Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
Advocating for, Promoting and Recruiting Business Together! 
Weekly Update
June 1, 2015
Upcoming Dates
June 2 @ 11:30 am
Fourth of July
Kickoff Luncheon

Civic Center 

June 4 @ 11:30 am
Ag Mtg
Civic Center 

Join Our Mailing List
Seward Chamber of Commerce
616 Bradford St.
Fax:  402-643-4713

From the Director



Good Day!


We are looking forward to tomorrow's Fourth of July kickoff luncheon and look forward to seeing many of you there.


The Board and I will be finalizing transition plans for my departure this week and will be making those known no later than next week's update.


The first phase of the consumer patterns survey continues. Thanks to those who have volunteered to help administer these surveys in person to our downtown visitors. For those who don't have the opportunity to take the survey in person, it will be available on the homepage of through the Fourth of July weekend.


Times have been finalized for the Seward County tire recycling day:  Wednesday, July 1, from 8 am until 4 pm (or until 200 tons of tires has been reached). Tires must be taken off rims and emptied of water. The event will be held at the landfill just south of Milford's Southeast Community College campus.

Seward has always been a phenomenal place and is now poised for even more exciting times. I wish you the best this week, and in the future.

- Charles 
Seward Memorial Library
Temporarily Closed for Repairs 


The Seward Memorial Library is closed for repairs today (and possibly more days this week).  Late Friday afternoon an outside contractor damaged heat pump lines, so all heat pumps had to be shut down. This means we have no air circulation at all, along with no control of temperature or humidity, until after repairs are made.


Before you make plans to visit the library, please call
402.643.3318 or check our website at or our facebook page to make sure we have re-opened.


So sorry for this inconvenience.


Becky Baker

Library Director

Seward Saltdogs Night 
Saltdogs tickets are still available in the Chamber office for the June 6 game at 6:05 pm with the Wichita Wingnuts.  Ticket cost is $10 with $5 being donated back to the Chamber.  Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: 

Jones National Bank
The Cattle National Bank Main Branch
Seward Chamber of Commerce

To catch a ride to the game using the Seward County Public Transit, call 402-643-4067.
Interested in a Fundraiser?

A company is looking for a community organization or non-profit to run the fireworks stand in the Walmart parking lot.  The people that have been there the past few years are unable to do it this year.  If your group would like to make some extra money selling fireworks, please call Curt Carroll at 253-209-7779.