Seward Area Chamber of Commerce
Advocating for, Promoting and Recruiting Business Together! 
Weekly Update
May 4, 2015
Upcoming Dates

May 5 @ Noon
Board of Directors Mtg
Civic Center
May 8 @ 9 am
First Impressions Mtg
Civic Center 
May 12 @ Noon
Membership Luncheon
Civic Center
(see Winning with Social Media article for details)  

Tickets on Sale!

The Goehner Centennial Players 22nd Melodrama is scheduled at the Olde Glory Theatre at 348 Jackson Ave, Wednesdays thru Sundays from May 28-June 14. 

Use the link below to find
out more about this year's melodrama and how to get your tickets.  There are prime rib dinner nights, dessert matinees and popcorn nights to
choose from.

Egad the Woman In White  
Join Our Mailing List
Seward Chamber of Commerce
616 Bradford St.
Fax:  402-643-4713

From the Director

Good day!


We were excited to learn last week that the grant we applied for to conduct a Seward County tire recycling day was approved in full. The grant of nearly $17,000 will enable us to collect up to 250 tons of tires. I will be working with the First Impressions Committee to schedule this event for late June or early July.


I also want to get the word out that thanks to the Seward County Bridges to Prevention Coalition, we have placemats available that feature information about keeping youth drug and alcohol free. These placemats have three sections geared toward different age groups: younger children, teens and parents. If your organization holds events where these placemats could be utilized, please let us know and we can get a supply to you, either to have on-hand or before your specific events. These placemats are free of charge.


I am excited to share some follow up information regarding the Hiring Heroes Job Fair in Kansas two weeks ago. The Department of Defense reported that there were a total of 580 veterans and veterans-to-be that attended the event. We brought back 52 solid leads for employers in the Seward area. That means nearly 10% of those attending the event were serious enough about considering relocation to Seward County that they took the time to fill our datasheet. We are currently exploring offering an event for veterans and their families that would like to tour the Seward area. If you have position(s) to fill, please give us a call and let us see if there might be a good fit among these leads for your position(s).


Until Next Time,


Winning with Social Media


When I attended the fall conference of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Executives last year, I was pleased to meet Marcy Weaver, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at Micronet. Micronet currently provides assistance to 2,000 Chambers and associations, including hosting Seward's ChamberMaster database and website. In the latest issue of The National Chamber Review, Marcy submitted an article on winning with Social Media.


Social media is popular with organizations because it is affordable and easy to manage with a simple internet connection. But why are some businesses more successful with social media than others? Marcy's tips for success have six main considerations.


1)   Don't spread yourself too thin. I believe this to be excellent advice. Look at available social media platforms and decide which one or two best fits your business, then commit where you fit. This balances what is referred to in the advertising world as reach and frequency. You need to reach the people interested in your product or service and you need to do it often enough to be effective.

2)   Consider spending a little for increased exposure. Sites such as Facebook have started filtering unpaid posts, limiting users that see them. Boosting your post can help you be seen by more of your target market.

3)   Create interesting and relevant content for your users. Marcy suggests a one-to-six rule: make six social posts for every post you make about your product or service. My wife uses the example of an in-person social gathering. If someone at a party just walked around trying to sell something to each of the attendees, s/he would likely not be effective in generating any business. However, a little bit of business mingled with genuine conversation about oneself or the community has much more potential to engaging potential customers. Let's face it; people do business with people they like. Social media is your chance to get people in your target market to like you and your business.

4)   Not all content has to be original.  It is estimated that nearly half of noteworthy social media content comes from third party sources. As you search for content to retweet or repost, just vet the information to make sure it comes from a reputable source and that it is relevant to your base.     

5)   Involve your customers. Post testimonials from them. Post about their achievements or contributions they have made to the community. It is good for people to see that businesspeople and customers like each other.

6)      When Possible, use video to tell your story. Trends show that photos are half as likely to be seen as a video.


Tomorrow, Resa will be attending an online workshop on Social Media to help us stay on top of the latest trends. If you feel that you need a little help starting or recharging your social media presence, plan on attending next week's membership luncheon. We'll be happy to answer your questions related to social media. We'll also be talking about online issues and resources available to you through ChamberMaster and the website.  Cost is $10 payable at the door and lunch includes a hamburger bar catered by Sam & Louie's.   


Please RSVP to the Chamber by Friday, May 8th.  402.643.4189 or 


Concordia University Commencement and

Golden Reunion Weekend 


During the upcoming weekend, Concordia University, Nebraska and Seward will be hosting thousands of guests for our Commencement and Golden Reunion Weekend. The commencement ceremony will be Saturday, May 9 at 10 a.m. We will have more than 360 graduates participating! Many will have family coming to town, and the may look for places to eat Friday and Saturday. We will also host about 90 members of the class of 1965 and their guests from Thursday, May 7 through Sunday, May 10.


Please help us welcome them to Seward. Thank you for your hospitality while these very special guests visit our community!



Adam Hengeveld

Director of Alumni & University Relations


Marketing Workshop

How to Squeeze More
Out of Your Marketing
May 7, 6-8:30 pm, Civic Center  (Pre-register)

City Wide Garage Sales
May 8, 4-8pm
May 9, 8am-2pm

4th of July Kickoff Luncheon
Tuesday, June 2

Merchant Sidewalk Sales
Friday and Saturday, July 24-25


Saltdogs Night - June 6th
The Chamber is pairing up with Memorial Health Care Systems for a Saltdogs Night on Saturday, June 6th.  Watch for details in the coming weeks.  We are also working on a couple more nights this summer.   Play ball!