Matthews Church of God

October                                                                                                                                                                  2014
Fall Is Here!
Fall is here and we couldn't be more excited. Soon the leaves will be changing and it will be time to put the flannel sheets on your bed and sink into bliss.

It's that time of year for:
  • Sweaters and apple cider
  • Snuggling up with an extra blanket
  • A hot cup of chocolate
  • Lighting candles
  • Soups and stews
  • Pumpkin patches
  • Farmer's market fall produce
  • Cooking in the crock pot
  • Fall-inspired decorations
  • Fireplaces
  • Fairs, bake sales, fall festivals
  • Pumpkin-flavored everything!
  • The beautiful colors
  • Fall spices - cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
  • Boots, scarves & hoodies

God is so good and we praise Him for the season! 

Jeremiah 5:24 (ESV)

24 They do not say in their hearts,
    'Let us fear the Lord our God,
who gives the rain in its season,
    the autumn rain and the spring rain,
and keeps for us
    the weeks appointed for the harvest.'


Youth Explosion 2014 was said to be the best ever!
Attendance was at an all time high as well as the enthusiasm.
Twenty precious souls were saved and several were filled with the Spirit.

J.J. Weeks band started the weekend off with lots of energy and the church was packed.
Saturday day and Saturday night brought more of the same. The youth split up into teams and went out and ministered in the community. Saturday night was power packed with a mass youth choir, drama and the anointed preaching of Andy Nicholson.
Sunday was very special as the youth led in worship in both services with Sunday evening being filled with wonderful testimonies from the youth.
Ed & Beth Baker did an outstanding job putting everything together; the success of the weekend was their reward for a job well done!

Take a look at some of the scenes from the youth weekend.

Senior Adult & Grandparent's Day
This Grandparent's Day was special for the pastor's family with the addition of Luke Ryder Salsedo.

Luke was born on August 25 and joins his brother Logan and sister Skylar in the home of Troy & Abby.
We recognized our senior adults on Grandparent's Day. The Lord has blessed us with some outstanding men and women who continue to work and labor for God even in their golden years.

Our women's ministries was in full swing with our annual BBQ sale. We had an abundance of help preparing and serving. Bobby Hunt is our official barbecuer and always does an outstanding job; this year was no exception! 
We are so blessed to have a 1st Lady who will lead our women's ministries and work so hard to make sure that everything is successful. Ladies take a bow; you did it again- Sold Out! 


Ladies' Day - Sunday October 19 Guest Speaker Alice Scott
                                                        "Ten Virgins" Program
Fall Festival - Saturday October 25 Sponsored by the Youth Depart.
Membership Class - Sunday October 26 Conference Room

In This Issue
Baby Dedication
Alana Johnston

Jake and Amber Johnston dedicated Alana Grace to the Lord on Sunday September 21, 2014.

Contact Us
Bishop Rick D Brackett
Matthews Church of God
Thank You!

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