Upcoming Events
| Loon Cruises on Squam Lake Mondays & Fridays thru August 29; 3 pm
August 18; 7:30 pm
August 23-25
August 25; 7:30 pm
Contact Us |
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
Twelve weeks seems like a long time to most people, but when you're working as an LPC field biologist, it sure goes by fast. The field season officially ended last Friday and we had to say goodbye to the crew, led again by Senior Biologist John Cooley and newcomer Caroline Hughes who worked as the Field Program Coordinator. Thanks to all the LPC loon watchers and supporters who helped the crew with loon sightings, boat rides, rescues, housing, and more! The last week did not come without its share of excitement including the rescue of an adult loon on Milton Pond that got into a fight with another loon, and its chick, who wandered into another loon territory, the following day. Both of these loons are being treated by rehabilitators in Maine, but their prognosis is not good.
How many biologists can you fit in a dunk tank?! The 2016 crew "poses" for a group picture following the Loon Festival.
Of course, the loons will be sticking around for a while longer, so please feel free to share your sightings with us anytime. We would love to hear how the chicks are doing and when the adults leave the lake in the fall. Come hear preliminary end of season results at one of the volunteer appreciation potlucks on August 23-25. See details below. If you cannot make it to one of these events, a detailed recap of the 2016 breeding season will be out in LPC's upcoming Fall Newsletter.
On August 11, beginning just after 7 am, a team of eight swimmers swam across Squam Lake to raise funds for loon conservation. This marked the 10th anniversary of The Swim which has raised more than $160,000 to support LPC's work to benefit Squam Lake loons and to recover a healthy population of loons on the lake!
The 2016 Swim Team celebrate their arrival to the Sandwich Town Beach following a 7-mile relay across Squam Lake to raise money for loon conservation on the lake.
LPC would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to Wendy Van de Poll and the team of Swimmers for this amazing feat! Again, we would also like to thank local businesses including Squam Marketplace, EM Heaths Supermarket, and the Corner House Inn for donating food for the post-swim celebration and captain Dave Martin and the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center for donating a boat for a special loon cruise with LPC Biologist Tiffany Grade in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary. LPC extends special thanks to the 2016 Swim Sponsors: Breakaway Athletic Coaching, MM Ballroom, and Grace Wellness Center.
Don't forget to purchase your tickets for our annual Benefit Raffle. Take a chance to win one of three great prizes: a beautiful loon quilt, a framed loon print, or an Old Town kayak. The raffle drawing will be held at LPC's Holiday Open House on Saturday, November 26, but you don't have to be present to win! Tickets can be purchased in person at The Loon Center or by calling LPC at 603-476-5666. From now through Columbus Day, The Loon Center is open 7 days a week from 9-5 so stop on by for a visit! Before I sign off, I want to share the exciting news that we confirmed once again the Sweats Meadow female, the oldest-known loon in New England, was back on her territory on Lake Umbagog this summer. Sadly, she and her mate did not produce any chicks this year, but it's amazing to think she is nearly 30 years old! This once again underscores the importance of our banding work which teaches us more about the life span of loons and mate or site fidelity, and allows us to answer many other questions as well.
Enjoy the rest of your summer,
Thank You to Our Volunteers!
A pair of loons watches as volunteer Maynard Thompson floats a loon raft on Loon Lake in Freedom, NH. Photo courtesy of Jay Kenty.
| One way to thank our volunteers for their tremendous help and dedication is by hosting volunteer appreciation potlucks at the end of the summer. We hope you can join us at one of the following celebrations:
- Tuesday, August 23 at 6 pm: The Harris Center, 83 King's Highway, Hancock
- Wednesday, August 24 at 6 pm: Canaan Meeting House, near 450 Canaan Street, Canaan (directly across from Canaan Street Lake)
- Thursday, August 25 at 5:30 pm: The Loon Center, 183 Lee's Mill Road, Moultonborough*
Please bring a dish to share. We will provide beverages, plates and utensils. RSVP to Susie at volunteers@loon.org or call 603-477-2884 and let us know what you are bringing. Friends & family are welcome.
After the potluck, Harry Vogel will present trends in New Hampshire's loon population and a wrap-up of the 2016 season.
We can't think of a better way to share stories and recognize our volunteers for their assistance throughout the summer!
Volunteers Bill Considine and Wayne Adams head out to float a nesting sign on Crystal Lake. LPC staff and volunteers float these signs to give loons the space they need to nest. Photo courtesy of Deb Adams.
*On August 25, Nature Photographer John Rockwood will also present a slide show featuring the loons on Lake Massabesic.
2016 Loon Census Results
This year, 526 observers covered 121 of New Hampshire's lakes during the annual count on July 16th, about one third of the lakes that LPC surveys and monitors annually. The census turned up a few surprises this year including a late nest on Ossipee Lake. Horn Pond in Wakefield was added to our list of census lakes, and participants on Streeter Pond celebrated the first-ever count of loon chicks there (in at least 40 years)! A total of 445 adult loons were tallied, 3 immature loons and 74 loon chicks. These census observations are part of a statewide snapshot of the loon population that informs LPC's seasonal monitoring. Better weather this year probably contributed to a greater turnout and a slightly higher number of adult loons observed this year than last (404 adult loons in 2015).
A newly hatched chick was counted on Connor Pond during the loon census. It's sibling missed being counted by just a few hours! Photo courtesy of Polly Wright.
The NH loon census also coincides with loon counts on the same day in Vermont, Maine, and New York. In case you missed it this year, the Loon Census is always the 3rd Saturday in July from 8-9 am. Save the date for the 2017 census on July 15, 2017! Thanks again to everyone who participated! Stay tuned for the upcoming LPC Fall Newsletter for full details on the 2016 season.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
Loon Preservation Committee