From Jonathan's Desk
This is my first Weekly Update from the desk of the newly-formed Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership (SCCDP). I'm humbled and honored to be leading this organization. I look forward to working with all of you, the SCCDP members to help your businesses and organizations thrive. The transition process to the SCCDP is moving forward. The members of the Seward County Economic Development Corporation (SCEDC) voted unanimously on Friday, March 4 to approve the dissolving of the SCEDC and transferring of the existing SCEDC assets and memberships to the SCCDP. This means that current members of the SCEDC automatically transfer to the SCCDP. I'm pleased that between members transferring from the SCEDC and the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce, the SCCDP is now over 250 members strong. No new membership dues will be charged in 2016. We'll be creating new membership levels for the SCCDP that we'll be discussing with you in the future. If you haven't already paid your membership dues for either the SCEDC or Seward Chamber Area Chamber of Commerce, please do so. Your support is critical for the SCCDP to provide chamber and economic development services throughout Seward County in 2016. To help the SCCDP better serve you, we need to schedule times in the near future to sit down together and identify your specific business and organizational needs. Please reach out to the SCCDP office and schedule a one-on-one meeting.
There are employment opportunities with the SCCDP. If you or someone you know is interested, a cover letter and resume may be submitted to Jonathan Jank, no later than March 18, 2016 via email at The open positions have job descriptions links below: Vice President Job Description Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper Job Description As the Seward County Vision Statement says, it's you that make and are making Seward County "a pro-active and collaborative area with vibrant, welcoming, family-friendly, and safe communities..." Thank you for your membership support of the SCCDP and choosing to run your businesses and organizations in Seward County. You make Seward County a great place to live, work, and play.
Jonathan M. Jank, MBA | President & CEO Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership |