Montessori Minutes

from The Children's School at Sylvia Circle

Issue: 25          

March 18, 2016

Our School Vision:
The Children's School at Sylvia Circle is committed to creating a community founded on the principles of the Montessori philosophy while providing opportunities for ALL to exceed expectations.
   tshirt logo

I hope you had a good week!
If you know of any family or friends interested in 3K-2nd Grade Montessori as a School of Choice, please inform them that on Tuesday, March 22nd, we will host MONTESSORI MAGIC NIGHT at 6:00pm.  This is a night dedicated to showcasing the many wonderful aspect of a Montessori Education. 
Interested families can also call to schedule a school tour or attend one of the following:
~March 29, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 14, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 18, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 20, 2016 - 8-10 AM

 **Don't forget - NO Student Attendance on Friday, March 25th - this is a Teacher Workday
*** Don't forget-The Children's School at Sylvia Circle has a Facebook and Twitter account.  This a great way to keep up-to-date with the latest school news in addition to the weekly newsletter.  I encourage you to 
Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER (use the links on the right hand column).  Please share with friends and family too. 
Jacqueline G. Jones
The Children's School at Sylvia Circle

Spotlight on Lower Elementary

Students in Ms. Ashford's class have been studying rocks and minerals, and they enjoyed Read Across America week activities.

In Mrs. Powell's class, a child worked on problem solving using knobbed cylinders.  Another student expressed his love for his teacher while playing during recess.

Students in Ms. Wilburn's class enjoyed the recent 'Montessori on the Move' walk-to-school day.

The leprechaun left green fairy dust on the floor in Mrs. Allen's and Mrs. Strawn's class on St. Patrick's Day.

Mrs. Comer's class has been learning about habitats.   They also presented their annual play, acting out two classics: Where the Wild Things Are and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Student Celebrations

Congratulations to our Science Bowl team who won their first round on Tuesday.  They will compete again next week.

PE Students of the Month for March 
Each of these students showed great examples of sportsmanship. 
Music Happenings

K-2 had fun learning about the Irish instrument called the Bodrahn.  It's very much like a drum but played with a special technique, so all of us pretended our drums were similar and learned how to hold a stick as of it were a "tipper."  It was fun to play along with Irish music. 
The 3-5th grade are in the thick of preparing their music program.  It takes place  on April 21st at SPHS.  The 3rd grade will be singing and performing African American Spirituals.  The 4th and 5th grade will be performing a fun program with popular songs as well as songs they have learned on recorder.  It will be something you don't want to miss...APRIL 21st!  Mark your calendars!
Our composer of the month is Michael Giacchino.  He's a super talented and young composer, and we learned about his compositions this week.  We learned about how he writes for the characters and watched a short portion from "Up" where he takes a simple theme written for the character Ellie and how it changes in different circumstances.  So cool and beautiful to see how music changes moods.

Guidance Corner

Career Day will be held on Thursday, May 19.  If you would like to volunteer as a presenter to share details about your career with our students, there are two time blocks from which to choose:  9:00-11:00 AM or 12 noon-2:00 PM.  If you can serve during either one of these blocks please contact Tami Spain at [email protected].  
The Character Word for March is PATIENCE.  Patience is the quality of waiting quietly without complaining.  A patient person can be peaceful during a time of waiting. 
Tami Spain
Guidance Counselor 

Clubs at The Children's School

This year there are several afternoon clubs being offered:

 - Girls on the Run
Grades 3-5, Meet on Monday and Wednesday, 2:45-4:10,
Sponsors:  Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Spain, Mrs. Barton, and Ms. Bujak
- Dance Fit Club

      Grades 4-5, Meets on Thursday in the PE room, 2:50-3:30 (students gather in Ms. Comer's room at dismissal), Sponsor: Ms. Bobbie Comer

 - FCA
      Grades 3-5, Meets 1st Thursday of each month in Media Center, 2:30-3:15, Sponsors: Mrs. Sharon Gayton and Mrs. Charlotte Robinson

- Makerspace Club
Grades 4th-5th, Meets Wednesday in A106 and A108, 2:30-3:45, Sponsors:  Mrs. Hart and Ms. Remus  

 - Spanish Club
      Grades 2nd-3rd, Meets Wednesday in A109, 2:45-3:30 (students gather in PE room at dismissal), Sponsors: Ms. Jen Kosa and Mrs. Tami Spain  (This club will be open to first grade students and second grade students who are currently on a waiting list during 4th quarter.)


School Goals for 2015-2016

~ Student Achievement: To increase math and science student achievement

~ Teacher/Administrator Quality: To build teacher capacity in Literacy instruction, teachers will receive ongoing Professional Development on the Lucy Calkins Writing units/rubrics and implementation of the District's Literacy Expectation Guide.

~ School Climate: To develop an increased commitment to the Montessori philosophy, while promoting healthy lifestyle choices for ALL stakeholders.

PTO Update

The next PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21st at South Point High School during the Spring Musical. 


SIC Update  
The next SIC meeting will be held on March in room A101. 

Upcoming Events

~19th - Battle of the Books (TCS is host site)
~21st - REPORT CARDS issued
~22nd - PMD Special Olympics Field Study
~25th - Teacher Workday (NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE) 
~30th-April 1st - 4th and 5th grade field study to Camp Thunderbird
~31st - LE Anne Close Greenway field study
~31st - Zaxby's School Spirit Night (on Heckle)
School of Choice TCS tours:
~March 22, 2016 - 6pm (Montessori Magic Night)
~March 29, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 14, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 18, 2016 - 8-10 AM
~April 20, 2016 - 8-10 AM
" The first essential for the child's development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy."
Maria Montessori  
In This Issue
Spotlight on Lower Elementary
Student Celebrations
Music Happenings
Guidance Corner
Clubs at TCS
School Goals
PTO Update
SIC Update
Upcoming Events & Field Studies

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