('16) received Honorable Mention and Alex Lupenko received a Silver Prize. In Level 3, Ethan Axelowitz ('16) and Valerie Ferrante ('16) both earned Honorable Mention.  In Level 4, Nicolas Caviezel ('17) and Andrea Palacios ('15) both earned a Bronze.  And Victorien Jakobsen ('15), Sabrina Kalimian ('15), Grace Keogh ('15), Delilah Leibowitz ('15), Koorosh Leibowitz ('15), Nicholas Reda ('15), and Alisa Shvartsbart ('14) all earned Honorable Mention. 

(Submit Portledge School news or photos to: [email protected])
Thanks to: Sonna Allen, Elizabeth Atkins, Catherine Carbonaro, Carolyn Chui, Susan Edwards-Bourdrez, Andrea Miller, Mel Mooney, Helen Oerhlein, Francesca Woll.
There are so many special people within our community who support the work of educating children at Portledge, but none more dear to its students than a
grandparent or special friend. The excitement at Lower School was palpable on Friday as students celebrated Special Persons Day with a musical assembly, a tour of the classrooms, the book fair visit and the purchase of Mother's Day plants with a special visitor. One young student could be overheard exclaiming with some exasperation, "Wait Grandpa, I'm not done showing you around yet!" 
At Portledge Lower School, students take great pride in their learning, which is the first step to becoming an educated person. 

This report from newly minted PA President Mel Mooney on the recent fourth and fifth grade overnight at the Museum of Natural History: "We had a night to remember! The kids were so inspired educationally and will never forget this adventure. Division Head Alan Cohen, science teacher Evie Sarles and fifth grade social studies Teacher Marvin Rosario lead the charge through the museum with flash lights, through the dinosaur and fossil wings and we all had the absolute best time. I mentioned to Mr. Cohen that many of the volunteer parents hope we can do more NYC educational adventures next year..cheers! "

It is traditional for the graduating fifth graders to work on a dinner party art project at the close of the school year that pays tribute artist Judy Chicago's "Dinner Party Project" currently on display in the Elizabeth A. Sackler wing at the Brooklyn Museum. In it Chicago pays tribute to 1,038 women in history, some of whom are represented by "place settings" at the triangular table set for a dinner party. In the fifth grade version, students culminated a study of influential women in history by honoring them with a representative place setting created with pottery plates and goblets that depict their special contributions to the world.
On May 29th the Lower School will host an Evening of Reflection to look back at the learning goals for the year and how they were achieved. Because we have a student-centered program, our fifth graders have been invited to help teachers explain, in their own words, how they learned what they learned.
We encourage you to attend this informative evening. 



Seventh and eighth grades set out to two historic destinations this month to relive great moments in American history.


Reports Middle School history teacher Francesca Woll: "The goal of the eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C. was to get students to experience the culture, history, and heritage of our capital city. They visited many war memorials and monuments of impressive historical leaders studied or discussed in class throughout their seventh and eighth grade years. Students built upon their knowledge and asked impressive questions while exuding impeccable maturity and respect. The trip was incredibly successful and the students fully enjoyed the time spent with their peers and teachers." 

And this from Middle School math teacher Catherine Carbonaro: 

"Boston was a great trip. The students (and chaperones!) were able to experience arguably the most important events in America's history! Upon arrival in Boston on Wednesday, we picked up Bob, our fearless and knowledgeable tour guide. We browsed Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall before embarking on the Freedom Trail. It was wonderful to see how Boston has developed into modernity side-by-side with colonial and British monuments. On Thursday, the day commenced with a tour of the Museum of Fine Arts, where even non-artistically-inclined visitors are enthralled. We saw portraits of George Washington, Paul Revere and countless other colonial leaders. We also discussed the Liberty Bowl, the third most important possession of the United States behind the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The afternoon afforded us the opportunity to visit Lexington and Concord and walk on the same ground where the "shot heard round the world" was fired. Walking through living history is something none of us will forget. The trip finished Friday with a visit to the Science Museum and a Duck Boat Tour. As the 7th graders will probably never forget, our Duck Boat lost its steering partway through the tour and we were towed back to land by a passing Duck! Through it all, the group remained positive and our Captain filled us in on much of the history of what we could see, including one of the world's most beautiful jails!"


