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New Generation of LG Bluetooth Speakers Pairs Versatility with Premium Sound
LG Electronics (LG) is expanding its portfolio of portable Bluetooth-enabled speakers with a lineup of three new models set to debut at IFA 2016 in Berlin - September 4-7. Equipped with cutting-edge features and boasting new designs, the new LG portable Bluetooth speakers (models PH2, PH3 and PH4) serve as versatile audio solutions for all listener types who need portability to match their active lifestyles. Read More
Sennheiser Unleashes New Gaming Products at Gamescom 2016
At Gamescom 2016 Sennheiser unveiled a range of new gaming products. The audio specialist is launching the GSX 1000 and GSX 1200 PRO audio amplifiers for PC and Mac - the very first to feature an advanced 7.1 positional gaming audio algorithm developed by Sennheiser with the needs of core gamers in mind. Sennheiser is also launching the GSP 300, a new closed acoustic headset from the brand's new range of gaming headsets. Read More
Work in Progress at the Rocky Mountain International Audio Fest (RMAF) 2016
The most cherished and the largest of all high-end consumer audio shows in the US, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (RMAF), has announced that due to circumstances beyond its control, the renovations scheduled for the Marriott Denver Tech Center (DTC), have been delayed and will not be complete by the start of the show. In response to this development, RMAF and the Marriott DTC have devised an alternative plan to expand the show into other available space on the property. Read More
USB-IF Announces a New Certified USB Charger Logo and Compliance Program
USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), the support organization for the advancement and adoption of USB technology, announced a Certified USB Charger Compliance and Logo Program to establish USB chargers for compliant USB Type-C devices including laptops, tablets, smartphones, docking stations, displays, and other products. Based upon the USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery specifications, Certified USB Chargers will display a new logo identifying the power capability in watts. Read More
Speech Recognition Improved: Nuance Announces Major New Releases of Dragon for Windows and Mac
Nuance Communications announced its new suite of Dragon professional solutions for PC and Mac that leverage Nuance Deep Learning technology to deliver upwards of 24 percent greater accuracy driving new levels of documentation productivity for professionals. The new Dragon releases include Dragon Professional Individual, version 15; Dragon Legal Individual, version 15; and, Dragon Professional Individual for Mac, version 6, and feature powerful dictation, transcription, and customization capabilities. Read More
Planning Is in Full Swing for the 2016 Loudspeaker Sourcing Show
The 2016 Loudspeaker Sourcing Show will be held October 7, 8, and 9, 2016 at the Nansha Grand Hotel in Guangzhou, China. This second edition is on track to be larger and even more productive for the companies exhibiting and those attending. The show is for ALL companies that deal with loudspeakers including consumer, contractor A/V, mobile, audiophile, headphone, musical instrument, and professional market segments. Read More
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Editor's Desk
audioXpress Goes Full Circle:
New Articles Wanted!
This is that moment of the year when we have to spend some time from our busy production routine to plan ahead and look at what we can do for our 2017 publication schedule.
I thought I should use this space to share a few words regarding what we are thinking, because I also have the feeling that developments on audioXpress have now taken us full circle. Since November 2013, we have taken audioXpress to an entirely new level, updated the topics, and expanded the title to be the global reference in everything audio related. From a magazine that traditionally has served the DIY and audio electronics enthusiasts community, we have now reached that point where the title is clearly recognized as a valid resource for the entire audio engineering community, R&D teams, and audio product designers from all over the world.
While we want to continue evolving audioXpress in the entertaining and educational aspects of DIY and fundamentals of audio electronics, we feel increasingly the responsibility to address audio product design, cover all the critical disciplines in audio development and product design, from electronics to electro-acoustics and acoustics, and serve the needs of a new generation of audio engineers doing projects with cutting-edge technology: using integrated circuits, embedded platforms, digital signal processing, computer simulations tools, or exploring the brave world of wireless, streaming, and networked audio.
Much in the same way as our online resources reflect new developments in areas such as high-resolution audio, IP transmission, headphone, earphones, hearables, voice recognition, and much more, we want our print edition to reflect those current trends. We are planning articles on all types of loudspeaker designs for increasingly challenging applications, from mobile and portable applications to smart speakers and beam steering arrays for challenging professional audio installations. Also, new types of microphone arrays, software emulation of audio circuits and transducers, voice recognition, binaural applications, objected-oriented audio and immersive audio implementations. On the test and measurement front, we are planning detailed articles on how to characterize and find the best routines for evaluation of current generation devices and chips in all types of audio applications, but increasingly in mobile audio.
