CRA Newsletter
2012 Beach  January 2013
Critical Response AssociatesVolume 12 Issue 1




On behalf of myself, Lisa, Carol, Nancy, Tom, Joe, and all of our associates and partners at Critical Response Associates, we want to wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Safe New Year.


While the New Year brings in the usual hope and good wishes for health and prosperity, 2013 also begins with the still-fresh, heart-wrenching memory of the tragic shooting at Newtown, CT, one of 16 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2012 - and another sobering reminder that we all have a lot of important work to do.


Our wish, and our resolution, for 2013 is that we can all figure out a way to do what needs to be done to help keep each other (and our children) safe from needless violence.



All the best,

Marc McElhaney, Ph.D.

Critical Response Associates, LLC


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