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Ethernet Alliance Unveils 2015 Ethernet Roadmap With Diverse Range of Speeds and New Applications
The Ethernet Alliance released its 2015 Ethernet Roadmap, the first publicly available industry document outlining the ongoing development and evolution of Ethernet through the end of the decade. Four new speeds - 2.5 Gigabit per second (Gb/s), 5 Gb/s, 25 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Ethernet - are currently in development by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), while the industry is also considering 50Gb/s and 200 Gb/s Ethernet. Read More
Sonarworks Studio Monitor and Headphone Calibration Solution
Latvia-based Sonarworks is a recording studio software development start-up specializing in acoustic calibration solutions and DAW plug-ins. The company just released its Sonarworks Reference 3 studio calibration software and the Reference 3 high-definition studio headphone calibration software that will enable audio professionals to achieve ultimate accuracy toward the reference of their choice.

Avid Confirms Pro Tools 12 is Now Available
Avid confirmed that its next generation digital audio software, Pro Tools 12, is now available. As previously announced during the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show 2015 at the start of the year, the new Pro Tools 12 comes with flexible licensing options, by subscription, software purchase and upgrade plans. There's also Pro Tools First, a free version. Read More
All Exhibition Spaces Booked at the High End Show 2015
The planning for the High End Show 2015 is complete and all the exhibition spaces are booked. Promoted by the High End Society, the Munich show is the largest of its kind in the audio industry and the organizers are delighted at the fantastic industry response. Booth spaces at the High End 2015 are already fully booked two months before the show opens its doors, from May 14-17, 2015. Read More
Audio Engineering Society Hosts Successful 57th
International Conference on the Future of Audio Entertainment Technology
The Audio Engineering Society (AES) hosted its 57th I nternational Conference, titled "The Future of Audio Entertainment Technology: Cinema, Television, and the Internet," in Hollywood, CA, from March 6-8, 2015. The leading immersive formats, several of which are vying for adoption in the ATSC 3.0 next-generation television audio standard, were discussed in great detail over the weekend. Read More
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Perceived Meaningful Resolution
As you may have noticed, the ephemeral and ill-defined concept of "resolution" has been on my mind of late. Many consumers and yes, even some audio professionals, conflate bit depth with resolution. In a broad sense, this is understandable but it's sample rate that overshadows word length.
In linear pulse code modulation (LPCM), word length simply determines the maximum dynamic range. 16-bit word lengths are more than sufficient to meet the needs of the human ear, and so are quite reasonable as the standardized word length for compact discs. That said the production of a recording almost always require the use of greater bit depths during post. The only exception to that fact is the purist recording that employs no processing (e.g., EQ and dynamics) during recording or post-processing (e.g., SRC, editing, mixing, or transcoding). That purist class of audiophile recording is rare indeed.
To be truly meaningful, "resolution" should include the recording chain quality, the post-production practices, the replication/distribution practices and format, and the repro chain in one's home. Most folks and pundits want to simplify the discussion, either to reinforce their argument ("HRA Is Stupid, Don't Buy Into The Madness!") or to make a point about a particular sacred cow.
Many professionals and consumers tend to simplify resolution by equating it with its most obvious metric - sample rate. Yes, time domain resolution is partially determined by the sampling rate and I would hazard an opinion that it is a major contributor in our subjective perception of resolution. However, the long laundry list of factors previously mentioned, including acquisition, recording, post, and distribution, all contribute to the deliverable's perceived "resolution."
Last year, the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) codified the definition of High-Resolution Audio (HRA) as being CD spec or better. For the public, that initiative simultaneously provides convenient pigeonholes while failing to address any linkage between actual fidelity and HRA labels. The result is an even more confused consumer with increased cynicism in the pro community.
As engineers, our concrete brains tend to sort and categorize the world into easily digestible mouthfuls. Unfortunately, the real world is much richer than those dry and dusty tidbits! So, educate yourselves about today's issues and challenges while helping to showcase benefits that better fidelity brings to the consumers and the artists you meet.
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Sharing the Knowledge
Circuit Cellar magazine was founded by Steve Ciarcia, motivated by his aspiration to share the knowledge that still inspires the publication today. Always on the edge of technology and market trends, Circuit Cellar provides the best content about embedded hardware and software, sensors, robotics, wireless communication, data acquisition, analog techniques, programmable logic and much more.
While, audioXpress and Voice Coil magazines have been created in direct response to the information needs of audio product designers, R&D departments and many DIY enthusiasts, our editorial tradition is deeply rooted in electronics, innovation and obviously, sharing the knowledge.
That's why we are proud to be currently associated with Circuit Cellar, the world's leading publication serving the international engineering, programming and embedded design community. Steve Ciarcia is now the sole owner of audioXpress and Voice Coil and, like us, he believes that innovative, cutting-edge engineering ideas should be shared.
I want you to be aware of this association and, in the same spirit, offer you the opportunity to take advantage of a limited-time 50% discount on either a print or digital subscription to Circuit Cellar
Click here for a free preview of Circuit Cellar magazine
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I trust you'll enjoy reading it every month.
Regards Jo�o Martins audioXpress Editor-in-chief
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Voice Coil Spotlight
Actran's Acoustic and Vibration Simulation Software
By David Burd, PhD (MSC Software)
The kind of acoustic simulation tools that were once the exclusive province of automotive and aerospace engineers are now available to loudspeaker designers. A speaker designer working in a home studio can design a new enclosure or ported box using the same simulation technology automotive engineers use to design quiet auto interiors or, more precisely, almost the same simulation technology. Originally published by Voice Coil - June 2013. Read More
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Member Profile
Rick Silva, Studio City, CA
Rick is the vice president of production and product manager at Audionamix (audionamix.com), the creators of ADX TRAX, a specialized audio software to allow audio source separation and isolating audio elements from existing tracks. But Rick is also an audio engineering instructor, music technology book author and owner of Mixed Emotions Productions, his "humble audio cave for creativity and experimentation." Read More
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