September 20th, 2013
Recently. the EPA held a webinar presenting several case studies to assess the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources. Share:  Follow us on Twitter  Like us on Facebook
As the prospect of a retaliatory strike against Syria increased and fears that such an attack might spark a wider Middle East conflict, global crude oil prices jumped.  Even though Syria is not a significant oil producer, it's location in the Middle East automatically boosts the potential for a wider conflict resulting in reduced oil production and shipments. Share:  Follow us on Twitter  Like us on Facebook

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Bill Powers (Art Berman's buddy) predicts double-digit gas in 3-5 years


Newbie Thread - Introduce Yourself


Permian Basin on Track to be Top Shale Oil Producer


Wilkinson County TMS Drilling


Shut-in Rental Clause in Lease Offer 

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