Upcoming Events
November 20; 7 pm
November 29;
10 am - 2 pm
Holiday Cards
Here is one of the new holiday cards that just arrived in the store!
Inside message: May you have a happy holiday and a joyous new year!
(Available to purchase online after Nov. 1) |
Contact Us |
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
Happy Fall! The mercury dipped below freezing once this week which is a good reminder that it's time to winterize our boats. The Squam boat will be the last one, though, as Tiffany is working on a fall departure study, a project coordinated with our colleagues at Biodiversity Research Institute. She is also presenting at the North American Loon Symposium this weekend in Wisconsin.
In case you are wondering what the 2014 field staff has been doing since the field season ended, we have a few stories to share. Meg Harrington (Monadnock region) spent a few weeks as a naturalist on-board a windjammer off the coast of Maine, teaching people about loons, seabird conservation and other local wildlife. Tim Demers, our Seacoast field biologist, channeled into his artistic side and created a masterpiece from his kayak paddle that broke during his final trip to Massabesic Lake. (see before and after photos below).
In between her graduate studies at Plymouth State, Melissa Leszek, our Winnipesaukee field biologist, recently hiked 24 miles across the Presidential Range....in one day!
We were recently contacted about a possible dead loon on Silver Lake in Madison. At a quick glance, the long bill and grayish back resembled an immature loon, but the small size, thin neck and lobed toes helped us to identify it as a Red-necked Grebe. You never know what might turn up on the lakes during fall migration, so make sure to keep your eyes open. I know the picture below is sort-of depressing, but it presents a good teaching opportunity.
Photo courtesy of Terence Traut.
Some people may not be aware that adult loons molt into a winter plumage (also known as basic plumage) in the fall. At this time of year, the body feathers are replaced, followed by a complete flight feather molt while they are on the ocean during the winter months. Loons are actually flightless for a few weeks until all of their flight feathers have regrown, making them quite vulnerable. Although molting is physically demanding on all birds, it is a necessary process to replace old, worn feathers and it usually occurs at less stressful times in a loon's life cycle, such as after nesting.
This photo was taken towards the end of September on Pleasant Lake in New London. You can see the adult is starting to molt at the base of the bill. It's also shows the difference in eye color between adults and juveniles. Adult loons will retain their red eyes throughout the winter. Photo courtesy of Kittie Wilson.
This photo of an adult, taken in mid-October, shows the progression of fall molt. Pretty soon it will be hard to distinguish the adults from the juveniles. Photo courtesy of Kittie Wilson.
LPC's Holiday Open House is right around the corner. If you can't join us on November 29, make sure to stop by The Loon Center to take care of your holiday shopping needs. The Center is now open Thursday-Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm until mid-May. You can also visit our online store for a great selection of "loony" gifts!
One last piece of news--we recently confirmed that Willem Lange will be the guest speaker at our Annual Summer Luncheon next year! Please make sure to save the date: Sunday, June 28, 2015.
As always, we love to hear from you any time of the year. Feel free to send your favorite fall photos or post them on our Facebook page (you need an existing Facebook account to "like" our page).
All the best,
Loons Caught on Tape!
You may remember that we put out nest cameras this summer on Squam and other lakes to learn more about nest predation, nest attentiveness and the impact of human disturbance on nest failures. We are still in the process of analyzing the pictures, but I wanted to share a few to show you the interesting behavior we captured on tape.
In the photo above, you can see the loon pulling at the camo on the nest raft cover. Tiffany tells me that Squam loons "love" doing that. I would probably be pulling at it too if I had to sit there for 4-6 hours at a time!
We like to call this one the "googly-eyed" photo--proof that loons are always on-guard, even in the middle of the night.
This one is a nice close-up, probably taken just after the loon rotated the eggs and is settling back down. We will share any additional information as it is revealed, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this addition of "Loons Caught on Tape!"
Save the Date!
Come celebrate the holiday season at
The Loon Center's Annual
Holiday Open House
Saturday, November 29, 2014
10 am - 2 pm
183 Lee's Mill Road, Moultonborough
Admission is Free!
Join us for delicious local food and family fun
including a visit from Santa!
Special Holiday Sales in the Loon's Feather Gift Shop
10% Off Store-wide! (20% Off for New and Current Members)
For more information, contact The Loon Preservation Committee at (603) 476-LOON (5666)
All proceeds go directly towards protecting loons and their habitats in New Hampshire.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator Loon Preservation Committee |