Eighth grade to Washington photos



The 8th grade went to the Cradle of Aviation to expand their learning about astronomy.  As part of Project Astro, they were given a special presentation on the constellations in the spring sky. They also saw an Imax movie about weather on all the planets in our solar system. This film merged the prior Earth Science unit on weather with the current unit on Astronomy. In addition, the class learned about what life is like on the International Space Station and about the history of the space program in the US. The field trip culminated with the students setting off rockets at the museum.     

On May 2nd students from all over Long Island gathered at Hofstra University for the final round of the Al Kalfus Long Island Math Fair. Representing Portledge, Math Circle member Ruiwen (Doris) Fu '17, received a gold medal - the highest award given - for presenting her Proof 
of the Rule for Divisibility by 7.


The competition required students to present their research on a variety of mathematics topics and to defend their work before a panel of judges. According to Math Coach Helen Oehrlein, Fu used the divisibility rule for 7 to solve a problem at one of the Portledge Math Circle's meetings and her curiosity was sparked. Why, Fu wondered, did the rule work? She was not able to find the proof in an online search, and so she used examples of other divisibility proofs supplied by Ms. Oehrlein to create her own original proof of the rule, something that set her apart from the other competitors in the math fair.


Portledge School encourages students to use curiosity and creativity to explore problems for themselves. Fu has been at Portledge for just one year, but says she already appreciates the access she has had to her teachers and the freedom she has to investigate problems that interest her.                                     

This is the first year that Portledge has competed in the Al Kalfus Long Island Math Tournament. Ms. Oehrlein says, "We are thrilled that Portledge's first math project was such a great success!"


Portledge recently played host to sixteen French visitors from Jean-Baptiste de La Salle High School in Rouen, France. This was the school that our own students had visited as part of the foreign exchange program. The group had a busy ten days, attending classes at Portledge and seeing the local sights. All the host families made our guests feel very welcome. The Sheeline family had a particularly wonderful idea - why not show our visitors what an American Thanksgiving is all about? They offered to roast two turkeys and open up their home to all who were interested. The price of admission was a contribution to the feast: stuffing, pies, cider, yams, etc.


Our Thanksgiving took place on the last evening before our guests left. The weather cooperated, and everyone gathered at the Sheeline's lovely home in Oyster Bay. The evening was magical, with delicious food and a sense of fellowship among all who attended. What a wonderful way to say farewell to our guests!


Portledge students demonstrated a commitment to best practices when they teamed up with students from Glen Cove High School to form a study group to tackle the AP Chemistry exam. Collaborative study yields mutual support, a multiplicity of perspectives and ultimately better test prep. Smart.


Jonathan Aigen 
Syracuse University, Whitman School of Business  
Julia Auriemma  
Lafayette College
Timothy Barbaro
Miami University, Oxford
Adam Brown
American University, School of Public Affairs 
Christina Cahill
Providence College
Patrick Cavanaugh
Gap Year 
Reid Certilman
Arizona State University
Porter Collett
Southern Methodist University
Devin Cooper-Vastola
 Hobart & William Smith Colleges 
Brendan D'Loren  
Trinity College 
Cameron Daniels 
Wesleyan University 
Andrew DeAngelis
Gap Year 
Ryan Farahmandpour
Lynn University
Kyle Flowers
University of Virginia
Eric Ghaly
Ithaca College
Alexandra Horton
Wesleyan University 
Andrew Ioannou
College of Charleston
Helen Karabatos
Skidmore College
Hussain Khalfan
 American University
Ryan Krown
Loyola University, Maryland
Sophie Levitan
Hofstra University
Jake Levy  
Lafayette College 
Joseph Maguire
Gap Year
Alexander Meshel
 Columbia University 
Madeline Murray 
 Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Allison Perlman  
University of Michigan
Alisa Shvartsbart
Syracuse University
Tamara Simpson  
Yale University 
Alexander Snow 
Haverford College 
Wyatt Todd
Tulane University
Carley Tsiames
New York University