Even more, we are working to expand our coverage of new audio designs by reviewing many new classes of products, from Bluetooth speakers and studio monitors to modular amplifier platforms with built-in DSP, as well as headphones/earphones, new AD/DA converters and acoustical and electro-acoustical interfaces. As mentioned, we also plan to increase the number of acoustics articles.
Interestingly, there are many technologies that have been extensively covered in the pages of audioXpress and its previous titles that are now witnessing a rebirth. Turntables, tube preamps, horn-speakers - Maybe you would like to submit a new DIY project in those topics? We welcome projects in those areas. Maybe you have an idea for a nice 500-series format audio circuit or a remake of an analog vintage effects unit?
All this and much more is on our minds for our 2017 publication schedule. But we cannot do it all without your contributions. From one side we need more hands-on projects and DIY contributions, but we also welcome stories describing your R&D adventures. Turn your paper into a nice article that actually reaches a wider audience; share your academic research to get feedback and pitch potential sponsors; describe your product development and increase market recognition and differentiation. Are you planning a crowdfunding promotion for your first or next-generation audio design? Tell us the story of your development and unique features.
We welcome your article submissions in all those areas
Interested? Send us an email.
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From the Vault
Four Hybrid Solid-State Power Amplifiers
By Charles Hansen
In this article from audioXpress' archives, originally published in July 2003, Charles Hansen described four hybrid power amps that anyone could adapt for their own designs. Starting with the idea that an op-amp provides both a differential input stage and high overall gain in one package, Hansen explores the ramifications of using an op-amp as a combined input and voltage amplifier stage in power amplifiers. As he describes, "I did not build the four amplifiers shown in this article, but I did run a SPICE simulation to verify that they did perform as audio amplifiers. I provided the circuits, showing waveforms at selected points in the circuitry, as a basis for further experimentation. I selected the feedback values to provide a −3 dB frequency response of 2 Hz to 8 6kHz at a gain of 20 (26 dB), with a sprinkling of other parts, where necessary, to provide adequate loop stability and avoid excessive phase shift or response peaking. I simplified the drawings by using diode bias, so in a real-world amplifier the output transistor bias must be optimized with the usual Vbe multiplier bias-spreading transistor. I also do not show components such as output device protection circuits, the zobel network for the speaker, radio frequency oscillation suppression, and power supply filter and decoupling caps. Output devices are yours to select, as are the op-amps unless otherwise specified." Read the Full Article Available Here
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Voice Coil Test Bench
Max Speakers 2519inv TIneo Inverted Dome Tweeter
By Vance Dickason
For this Test Bench review, the drivers came from Canada. I received a compact titanium inverted dome tweeter, the MF2519inv TIneo PRHS, from the Max Fidelity line by Canadian Loudspeaker Corp. (CLC). CLC was founded in Toronto, Canada by Frank Fabian in the 1983, and incorporated in 1987. CLC is an OEM/ODM manufacturer for home Hi-Fi, car audio, and pro sound drivers and produces and distributes several of its own branded driver lines including: Deutschephon, Flick Systems, MAX Cap, MAX Fidelity, MAX Pentivent, and MAX Professional. The MF2519inv TIneo tweeter has an interesting feature set, starting with the diaphragm, using a 25-mm (0.98") diameter inverted titanium dome with the flat edge of the dome's outer perimeter serving as the surround, a teardrop shaped phase plug, neodymium motor, and a 19-mm (0.75") underhung ferrofluid-damped voice coil wound with round copper wire. This tweeter's physical features include a press-fit, rubber mounting ring that provides vibration damping between the tweeter and the baffle, a metal screen to protect the dome from prying fingers, a solid-aluminum heatsink, and gold plated terminals. The heatsink performs a couple tasks. First, it seals the relief holes in the back of the motor cup that enable better voice coil seating during assembly (limits magnetic fluid displacement). Second, this heatsink is specifically designed to be directly behind a rear-mounted port for additional cooling. The bullet shape is supposed to minimize turbulence in this location. This article was originally published in Voice Coil, February 2013. Read the Full Article Online
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