Ice-out was officially declared on Lake Winnipesaukee on April 24, 2015. Even though this winter seemed more severe than last year, ice-out occurred only one day later than in 2014. The first confirmed loon was seen on April 11 on Lake Massabesic in Auburn--a banded female that was still molting! LPC volunteer and wildlife photographer John Rockwood reported that only 10-15% of the lake was ice-free that day. At least in the spring, we are less concerned that a loon will be stranded because the ice shifts around enough and we know the thaw is coming. Just a few days later, Massabesic was completely ice-free.
Photo courtesy of John Rockwood.
By now, we have received reports of returning loons from all of our monitoring regions. Probably one of the most exciting reports came on Monday, May 4, from Martin Meadow Pond in Lancaster, NH. You may recall the story of a banded male loon that was trapped in a tiny patch of open water last December and was rescued by LPC Senior Biologist John Cooley. Once captured, he was taken to Meadow Pond Animal Hospital in Moultonborough for an x-ray which showed fishing tackle in the loon's stomach. Because initial blood work revealed that the lead concentration was below the threshold for clinical poisoning, we transferred the loon to Avian Haven Rehabilitation Center to try an innovative procedure to flush the lead out of the loon's system. Fortunately, this unusual procedure was a success and the loon was released a few days later on the coast of Maine. We have been anxiously waiting to see if this loon would return, so we were thrilled to receive the call from volunteer Diane Wiles that the loon was back on the pond!
Thanks to all of our hard-working volunteers who came to our raft and sign building workshop on April 17. Look at how many rafts they built in just a few hours!
Top photo: Volunteers are building a new nesting raft with guidance from Senior Biologist John Cooley. Photo courtesy of Libby Corbin.
Bottom photo: The finished products--a very productive day!

As of May 7, six people have become new members of LPC! Our membership drive will continue until the end of the month. Don't miss your chance to win one of two great prizes: a beautiful framed loon photo or a $25 gift card to The Common Man Restaurants paired with an LPC t-shirt. Again, if you are already a member of LPC, thank you very much for your support of the loons! Please consider forwarding this email to a friend, and LPC memberships make great gifts!
Our field season officially gets underway on May 18--we look forward to seeing our returning field biologists and meeting the new field staff. Make sure to say hello if you see them out on the lake!