Behind the scenes at Class of 2014 photo shoot 




The final exhibition and concert of the school year was characterized by a dazzling display of student intiative in music and art. Josh Yoder '18 and Ke Cheng Yu '18 were singled out as co-Artists of the Month for accessing a new (BRAND new) technology called the 3-D doodler, teaching themselves how to use it and incorporating it into their final collaborative art project. On the music front, Eve Fine '19 accompanied the Middle School Chorus on piano, enabling Music Teacher Bill Peek to conduct. The talents of several students were showcased with vocal and instrumental solos, and of particular note were the "above and beyond efforts" of Middle Schoolers who volunteered to learn and perform pieces outside their regular music curriculum to assist the ensemble. And again there was a cross-pollination among the musical divisions, with Upper Schoolers Andrew Palacios '16 and GraceAnne Woods '17 playing with the 7-8 Band. The evening was a terrific example of Portledge entrepreneurial initiative that resulted in an artistic AND scholastic success!


For more from the visual arts department, be sure to follow the new feed @portledgeschoolart on Instagram!


Middle School Spring Art Exhibition photos 


Middle School Chorus 


7-8 Band 


The Arts are alive at Portledge Summer Adventures!! We offer art classes that include experiences with all kinds of media, wood, paint, and clay. Sewing and Puppet building fun alternatives to traditional art projects.The Theatre Arts production this summer is The Lion King where students learn to sing, dance, create sets and costumes and ACT! We also offer ballet, jazz, guitar, creative writing, and cake decorating.  For older students (12 and up) there's Digital Photography, Fashion Illustration with a trip to the Met's Costume Institute, and the uniquely tailored Art, Design and Build Workshop where students will work to execute their own design with local builders and artisans.  Don't miss out on these unique opportunities for your son or daughter to grow, learn, experience, meet new people and have fun!


The Portledge Varsity Boys Tennis team has never been Champions of both the ACIS and the IPPSAL in the same spring season. This year however, a sturdy group of Portledge athletes look to accomplish this feat. Powered by exceptional singles play from Cameron Daniels '14, Ian Bank '16 and David Lustberg '15, as well as fine doubles play from the the team of Alex Snow '14 and Ethan Axelowitz '16, Portledge finished regular season play with a mark of 14 wins and 1 loss. This exceptional record qualifies the Panthers for playoffs in the ACIS, as well as the IPPSAL Championship Match. The ACIS playoffs will come first with the boys taking on Packer Collegiate of Brooklyn this afternoon Thursday, May 15th in a semi final clash @ 4:15pm. If victorious, Portledge will then move into the ACIS Championship match to be played at Portledge on Monday, May 19th (4:15pm) against the winner of the other semi final between Columbia Prep and Staten Island Academy. Later next week, on Wednesday, May 21st, the Portledge boys will take on Kew Forest for the IPPSAL Championship, which will also be played at Portledge  starting @ 4:30pm. So there will be some fantastic tennis right here on campus over the next week. Please stop down at the courts one afternoon and cheer the Panthers on to victory in these important matches. One last note, if rain prevents today's ACIS semi final from being played, the match will take place tomorrow afternoon -Friday, May 16th (4:15pm).

Newsday calls out Bizzer Gahagan's moves on Girls Varsity Lacrosse Field!

From July 12th to 26th, Portledge School will be hosting ten Italian students, ages 16-17 years old. We are in need of 8 host families for the students. 
This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to experience another culture or make a new friend.


During the visit with your family, the students will need to be dropped each weekday at Portledge School by 9 a.m. for their ESL classes.  In the afternoons, the students will engage in field trip activities with their chaperone and ESL teacher and then will return to campus at various pickup times throughout the week. The weekends and most evenings will be time spent with the host family.   
If you would like to host a student from Italy for two weeks, please contact Melissa Worth at 750-3104 or email Melissa Worth.
About the Program 


Lots of inquiries have come in about our Summer Institutes science classes open to students in 7th-12th grades.  Here's the lowdown on the specialized classes, which are designed to take advantage of the facilities at Winthrop-University Hospital, where the classes will be taught by instructor Carolyn Chiu. 


