prevention.orgSeptember 2016
Prevention First Classroom Training 
Botvin's LifeSkills Training

Foundations of Successful Mentoring Programs

Foundations of Youth Prevention Education

Making the Most of Your Illinois Youth Survey Data

Effective Group Facilitation
Prevention First Live Webinars
Promoting the Illinois Social Host Law
October 18, 2016
Other Events / Conferences

29th Annual National Prevention Network Conference 

Illinois Association for Behavioral Health (formerly IADDA) Conference

22nd Annual Child Abuse Prevention Conference

CADCA's 27th National Leadership Forum
Funding provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Welcome to Prevention Connection, a monthly update on Prevention First programs and training announcements, as well as the newest resources and prevention news from trusted sources.
Illinois SADD Welcomes New Student Advisory Board

While most of their peers were still enjoying summer break, a group of high school students from around Illinois got together for the first time in early August as newly-selected members of the Illinois SADD Student Advisory Board (SAB). The SAB is designed to help improve Illinois SADD and represent Illinois' SADD students.
"I'm really excited to work with this great group of young people," commented Robyn Block, Illinois SADD State Coordinator. "We have diversity in age, gender, ethnicity and interests, which is something we have been striving for. It will be a very productive two years."

SAB Spotlight: Luigi Miguel Cabantog

What high school do you attend, and where in Illinois is it? I go to Proviso West High School, a public school in Hillside IL. It is approximately 10 miles west from the City of Chicago.

Why do you think it's important for your high school to have a SADD program? Underage drinking, distracted driving, and substance abuse are some of the problems that we face in our community. SADD helps with making my peers realize the problems we have in our community, and teaches them to be a solution to these problems. Having a SADD chapter in my school is one step to a better and safer community.

The Prevention First Virtual Clearinghouse

The Prevention First Virtual Clearinghouse provides links to items that could be helpful in your prevention strategies. Items can be downloaded, and in some instances ordered for little/no cost. Webinars, infographics, kits, and brochures can all be found here. With topics such as underage drinking, heroin, marijuana, help for parents/caregivers, treatment, suicide/suicide prevention, and recovery, we hope that people of many backgrounds, ages, and circumstances will benefit from these resources.
Please keep in mind the topics shown are in no way an all-inclusive list. There will be new topics added, topics will be modified, topics might even become irrelevant.
If you have a go-to resource that you would like to see added to the Clearinghouse, please contact Ruthie Gergeni
Upcoming Awareness Activities

National Substance Abuse Awareness Month
In 2011, President Obama issued the first-ever Presidential Proclamation designating October as National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. The tradition continues in 2016 as parents, youth, schools, and community leaders across the country join this month-long observance of the role substance use prevention plays in promoting safe and healthy communities. This 2015 ONDCP brochure provides information and ideas for easy-to-plan events for the month of October. 

National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month

CADCA urges coalitions to help raise awareness about the dangers of prescription and over-the-counter medicine abuse by taking part in NMAAM. The campaign serves an ideal launching pad for medicine abuse prevention efforts.

Six of the Most Dangerous Drug and Alcohol Cocktails

More than half of American adults have had alcohol in the past month, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. But how many of them paused to think about the medications or drugs they had taken and wondered what it could do to their bodies? Despite warning labels on prescription pill bottles and doctors' warnings, alcohol and drug cocktails take millions of lives every year in the United States.

But not everyone is at fault. Some take a sip of their wine or beer without knowing the risk while the drugs perform an often unpredictable chemistry experiment inside their bodies. 

Increased Risk of Suicide Attempts in Teens Linked to Abuse of Rx Drugs

A new study finds an increased risk of suicide attempts in teens is associated with prescription drug abuse, Reuters reports. Teens who said they used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at the start of the study were almost three times as likely to report a suicide attempt a year later.

College Students More Likely to Drink Than Their Peers Who Aren't in School

U.S. college students are more likely to drink and less likely to smoke than their peers who aren't enrolled in school, a new survey finds. College students are also more likely to binge drink than 18- to 22-year-olds who are not in college.