November 7 , 2013

Member Corner

Membership Renewals
It's that time of year again. Login to renew your membership through 2014. Not a member? You should be! Sign-up today!

2014 Board Slate Open
The 2014 Board Nominees can be viewed here. Voting for nominees will open November 30.

Quick Links

Webcast Series

Advertise with PDMA
Email PDMA for more information.

Connect with PDMA

Feedback & Submissions
Send your feedback, submissions and questions to Kelly Rehan.

How Lean Agile Changes the Product Manager's Job Dallas/Fortworth:
FREE Product Camp
PDMA Partnership: Edison Awards Now Accepting Nominations Get Involved with PDMA

*Check out our calendar to find a full listing of all upcoming PDMA events

How Lean Agile Changes the Product Manager's Job

Register for today's 1:00-2:00pm CST Webcast with speaker Andy Singleton from Assembla, Inc., where you will learn:

1. How Lean Agile can make your company more competitive
2. How Lean Agile processes improve the product manager's job
3. How to recruit and manage “story owners” to ensure the delivery of features with high value to customers

Edison Awards Now Accepting Nominations

PDMA is proud to announce its partnership with the Edison Awards, which recognizes and honors the best in innovations and innovators. The Awards recently opened its Call for Nominations. Throughout its rich history, the Edison Awards have recognized game-changing innovations that are at the forefront of new product and service development, marketing and human centered design and are one of the highest accolades a company can receive in the name of successful innovation.

Product Camp

PDMA Texas is working with DFW camp to host a FREE Product Camp November 9th. If you're working on the next great product, attend this un-conference to collaborate with other product managers, entrepreneurs and innovators.

Your only cost is your participation. Bring your ideas, lead a session in your area of expertise, facilitate a roundtable discussion, network or volunteer.

Get Involved

Are you looking to become more involved in PDMA? Want to increase your professional development opportunities? PDMA offers several ways to get involved in the association at the local, national or international level.

Currently we are seeking submissions for our committees. To learn more about the open positions click here.

If you are interested in volunteering on one of the standing PDMA Committees, please send your contact information to