Thank you for tuning in to our webcam over the last few weeks. In case you missed it, the first chick hatched on Tuesday, June 23.
A still shot was captured from the webcam right before the loons left
the nest site.
Unfortunately, the second egg was found a few days later in the water, not too far from the nest. We suspect the egg was accidentally kicked out of the nest by one of the adults, but it's hard to say if it happened during the excitement of the hatch or sometime before then. The chick seems to be doing well so far!
The second egg is visible in the water (circled) not too far from the nest. It's hard to tell from this photo, but the nest was relatively flat without concave sides, therefore making it easier for an egg to possibly roll out.
About 200 people attended our Annual Luncheon & Benefit Auction on Sunday, June 28 at Church Landing in Meredith. Guest Speaker Willem Lange told entertaining stories about his efforts to live as the consummate New England Yankee. It was a great way to celebrate our 40th year of preserving loons in New Hampshire!
As of early July, we have confirmed 125 nesting pairs around the state. Forty-four chicks have hatched so far, with more expected to hatch very soon. The holiday weekend can be a stressful time for the loons with increased activity on the lakes, so please remember to give them plenty of space. A good pair of binoculars and a long telephoto lens go a long way for observing loon behavior without getting too close!

LPC volunteer Kittie Wilson captures amazing photos of the loon family on Pleasant Lake in New London, NH, using a telephoto lens. She then crops and enlarges the image which lets us feel we are "close" to the the loons while being at a respectable distance.
We still need to get the complete band resight, but a preliminary report from Umbagog shows that the Sweat's Meadow female is back on her territory this summer (she was banded as an adult in 1993; given that loons usually do not breed until they are 6 years old on average, she is at least 25 years old)!
There are lots of exciting events coming up this month including Yakking for Loons on Friday, July 10 and the 2nd annual "Save the Loons Fishing Derby" on Chocorua Lake on Saturday, July 11. On July 18, LPC hosts the statewide Loon Census, followed by the Loon Festival from 10-2. Our Summer Nature Talk Series also gets underway on July 9 and continues every Thursday through August 20. See the sidebar for more details.
Lastly, I'll leave you with this great picture taken by LPC volunteer Libby Corbin on Perch Pond in Campton. Neither the loons nor the moose seemed bothered by each other's presence!
Photo courtesy of Libby Corbin,
Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend,
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator