From Kathy's Desk
Have you or do you know of someone who has always wanted to start or buy a business? We have some business acquisition opportunities in the Seward area and a good inventory of available buildings, especially in downtown Seward. I am available to meet with and help anyone with an interest; please feel free to contact me or refer me at any time.
It's hard to think about a lot of snow when it is still so warm outside! Have to say Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow! This was a successful promotion 10 years ago and it is back! Chamber members are invited to participate and may it snow 5" or more on January 20, 2016! If so, your customers can bring back their receipts and get a full refund of their expenditures at your business between November 10th and December 20th.
A minimum of 20 businesses are needed and we are well over half way there. An advertising package will also be a part of the promotion. Please contact me so we can talk in more detail - kathy.evert@sewardne.com or call the Chamber office at 643-4189. This will be a great promotion for the participating businesses and the entire community. Let's all spread the word.
The Christmas Committee has been meeting regularly and planning another special hometown Christmas Festival for Saturday, November 28th, complete with the lighted parade, Winter Wonderland, Lego contest, Ugly Sweater Review, Gingerbread House Contest, Fruit Cake Toss, Santa Claus, Santa House and more. Some of the floats need cleaning and minor repairs and a work day has been set for Saturday, Sept. 26th, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the metal building just to the west of Fastmart across from the Civic Center. Any and all help is appreciated.
I participated in 4th of July in Seward this year for the first time and am looking forward to being actively involved in the Christmas festivities.
Have a great week,
Buy a Burger!
Hamburger Fry Fundraiser for the Winter Wonderland at the Farmers Market September 23, 5-7 pm
Thanks to those who attended the hamburger fry last Wednesday at the Farmers Market to raise money for updates to the Winter Wonderland this year. Volunteers will be out again in The Cattle Bank parking lot cooking up more delicious hamburgers...just follow your nose! This is the 5th year for the Winter Wonderland and it keeps getting better every year! Located on the west side of the Seward Physical Therapy building at 418 Seward Street, the Winter Wonderland has various interactive displays including a model train. This year's displays will feature Favorite Christmas Stories. If you can't make it to the burger fry, make sure you come down to see it when it opens the day of the Christmas Festival, November 28th!
Open House October 8, 9 am - 4 pm
344 Main Street
Kolterman Insurance Agency and Jones Insurance Agency will be hosting an open house on October 8 from 9 am to 4 pm at their business at 344 Main Street, Seward.
Refreshments will be served.
Seward Bowls for Brain Injury
Sunday, Sept. 27, 1:00 p.m. at Seward Bowl
Help raise money to implement brain injury programs in Nebraska, while paying tribute to those families who live with the effects of brain injury every day. Donations raised through Bowling for Brain Injury stay in Nebraska to educate and assist persons with brain injuries, their family and caregivers, and the professionals who work with them.
Business After Hours with Great Plains Communication
Thursday, Sept. 24, 4:30-6:30 pm
The SCEDC is partnering with Great Plains Communications and the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce to host a Business After Hours event on Thursday, September 24 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Red Path Gallery and Tasting Room. Please see flyer below for more details.
This is a good opportunity to welcome Great Plains Communications as a new business to Seward County (they are members of both the SCEDC and Seward Chamber). They will be talking briefly about their recent construction project where they built a fiber optic ring in downtown Seward. This is an exciting new technology offering for the Seward business community.
Feel free to invite friends and colleagues to join you. A Husker Football Weekend Package will be given away via a drawing at 6 p.m. You have to be present to win!