Upcoming Dates
Oct 26 @ 7 pm Christmas Festival Committee Mtg
Oct 27 @ 3:45 pm County Visitors
Oct 29 @ 5-7 pm Business After Hours
Nov 10 @ Noon Membership Lunch
Quiz Bowls at the Civic Center
Students will be out for lunch
Ambassador Calls
**Note Date Change**
Oct 28 @ 3:00 pm
Bottle Rocket Brewing 230 5th Street
Seward Chamber of Commerce 616 Bradford St. 402-643-4189 Fax: 402-643-4713 sewcham@sewardne.com

From Kathy's Desk
There are several networking, informational, and educational opportunities and an annual community event available to you over the next few weeks. We encourage you and others from your organization to participate, support and take advantage of them:
Business After Hours Thursday, Oct. 29th, 5 - 7 p.m. at Cobblestone Inn and Suites Manager Ann Lammers and her staff are looking forward to showing the meeting room space, the wine and beer bar and the facility for your holiday, company or family parties, reunions, and events. Free hors d'oeuvres, discounted cash bar, and more will be available. We have invited our fellow Chamber and Commercial Club members in Milford and Utica to join us as well. Take a break after work and network with your colleagues, friends and neighbors. Hope to see you there!
16th Annual Cattle Classic Basketball Tournament Nov. 6-7 at Concordia University
A partnership between Concordia University and The Cattle National Bank where all gate admissions, whether cash or canned food items, from the games to go to the Blue Valley Community Action Food Pantry. This community service partnership is in its 16th year and during the prior 15 years, nearly 50,000 cans of food and over $17,500 have been raised for the Food Pantry during the holiday season. In addition, Pac N Save matches can-for-can the number of canned food items donated. See the schedule at the bottom of this Update and join in for the worthy cause.
Chamber Membership Luncheon Tuesday, Nov. 10th, 12:00 Noon, at the Civic Center Join us in celebrating Veteran's Day and honoring Veterans for their service. You will also hear about the progress at the Nebraska National Guard Museum.
Achieving Successful Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace
Wednesday, Nov. 18th, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Seward Memorial Library Cost is $10 (cash or check at the door) The Seward County Economic Development Corporation and the Chamber are hosting an education seminar next month. Dr. L.J. McElravy, Assistant Professor, Youth Civic Leadership, Education and Communication at UN-L, will discuss generational differences in the workplace and strategies to navigate the real and perceived difference that exist in organizations. RSVP by Nov. 13th to Jonathan Jank @ Director@SewardRegional.com.
Local Office Hours for Deb Fischer Representative Sarah Skinner, Senator Deb Fischer's constituent services and outreach representative, will be holding local office hours in Seward on Tuesday, October 27, 2015, Seward Civic Center, Room 3, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Seward Area Vision Working Group
Following the joint boards of directors' meetings in September of eight Seward County non-profits, a Seward Area Vision Working Group has come together and held their first meeting last week. The Working group is charged with:
- Developing a shared vision statement for the Seward area (to be defined by the working group) and key areas of emphasis to help achieve the vision
- Developing a recommended organizational structure (including governance, funding and staffing) necessary and responsible for the achievement of the shared vision
- Advocate and share the vision and recommendations through public relations efforts and circles of influence to gain county-wide ownership
- Communicate the status with respective board(s) of directors and help keep the lines of communication open and transparent
Members of the Working Group are:
Renee Coufal (Chamber)
Jeanne Wiemer (Chamber, Arts Council, Visitors Committee)
Max Wake (SADC)
Ryne Seaman (SCEDC)
Roger Glawatz (Chamber)
Jessica Kolterman (SCEDC)
Josie Stauffer (Milford Chamber)
Melissa Grantski (Utica Commercial Club)
Mark Blanke (Concordia University)
Jeffrey Baker (SCEDC)
Shane Baack (SADC)
The proposed timeline for the group is six (6) months (April 15, 2016). It is intended the group will meet frequently October - December, 2015 and have a set of recommendations ready by December 15, 2015. The group is off to a great start and we look forward to sharing their progress with you over the next few months.
