From the Director
Since our last update, we submitted a grant request for another Seward County Tire Recycling day. If awarded, we will be able to plan the event for late 2015 or early 2016.
Our Committees have also been hard at work.
- The Retail Committee has been discussing the best direction for cooperative promotion. The committee discussed the idea of "Saturdays in Seward" as a way to involve Seward residents who commute during the week, and out-of-town visitors who are in town, in promotions. We will keep you up to date as the committee fleshes this out.
- The Spring Show Committee is also hard at work. If you're still considering booth space, there's time. Organizations reserving their spots by March 13 will be included in all forms of advertising.
- The Ag Committee has been working to prepare for the banquet on March 16. This year we will have an agricultural Hall of Fame Award and an Agribusiness Award. If you would like to attend the event, please contact us for more information.
- The Christmas parade committee and other Christmas sub-committees have been working to better coordinate our events. We look forward to rolling out a comprehensive holiday plan in the near future.
We heard a great presentation from Travis Hollman of Hollman Media on development of a Seward app for mobile devices. We are excited about the potential this has for our Chamber and community and will be bringing you updates as the discussion moves forward.
We are also working to facilitate a Seward County booth at the Hiring Heroes job fair at Fort Riley with Seward County Economic Development and Seward County Veteran's Services. The State Chamber reports this is one of their most successful annual ventures; local Chambers that have participated in past events also report it being well worth their time and resources. Denise has been working on a Veteran-centered rack card to be unveiled at the event.
Other items of note include:
- JoAnn represented the Chamber at the Women in Business Luncheon at Concordia last week while I was battling the flu.
- The SADC moved to begin the bid process for land adjacent to the box factory on Hwy 34.
- The joint marketing workshop with REAP and the SBA has been confirmed. See details later in this email.
- Sign up now for the Southeast Nebraska Professional Development Seminar to be held in Seward this March. See details at
Charles |
Membership Luncheon
Tuesday, March 10 at Noon
Civic Center Lower Level
Valerie Snyder, an AmeriCorps VISTA member serving with BVCA (Blue Valley Community Action) Partnership Veteran & Family Support, will be presenting on area resources for Veterans and their families. Sandra Kavan, Allied Industry Services Director with the Nebraska Pork Producers Association, will present on how pork production has evolved over the years and some of the economic impacts we see from producers, such as exports and job creation.
Lunch will be pulled pork, potato salad, baked beans, cookie, tea & water for $10, payable at the door.
Please RSVP by THURSDAY, March 5 by calling 402-643-4189 or emailing
February Ambassador Call Ridgewood Ribbon Cutting
Right now, your Nebraska Community Blood Bank is facing a serious challenge in maintaining an adequate supply of life-saving blood needed by patients at hospitals throughout southeast Nebraska.
To ensure an ample supply of blood is available, Nebraska Community Blood Bank is issuing an Urgent Appeal for type O negative. While all blood types are always in demand, right now we strongly encourage all eligible donors with type O negative to give blood if they are:
- In good health - Free of antibiotics for 72 hours, unless taken daily for skin condition - Symptom-free for at least 2 days following a cold or flu - 17 years of age or older
To schedule a blood donation, call 1-877-486-9414 or visit |
 Seward Spring Show Ag Pavilion
March 27, 4-8 pm March 28, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Seward Spring Clean Up
April 4, 8 am - 1 pm 1040 S. Columbia Marketing Workshop (REAP & SBA)
How to Squeeze More Out of Your Marketing April 29, 6-8:30 pm, Civic Center (pre-register) City Wide Garage Sales
May 8-9 Merchant Sidewalk Sales
July 24-25 |