Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
Advocating for, Promoting and Recruiting Business Together! 
Weekly Update
Feb 22, 2016
Upcoming Dates
Mar 1 @ 8:30 am
Board of Directors 
Civic Center 
Public Events Calendar 
Upcoming Ambassador Calls

Wednesday, Feb. 24  
3:00 pm 
Union Bank & Trust 
New Location 
220 S. 4th St.

3:20 pm 
K9 Supply & Rescue
310 N. 5th St., Ste A

3:40 pm
Kozy Kidyz
New Addition 
305 S. 11th St. 
Join Our Mailing List
Seward Chamber of Commerce
616 Bradford St.
Fax:  402-643-4713

From Kathy's Desk

After six months of meetings, brainstorming, luncheons, board meetings, working group sessions and more, it is rewarding to see the Seward County Vision Statement and Guiding Principles adopted and embraced by many groups and public entities already and the Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership organization now in place and getting started.  My hat goes off to the Vision Working Group who has devoted their time and attention to this and who, without, would have never happened.  Let me congratulate and thank them again - Renee Coufal, Jeanne Wiemer, Roger Glawatz, Ryne Seaman, Max Wake, Shane Baack, Jessica Kolterman, Mark Blanke, Melissa Grantski, and Jeff Baker.  I thank the Seward Area Chamber, Seward County Economic Development Corporation, Seward Area Development Corporation, Seward County Housing Corporation, Seward County Visitor's Committee, Utica Commercial Club, Milford Chamber of Commerce, Cities of Milford, Utica and Seward and the Seward County Commissioners for adopting and supporting the vision statement, guiding principles and the new organization going forward.  I presented an update to the Seward Rotary last week and they are going to consider adopting the vision statement and guiding principles, as well.  The other municipalities in the County and organizations will also be scheduled in March and April and the list will continue to grow. 
In case you didn't hear or see the news release, the initial board of directors is in place, the officers have been elected and the president/CEO has been named.  The board of directors and their terms are:

Term Expires
Seward County - Diana Garske
City of Milford - Jeff Baker
City of Utica - Marci Fehlhafer
City of Seward - Ellen Beck
Southeast Community College - Ed Koster
Concordia University - David Kumm
Sew. Co. Visitors Comm. - Jeanne Wiemer
Ryne Seaman - The Cattle National Bank
Max Wake - Jones National Bank
Shane Baack - Principal Financial Group
Melissa Grantski - M&G Leasing
Jessica Kolterman - JK Consulting
Roger Reamer - MHCS
John Hughes - Hughes Brothers
Denny Hentzen - Agriculture

Officers for 2016 are:  Chair, Max Wake; Vice Chair, Shane Baack; Secretary, Jeff Baker; and Treasurer, Ed Koster. The SCCDP Board of Directors has selected Jonathan Jank as its first President/CEO. Jonathan was among a group of candidates considered and determined to be best equipped and the best fit for the position. "I am very humbled and honored to serve in this role on behalf of Seward County," said Jank. "I am excited to work with all existing businesses to help Seward County grow."  Jank has served as the Executive Director of the Seward County Economic Development Corporation (SCEDC) since 2012 and was the Executive Director of Seward County CASA from 2008-2012. He has an MBA from Concordia University. He and his wife Rachel live in Seward.
The SCCDP will office in the Seward Civic Center. The organization will be working through several more transition steps with the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce, Seward County Economic Development Corporation, and the Seward Area Development Corporation. This process will take a few more months to work through all of the approvals and transfers.  There is a very dedicated group of individuals who have worked diligently on this process for six months and have what's best for the future of all Seward County in their minds and hearts. Members and stakeholders will begin to see the new name of the organization used in the next few weeks as the official transition takes place. I ask for everyone's patience and support as many details are completed, but more work needs to done.  You can continue to use the same email addresses and phone numbers as are currently being used until further notice.
It has been very fun to work in Seward County and I am proud of what you have accomplished.  I have no doubt how much more you will accomplish going forward by working even more closely together - you will get more done, more quickly and more efficiently.  I will be here for a few more days into March and continue to help with the transition.  If any questions at any time, please email or call.  Seward County will always have a special place in my heart and I will be back often to see you and see firsthand how close you are to achieving your vision.
Seward County is a pro-active and collaborative area with vibrant, welcoming, family-friendly, and safe communities, recognized for pillars of strength in agriculture, arts and culture, business, education, entrepreneurship, government, and healthcare. We are a destination location for businesses, visitors and residents within the greater metropolitan area and an active partner in the region.  Our residents enjoy picturesque and diverse neighborhoods, viable main streets, outstanding recreational opportunities, active civic life, faith-based living, and quality housing and employment choices.  The private and public sectors are united and citizens are engaged for the betterment of all Seward County.
Kathy Evert

Leanne Josoff took her first Jazzercise class in 1987.  She loved the cardio and toning she got from the class, especially since it was paired with the fun music.  The variation of the classes kept things interesting.
It helped her sleep better, she felt better, she had a better attitude, and she felt she was better at work.  She noticed that she had more self confidence, too.  Of course her clothes fit better too!
She started to wonder why she was paying for something she loved when she could get paid to share this wonderful way to exercise with others.  She got trained and taught her first class 13 years ago in Lincoln.
On January 31, 2009, she started teaching classes in Seward.  In 2015,  Seward Jazzercise got its own home.  Currently, there are 8 different instructors, with 1 more in training, teaching 27 classes each week using 8 different formats.

Steps to Wellness 
A physical activity program for worksites
Join Four corners in creating a healthier workplace -
Increase physical activity in your employee's lives. Physical activity benefits not only a person's heart health, but their mood, blood sugar, energy, muscles, bones, and more. Healthier employees are more productive employees.
Four Corners equips businesses with everything they need to help get employees moving more, including materials and the incentives. See the flyer below to learn more about the Steps To Wellness program.