Have a fun and safe Halloween.
Kathy Evert
Featured Chamber Member
Each week we will randomly selecting a Seward Area Chamber of Commerce member to feature in the Chamber Update. This week, we are happy to feature Ridgewood Rehabilitation and Care Center.
Ridgewood is an award winning Medicare Certified skilled nursing & short-term rehabilitation care center. They are dedicated in providing world class rehabilitation, long-term care, and are devoted to memory care. They strive to improve the resident's quality of life and personal well-being. That's why providing "Dignity In Life" is their mission and their passion.
Ridgewood is located in a newly rennovated building, in a peaceful neighborhood directly north of Seward Public High School. Click here to take a virtual tour of their beautiful facility!
Seward Fourth of July Celebration Named 2015 Nebraska Festival of the Year at Tourism Conference!
Search for Historical Stories for Nebraska Historical Markers
Jerry Meyer, of the Nebraska National Guard Museum and a part of the Chamber's First Impressions committee, is taking on a project and is in search for historical stories in Seward County. The following is an excerpt from the article in the Seward County Independent. To read the full article, click on the link at the bottom.
When the last dedication was complete at the Andrew Jackson Higgins National Memorial in 2003 in Columbus, I started looking for another grand project to involve my students and the community. The Higgins Memorial was a three year, $1.5 million, service learning project that created the only national memorial to be built and designed as a student project. I needed another idea that would build on the success of this student-community-national level project. The answer to my inquiry was found in the memorial itself....a Nebraska Historical Marker.
I'm looking for historically significant items that can be turned into historical markers.
What is the timeline and goal? The timeline can synchronize with the 150th anniversary of the 4th of July celebration (1868-2018) and when the community was platted. The goal should be to have as many historical markers as Douglas County and Omaha (36). Thus becoming "Nebraska's Historical City," another claim to fame for the city.
I will take on this project if the community can assist in telling the stories to be made into markers. Volunteers and donors will be needed to assist in putting them up.
Please email, call or stop down at the Nebraska National Guard Museum with your story. You can email me at: gerald_meyer@yahoo.com or call the museum office at 402-309-8763. The Nebraska National Guard Museum is located at 201 North 8th Street in Seward and is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. (except for federal holidays).
Article in SCI |
2016 Nebraska Passport Program Applications Due Dec. 15
The Seward County Visitors Committee would like to remind you that the Nebraska Passport Application deadline is coming up. The following are details from the Passport website:
- Be open regular and reasonable hours (including at least one weekend day), and be staffed by friendly people who can stamp passport booklets.
- Pay a $100 participation fee to cover cost of custom stamps.
- Claim your destination on visitnebraska.com by December 15th in order to be considered.
- Abide by Nebraska state law that prohibits charging participants for admission in order to receive a stamp. Many tourists will naturally invest money in things they wish to see, buy, eat, or experience, but our state laws prevent us from forcing Passport participants to pay for something at each stop.
Please note:
- If you have been a Passport stop in previous years, thank you! Due to the popularity of the program and in the interest of keeping the Passport program fresh and new for repeat travelers, we will likely begin a rotation schedule so that multiple stops are not repeated each year. Thanks for your understanding.
- We encourage you to consider coordinating your application with other nearby attractions-this helps us plan tour routes, and makes your application more favorable in the selection process.
Christmas Updates
Rudolph's Red Nose Run
Advertising Opportunities
for your business
The 2015 Rudolph's Red Nose Run is set for Saturday, December 5th. This event brings 65 or more runners and walkers and is a fun event. Run or walk in either the 5k or 1 mile race. Costumes encouraged, but not required! T-shirt ads are available - $100 w/your logo; $25 with your name. Please contact Denise or any of us at the Chamber office is you want to advertise on the t-shirts this year. If you would like to register for the race, click on the link below.
Red Nose Run Registration FormChristmas Festival Donations
We have created a donation link on our website through our PayPal account and encourage anyone who would like to contribute any amount to the Christmas Festival to do so through this online link. We thank you for your love and support of this annual event. DONATION LINK