Anatomy and Physiology - Students in this program will have basic introductory classes to general sciences including chemistry, physics, and biology. The program will build on this foundation but more importantly apply this knowledge to the real world.  Hands on, real world learning involving critical thinking and making connections among science, math and technology will be the hallmark of the program.  Students will research and present information, learn clinical medicine directly from medical professionals and experience the various expertises and disciplines within a medical setting.  


Neuroscience - This programs takes high school learning to the next level.  Students will experience the clinical setting from the view of the medical professional.  Students will build from their textbook knowledge and apply this information within the clinical setting of neurology, cardiology and radiology and the research setting of the clinical research laboratories at Winthrop. Students will partner with medical professionals to experience the daily activities of medical professionals and research scientists. This program goes far beyond the traditional classroom and allows students to become temporary members of the medical profession.  It is a unique experience for all students interested in pursuing a medical profession in care delivery and/or medical research.
There is a 10% discount on the Summer Institute program for Portledge families.

Portledge Summer Institute  

Delilah Leibowitz '15 and Danyang (Vicky) Han '15
Portledge School is in search of host families for the 2014-15 school year. 
This can be a unique opportunity for your family to:
* gain a valued cultural experience
* learn from these wonderful students
* make life long connections with people from another part of the world 
You will be giving an exceptional young person from another country the opportunity of a
lifetime, to live with your family and experience the language, customs and culture of our country. 
The school is offering a stipend to off-set the cost of room and board. 
Anyone who is interested in finding out more information, please contact Kim Baratoff at 
[email protected] or by phone (516) 750-3119.
Caroline Pantofel '16, Ariana Pergola '16, Electra Roll '16, Maddie Prince '16, Adele Sukhov '16 and Haya Sheeline '16 joined old friends from East Woods to help raise money at the KiDS of NYU Langone Springfling Gala on April 30th in NYC. The proceeds help to fund inpatient and outpatient programs for children throughout the medical center.

At Shriner's Children's Hospital, children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family-centered environment, regardless of the patients' ability to pay. Thanks to Victorien Jacobsen, who spearheaded a bottle and can drive that yielded over 1,000 containers, our Portledge community again had the opportunity to make a positive change in the world through social action. Right on!

Otherwise Engaged!
The New York Palace Hotel in midtown Manhattan, once owned by the Leona Helmsley and the sultan of Brunai, this month played host to another historic event: the engagement of Middle School math teacher Catherine Carbonaro to fiance Josh Astin. The pair were in NYC for his birthday, and the intended sight for the proposal was actually across the street in Central Park. When that proved too crowded, the quick-thinking Astin escorted Ms. Carbonaro back to the refuge of the elegantly appointed hotel, where he popped the question with a diamond ring Carbonaro's sister had helped him pick.
Can you say swoon?!

Hey, Portledge Alumni!
You have kept us enthralled with your adventures for the last eight months. We want to hear more, and we hope you will join us for the Annual Alumni Reunion on June 14th. Come pay tribute to the outgoing alumni leadership including Alumni President Keith Merkler '89. Enjoy an open bar under the cool shade of a tent on the spectacular Portledge grounds, at arguably the most beautiful season of the year.  As Mr. Owen-Williams tells our graduating seniors: remember you always have a home here at Portledge.



Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening genetic disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system. An estimated 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide) have CF.

Please join the Portledge Team organized by the Community Service Club as we walk for cystic fibrosis at NYIT on June 8th for the third year in a row! 
We will meet at the registration tent at 9:00 a.m. and the walk starts at 10 and runs until about noon. Refreshments will be provided. Participants should plan to make a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Contact Upper School Community Service Advisor Holly Schuessler below for more information.

2014 Daniels Memorial Tennis Tournament  
Dedicated to the loving memory of Annetta Daniels
to benefit Portledge School

will be held on 
Sunday, June 22nd

At the Portledge School tennis courts
Lunch will be served 

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