In This Issue
Overview - HOSA Competitive Events
Competition Deadlines!
HOSA Events at Competition & Direct Links to Event Guidelines
HC21 - Competition Prep Resource
Contact Information
Anna Kaminski, MHA
Health Careers & Education Coordinator
MAHEC logo blue
312 S. Elson St.
Kirksville, MO 63501
(660) 665-6404
2 Types of Events 
1. Competitive
(Only top scoring individuals & teams are recognized)
Event Categories Include:
- Health Science 
- Health Professions 
-  Emergency Preparedness 
- Leadership 
- Teamwork
2. Recognition 
(If an individual or chapter meets recognition expectations, they are recognized. Not a competitive event)
Event Category Includes:
- Recognition
4 Main Types of Activities for Competitive Events

1.Knowledge Test- A multiple choice, Scantron test will be administered, and those with the Top 3 scores will medal, and be eligible to compete at National HOSA Competition. 

2.Two Rounds: 
1) Test & 2) Skill Performance(s) - All participants will take the multiple choice test, and those with the top test scores will proceed to round 2 of competition and perform selected skill procedure(s). The Top 3 from the 2nd Round will be eligible to compete at National HOSA Competition. 

3. Evaluation of Student Skill Procedure Performance(s)  - 
All participants will perform the selected skill procedures, and after judge evaluation, the top 3 will medal, and be eligible to compete at National HOSA Competition. This is only applicable for events for those with special needs (Personal Care, Life Support Skills, Interviewing Skills, and Speaking Skills).

4. Presentation of Portfolio or Poster, etc. - This type of activity is for events such as the Extemporaneous Health Poster, Medical Photography, etc. The top 3 contestants will medal and be eligible to compete at National HOSA Competition. 
2013 NEMO AHEC HOSA State Competitors

Last year, 7 NEMO AHEC HOSA qualified for National HOSA Competition!

Some of the crew at Olive Garden!

Official References for the 2014 HOSA Competitive Events Program can be found here:
These publications will be where all of the information for the tests, procedures, etc. will come from. In order to be fully prepared for competition, we strongly encourage your competing students to access these!
FAQ: Competitive Events

Are there practice tests available for any of the tests?

There are no practice tests available for any of the HOSA events. HOSA members who are successful on any HOSA test have spent hours studying the recommended text resource AND have a sound general understanding of the concepts to be measured on the test. It helps to pay attention to the test plan in the guidelines so you will know where to focus your attention. 


What does it mean when it says Rescuer 1 and Rescuer II in CPR/First Aid?

There are usually 2 victims in CPR-one that needs first aid and one that needs CPR. You and your partner decide who is Rescuer I and who is Rescuer II. Rescuer I does the first aid and helps with CPR. Rescuer II starts the CPR.


In the spelling events, are there ever any terms with 2 words or punctuation?

Yes. Occasionally there are terms that have 2 words (Tinea corporis), and some that are hyphenated (Cheyne-Stokes) or have an apostrophe (Bartholin's glands). Most judges would not give you credit for spelling the word correctly if you miss the punctuation.


Can we move objects around on our display in Career Health Display?

You may move things around on your display, but all articles must stay within the dimensions of the display. What the guidelines prevent you from doing is, for example, taking special goggles from your display and putting them on. Your head is not within the dimensions of the display. 


To See More FAQs, click here

Our packed bus to state competition!

2013 NEMO AHEC HOSA State Competitors

Waiting patiently to hear the results!
Waiting patiently to hear the results!
Quick Links
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2014 HOSA State Competition  
When: Tuesday, March 25th 
          8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: East Central College
Union, MO
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This newsletter is intended to provide basic information about the HOSA State Competition, give you access to HOSA competition resources, and also to provide tips on how your students should prepare for competition. 

HOSA logo
As always, if you have questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 
or at (660) 665-6404. 
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Newsletter - Dance Drop Shadow Image
Overview: HOSA Competitive Events Program
  • Designed to provide a system for recognizing the competencies developed by HOSA members through Health Science class instruction, related job training, and HOSA related activities.     
  • For students, it is worth the time and effort to select an event and prepare for competition. Those who prepare for an event are developing the knowledge and skills needed as a health care professional. Regardless of whether m students-discussion.jpgembers receive a medallion in state or national competition, the real benefit of the Competitive Events Program is realized when the student prepares for competition.     

