A message from Kathy Evert,
Interim Executive Director:
Save the Date - Chamber Membership Luncheon Sept. 15th. We are bringing together as many Chamber members as can join us for lunch at 12:00 noon in the lower level of the Civic Center on Tuesday, Sept. 15th. The topic for this membership luncheon is Chambers of Commerce of the Future. I will share some trends and examples with you and ask for your feedback (yes there will be audience participation!). What do you want from your chamber of commerce; what do you want your chamber of commerce to accomplish in the region. I encourage you to think about what you want the Seward area to look like in 10, 20 years and beyond.
The Board of Directors, staff and I look forward to seeing you on the 15th and having a productive conversation about the future and I look forward to meeting you.
Our Facebook page has over 1000 fans and is another tool for our area and your business to reach customers and potential customers. We will utilize Facebook to share more, learn more, and engage more in the many months ahead. If you have celebrations, photos, special promotions, etc., be sure to include us and we'll help spread the word. Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/SewardNE and you can always call or email items to us at sewcham@sewardne.com.
Have a great week and Labor Day weekend.
Kathy Evert
Don't Forget About Chamber Bucks for your Holiday Gift Giving!
The holidays are fast approaching and if you haven't already started shopping for Christmas, you will be soon. Do you have somebody to buy for and don't know what they need? Chamber Bucks can be used the same as check or cash for both goods and services at any Chamber member business! Look for the Seward Area Chamber of Commerce window decal to locate member businesses. Chamber Bucks can only be purchased at the Chamber Office. Call ahead if you want at 402-643-4189 and we will get them ready for you to pick up.
Seward Sam says, "Chamber Bucks make great gifts!"
Christmas Festival
Evening Lighted Christmas Parade: Deadline for registration is November 12th. Now is the time to put your float together while it's warm before the snow flies! The theme for this year is, "Favorite Christmas Stories". Let's make the 5th anniversary of the parade unforgettable!
There will also be several contests going on during the season. Do one or do them all! Forms will be available on our website in the new few weeks.
Gingerbread Contest Ugly Sweater Contest
Christmas LEGO Contest-New this year!
Rudolph's Red Nose Run - December 5th
Costumes encouraged, but not required.