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Lately many business owners have come to my seminars asking questions about social media such as:
Which social sites are right for me?
How often should I post?
Why should I be part of any social media channel at all?
As a business owner, you know that beginning this process can quickly become overwhelming!
Like My NewsGirl on Facebook to get this offer!
Take a deep breath! Entering the social media arena can be easy! Like My NewsGirl on Facebook and download tips on how to be successful. Just take it one step (or site) at a time!
Why Should Your Business be on Social Media?'s a secret, if you place your information out there, then your friends and followers can do the work for you!
Studies show that users are checking in on Facebook often. The Huffington Post reports that 23% of Facebook users check in 5x a day! Wouldn't it be great if they saw your business message on one of those daily social scans and then "liked" it or hit the "share" button?
Twitter just relaunched Twitter for Business this past Monday and makes it easy for small business owners to join in the conversation. Watch this video below that shows what 140 characters can do for your business!