  • HOSA provides this program as a means of recognizing those students who are willing to pursue excellence by preparing for competition, and having the determination to attend a conference and demonstrate the competencies gained through the health science program. 
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HOSA logo graphics
HOSA Competition Deadline Information

It is important for your HOSA members wishing to compete at the State Competition to commit to competing EARLY. This will allow them enough time to prepare for their event, and get comfortable with the material. 

Knowing the number of students wishing to compete early will also allow our office time to help all of you determine the logistics needed to get the NEMO AHEC HOSA members to Union, Missouri. Since we will be leaving from the same region, it will most likely be most cost efficient if we travel together. 

Deadline for Student Confirmations (Are they competing?)
Friday, January 31

This will give the student 2 months to choose an event, and adequately prepare. Please let me know by Friday, January 31st what your students have decided regarding HOSA competition. 
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HOSA Competitive Events Program
Below you will find a list of all of the events in the 2014 HOSA Competitive Events Program. As you click on desired events, you will be redirected to the event's specific guidelines, rules and instructions. 

Please remember, HOSA students may only participate in 1 event, whether it is individual or team-based. 

     - Human Growth & Development
     - Medical Law & Ethics
     - Nutrition
     - Pharmacology
     - Pathophysiology
     - Transcultural Health Care

*Events for those with special needs or disabilities. Students may only compete in the events designated with an asterisk if they can be classified under the provision of the 2004 reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA defines a "child with a disability" as a "child... with an intellectual disabilityhearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emotional disturbance..., orthopedic impairments, autismtraumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; AND, who... [because of the condition] needs special education and related services." Specific information on how to register a student for these events can be found in the specific event guidelines.  
If you have any questions on any of this information, please let me know!
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Competition Study Resource for 


HC21 online modules are a resource we have used in the past to help prepare HOSA students for competition. It was evident in those that did well during their competitions that this resource was helpful in their study preparation.

What is HC21? 
HC21 is an educational online platform housed by Applied Educational Systems (AES), that provides various educational modules on healthcare topics. The online modules include interactive sessions with videos, lectures, and quizzes to gauge how each student is doing. 

Benefits of HC21
  • Since HC21 is a web-based product, students can access it anywhere via their computer, ipad, smart phone, etc.      
  • All HC21 modules have a "narration" option - if a student prefers to be spoken to rather than reading the material, the HC21 module has that capability. 
  • There are 36 broad categories of HC21 online modules, with multiple related sub-categories of educational modules . These categories cover many different topics, ranging from Anatomy & Physiology to Legal & Ethical Responsibilities of the Medical Profession. Please see the full catalog below.
  • HC21 is also aligned with the National Health Care Skills Standards, and is proven to help students raise their scores on the national assessment. The HOSA organization strives to align its competencies with the National Health Care Skills Standards. Therefore this is a great resource for competition preparation!
Appropriate HC21 Module Categories for HOSA Competition Preparation
  • Legal & Ethical Responsibilities 
  • Medical Terminology
  • Infection Control
  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Human Growth & Development
  • Medical Mathematics
  • Wellness & Nutrition
  • Client Status (Vital Signs)
  • Safety Precautions
  • CPR Methods
  • Emergency Care
  • Job Seeking Skills
  • Insurance & Coding
  • Body Mechanics (Moving & Positioning Patients)
  • Special Populations (Elderly & Pediatric Patients, etc.)
  • Patient Comfort (Making beds, observing patients, etc.) 
  • Nutrition & Elimination
  • Rehabilitative & Restorative Care
  • Admissions, Transfers, & Discharges
  • The Surgical Patient
  • Specimen Collection and Testing
  • Phlebotomy
  • Electrocardiography 
I would be happy to help your students choose module(s) most appropriate for their competitive event of choice. 

To Download HC21's Full Catalog, 

How Can We Access HC21 Online Modules? 
HC21 module(s) are assigned to each person by "licenses" that are attached to a student's email. I will be the Administrator for the HC21 modules, and will set up the interested students in their course(s) and keep track of their progress. I would be happy to send you progress reports if you wish as well. 
The cost per license is $15, payable to NEMO AHEC, which is a 50% discount from the original price through AES. While the license is active, the student can go through as many modules they wish. Once the student is finished with their HC21 course(s), I can re-assign the license to another student.Therefore, you do not have to purchase licenses for each student wishing to prepare for competition. 1 license can be used for multiple students. However, please note only 1 student can use the license at one time. Deadlines for module(s) completion may work best to ensure each student is able to adequately prepare using HC21 modules. 

We have already purchased licenses for our HOSA students to use to prepare for competition - please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity for your students to prepare for competition!
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