From Kathy's Desk
Thank you to the nearly 60 members who attended our Chamber luncheon last week and heard the update from the Seward County Vision Working Group. It has been fun working with the individuals and the various organizations who have been meeting regularly since September. For those unable to attend, a copy of the presentation is linked below. We will be talking about this again briefly at The Extravaganza on the 19th and look forward to celebrating quite a year - 2015 - for the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce.
Seward County Vision Update
I am very happy to announce that we have a new Diamond Member of the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce - Hughes Brothers, Inc. We thank them very much for their ongoing support and for all that Hughes Brothers, Inc. does, their investments, donations, good paying jobs and more in the Seward community and beyond. We are very proud to have you in our community.
Have a great week,
Kathy Evert
Sponsorship Opportunities to help you Market Your Business!
The Seward Area Chamber of Commerce has a number of sponsorship opportunities available to help you advertise and promote your business. Click on the link below to get the details. Call the Chamber office at 402-643-4189, email, or fill out the form and mail to 616 Bradford St.
Sponsorship Opportunities
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This week's spotlight is on the Olde Glory Foundation, which was established in January 2015. The Olde Glory Theatre and Community Hall assets were transferred from the Seward Chamber of Commerce, who originally purchased and successfully launched the project in July 2013, to the Olde Glory Foundation, a 501(c)3, in April 2015.
The Olde Glory Theatre is housed in the church that was built in 1873 and moved to the current location at 348 Jackson Avenue in Seward in 1901. It one of the most historic buildings within the community. The goal of the theatre is to provide wholesome family entertainment at a low cost, show-casing local area talent.
The Foundation relies on multiple funding sources for annual operating expenses and improvements to the facility. Annual operating expenses come from revenue raised from performances and Theatre and Community Hall rentals. For facility improvements, the Foundation relies on in-kind donations for labor and equipment, financial donations from the Community, and grants.
Olde Glory Theatre is presenting "Will Rogers in the 21st Century" on January 31 (see flyer below) and will host the 23rd Annual Melodrama May 26 - June 12.