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Seismographic studies in Greene County, PA
I was just contacted by a company wanting to do a study across part of our property including drilling holes and using small explosives to find gas. They are offering a very small sum per acre. Has anyone else been contacted by these people. He did mention Chevron, but said he does not represent them directly.
The Problem with PA SB 259
[S]ection 2.1 may be construed to allow these old leases that don't have a pooling provision (but don't expressly prohibit it) to be included in a pooled production unit that will be developed with horizontal drilling - without the lessor's agreement to amend the lease to allow Marcellus pooling. [T]he result may be that the legislature will have effectively eliminated the impacted landowners' ability to negotiate landowner-friendly terms or a higher royalty into a lease amendment. Share:
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Shale Information Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing:
I am a student at Baylor University. I am currently doing a research project on the shale plays and how they affect the North American oil and gas production. One area I have been looking at is the use of Hydrochloric Acid during the process with hydraulic fracturing. I am attaching a spreadsheet of some of the data that I have already processed. Please let me know if you have any comments about it (accurate, where to improve, what to add, etc).
25% Royalty Share: 
Shale Gas Estimation for Britain
The British Geological Survey (BGS) in association with DECC has completed an estimate for the resource (gas-in-place) of shale gas in part of central Britain in an area between Wrexham and Blackpool in the west, and Nottingham and Scarborough in the east. The estimate is in the form of a range to reflect geological uncertainty. The lower limit of the range is 822 tcf* and the upper limit is 2281 tcf, but the central estimate for the resource is 1329 tcf. Share: 
latest sf posts
CHK has sent out a letter to its leaseholders about revisions to their monthly statements... "...Previously, the per-unit price of gas was reported after subtracting allowable deductions. Going forward, the per-unit price of gas may appear higher because certain deductions previously subtracted by our purchaser will now be listed separately. The bottom line will remain the same...." I have no idea why they are doing this, but I bet a lot of people are going to erupt when they finally see how much CHK is taking out to pay their affiliated purchaser. Share:  Chesapeake Energy Corporation Announces Sale of Northern Eagle Ford and Haynesville Shale Assets In the Northern Eagle Ford Shale, EXCO has agreed to acquire approximately 55,000 net acres in Zavala, Dimmit, La Salle and Frio counties. In the Haynesville Shale, EXCO has agreed to acquire Chesapeake's operated and non-operated interests in approximately 9,600 net acres in Desoto and Caddo parishes, Louisiana. Included in the transaction are 11 units operated by Chesapeake and 42 units operated by EXCO. Share:  latest ghs posts |
As most of you know, CHK announced the sale of their "Northern Area" of the S Tx EF trend to EXCO this past week. The EF part of the deal (covering 120 wells making 6100 BO per day) is 68% of the $1 Billion deal. Note that this works out to about 50 BOPD per well. Over 90 of the wells are EF producers and there are about 300 additional EF locations in this area. So it is apparent that EXCO will be planning to do a lot of drilling in this area to recoup their $680 Million investment in this asset. Share: 
Quebec oil train derailment and the Fallout Share:
Steep Production Decline
We have a percentage of 3 wells in Atascosa County that started production the last couple of days in March. In April the 3 wells produced 57K barrels. We just got the production numbers today for May and the 3 wells produced 27K barrels. This seems like an extremely steep decline curve to me. Is that a normal decline curve or is it more likely some of the wells were shut in for a while for some reason or another? Share: 
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Publisher: Keith Mauck
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